道德强度,moral intensity
1)moral intensity道德强度
1.The present paper reported the results of a vignette-and questionnaire-based research project investigating the relationship between perceived moral intensity and moral decision making in business.本研究基于Jones(1991)的问题权变模型,采用情景研究法,考察主观道德强度的结构以及主观道德强度对企业道德决策的预测作用。
2.Our research takes idolatry as modulating variable to explore the relationship between moral intensity,perceived risk and music piracy intention.以偶像崇拜为调整变量,探讨其对道德强度、知觉风险与消费者下载非法在线音乐意图间之关系是否具有干扰影响。
3.The results showed that in the particular scenarios,the moral intensity of issues such as proximity and effect probability influenced the moral sensitivity of subjects in different degrees;the main effect of the issues\' moral framing was statistically significant in several scenarios.结果表明,接近性、后果可能性等问题的道德强度特征不同程度地影响特定情境条件下被试对无结构性问题的道德敏感;问题呈现的道德框架变量在部分场景中影响被试对无结构性问题的道德敏感;女性被试总体上表现出更高的情境性道德敏感水

1.The Role of Moral Intensity in Moral Decision-making in the Business Context;主观道德强度对企业道德决策的预测作用
2.emphasizing non-obligatory system arrangement for decease of moral risk;重视非强制性的制度安排 ,降低道德风险 ;
3.Strengthening Professional Ethics Education and Enhancing Accounting Faithfulness;浅议加强职业道德教育提高会计诚信度
4.Analysis of Strengthening Moral Regulation in Market Economy;浅析加强道德在市场经济运行中的调节力度
5.Thinking on Strengthening the construction of Credit Moral and of Finance Policy;强化信用道德建设与财务制度建设的思考
6.In the Construction of Ethics, We should StrengthenEducation on the Moral Norm of "Honesty and Trust;在道德建设中加强“诚信”道德规范教育
7.a woman of strong moral fibre道德观念强的女子.
8.people who are morally desensitized道德观念不强的人.
9.We should raise moral standards in academic fields.加强学术道德建设。
10.More emphasis was placed on ideological and moral development.思想道德建设继续加强。
11.Perhaps this is because Lao-tzu was a type of moral skeptic because he saw them as imposed on individuals from without rather than coming from their own inner nature.也许是因为老子对道德教育持怀疑态度,因为他认为道德是强加的,而不是发自内心的。
12.Abide by and promote compliance with the IIA Code of Ethics.遵守国际内部审计师协会的《职业道德规范》,并加强其遵循程度。
13.On Strengthening the Morality Building and System Regulation of Judicial Subjects: the Important Guarantee for Judicial Justice加强司法主体的道德建设与制度规约:实现司法公正的重要保障
14.Fred eked out a bare living by farming.弗雷德靠种田勉强度日。
15.Expanding Excellent Traditional Moral and Strengthening Construction of Moral Education in College;弘扬优秀传统道德 加强高校德育建设
16.Administer a Country by Benevolent Rule and Work for Moral Improvement in the Institutions of Higher Education;以德治国 加强高校思想道德建设
17.On Strengthening the Construction of "three Virtues" and Improving the Standards of Morals;加强“三德”建设 提升道德水准
18.The critique of P·Devlin s theory of the enforcement of morality;德富林的道德法律强制理论及其批判

perceived moral intensity主观道德强度
1.The present paper reported the results of a vignette-and questionnaire-based research project investigating the relationship between perceived moral intensity and moral decision making in business.本研究基于Jones(1991)的问题权变模型,采用情景研究法,考察主观道德强度的结构以及主观道德强度对企业道德决策的预测作用。
3)morals tutelage强道德修养
1.The main methods for party members to strengthen their morals tutelage lie in setting up the lofty communist ideal, studying hanrder to enrich oneself, engaging in introspection reconsiders oneself, consummating oneself unceasingly in reality.共产党员加强道德修养的主要方法在于树立崇高的共产主义理想,加强学习充实自己,以自省反思自己,在实践中不断完善自己。
4)Moral Limits道德限度
5)the low-quality ethics低度道德
1.Through the criticism of prior human rights protection,Milne takes the low-quality ethics as his theoretical debut,which facilitate the elimination of politics in the international protection of human rights.米尔恩人权哲学通过对先验人权观的批判,以低度道德作为其权利体系的理论起点,这有利于消除人权国际保护中的政治化趋向;低限人权概念是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论内核,它在人权国际立法中具有可操作性,使人权国际保护从理论必然性走向了现实可能性;普遍人权命题是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论诉求,普遍人权命题意味着人权主体的普遍性和人权标准的普遍性,并调和了不同人权价值的对立,从而为人权国际保护的对话提供了理论平台。
6)system morality制度道德
1.In the author s point of view,system morality is more emportant than that of individual s during the transfortant of economic system.作者认为 ,在我国经济体制转轨过程中 ,制度道德远比个人道德重要 ,并在疏解体制伦理概念的基础上 ,提出市场经济体制必然存在着相应的道德设定 ,同时初步地讨论了确立社会主义市场经济体制道德原则的基本条件 ,从而为新时期的道德建设探寻基本的路

表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting time b iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度