德性价值,value of virtue
1)value of virtue德性价值

1.Tracing the Source of Ethics: the Unity Between Noumenon of Metaphysics and the Value of Virtues“道德”溯源:形上本体与德性价值的统一
2.Reflections on the Ethical Virtue of Traditional Chinese Medical Ethics--On Strengthening Education of Traditional Chinese Medical Ethics论中国传统医德的德性价值——加强中国传统医德教育
3.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值
4.Conformity, Subjectivity and the Retification of the Values in Moral Education;规范性、主体性与德育价值观的辩正
5.The Development of Individual Moral Rationality in the Multiple-value Society;多元价值背景下个体道德理性的塑造
6.A Research on Mencius s Theory of Human Nature and Its Modern Value of Moral Education;孟子的性善论思想及其现代德育价值
7.Moral as One of Value-Ration Wisdoms of the Humanity;道德是人类具有的一种价值理性智慧
8.On human ontology,need,value and moral education;人的主体性、需要和价值意识与德育
9.The Tendency towards a Moral Dimension in Studies of Philosophical Axiology;论当代哲学价值论研究的德性化趋势
10.Harmonious society: the Unification of Personal Value and Ethics;和谐社会:个人价值与个人德性的统一
11.Value Shift of Modernity and Moral Dilemma of Modern People;现代性价值位移与现代人的道德困境
12.A Study of the Starting Point of Moral Education Value and Resource Difficulties;道德教育的价值始点及其资源性难题
13.The Value of Kant's Thought of the Method of Scheming a Pure Cognitional Concept康德“知性纯粹概念图型法”思想的价值
14.structure of moral value道德价值结构 道德价值结构
15.The Supremacy of Confucian Moral Values and Their Influence over Traditional Value Orientation;论儒家道德价值至上性及其对传统价值取向的影响
16.On the Change in the Direction of the Answer to the Question of Value Origin--A Probe into Hedegger s Axiology;论价值本源问题解答的方向性转变——海德格尔价值哲学思想初探
17.of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style.关于较高道德或智力价值的;本性或风格高尚的。
18.On Scott Fitzgerald s Feminist Value in The Great Gatsby;从《了不起的盖茨比》看菲茨杰拉德的女性价值观

the value of virtue德性的价值
3)the supremacy of moral value道德价值至上性
4)reason of moral value道德价值理性
5)value of cultivation德性修养价值
6)Sexual ethics orientation性道德价值取向

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分