人格研究,personality research
1)personality research人格研究
1.Currently, personality research of basic object has involved three aspects: the overall personality hypothesis, various personality paradigms and multifactors of personality units.人格研究包含人格研究的基本对象和基本途径这两个问题。
2.By personality research in the Chinese context, we mean the personality research which is based on the Chinese reality to objectively study personality psychology and behav- iour of the Chinese people in order to find out the personality characteristics and the patterns of the personality development of the Chinese people.人格研究中国化即人格研究必须从中国的实际出发,客观地研究中国人的人格心理与行为,以揭示中国人的人格特征和人格发展规律为己任。

1.Research on Cognitive-affective Personality System;人格研究的新动态:认知情感人格系统
2.Qu Yuan’s Personality in Classic Qu Yuan Studies:Review and Reflections;古典屈学中屈原人格研究与现代屈学人格理论
3.On the Integration and Divergence of Personality Research--The Introduction of Personality Units论人格研究之分歧和整合——人格单元论思想初探
4.A Study on Implicit Theories of Personality and Personality, Mental Health;内隐人格观与人格、心理健康的研究
5.The Development of Positive Psychology on the Research of Positive Personality;积极人格:人格心理学研究的新取向
6.Association maghrebine pour l'etude de la population马格里布人口研究协会
7.Research on Children s Personality Bisexuality Based on Jung Theory;基于荣格理论的儿童人格双性化研究
8.A Compared Research of Jung s Personality Psychology and the Theory of Consciousness-only School;荣格人格心理学与唯识学的比较研究
9.The Comparative Research between Humanstic Healthy Personality and Confucian Ideal Personality人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格的比较研究
10.A Comparative Study of Ideal Personality,Actual Personality and Objective Personality of Adolescents青少年现实人格、理想人格与客观人格的比较研究
11.Study of Personality Disorder and Personality Traits of Juvenile Male Criminals;青少年罪犯的人格障碍及人格特征研究
12.On the Thoughts of Gentleman Personality of the Analects of Confucius and the Moulding of Modern Administrative Personality《论语》君子人格思想与当代行政人格塑造研究
13.Correlation Research of Personality Disorders and Personality Characteristics in Prisoners罪犯人格障碍症状与人格特征的相关研究
14.Comparison of Personality Traits Between Graduates and Undergraduates;研究生与本科生的人格特质比较研究
15.The Research on the Fostering of Moral Personality of Present China Security Officers;当代中国警卫人员道德人格养成研究
16.Psychological Research in "Chinese Personality" and its Measurement;“中国人人格”的心理学研究及其测量
17.Studies of Personal Trait Applied to Human-computer Interaction;人格特质在人机界面交互研究之应用
18.Studies on the Lawsuit of Denial Regime of Corporate Personality;公司法人人格否认制度诉讼问题研究

Research on The Right of Corporation s Personalty法人人格权研究
3)researches on teachers personality教师人格研究
1.Based on the researches on teachers personality in the past two decades,we make a summation from four aspects: typical personality characteristics of excellent teachers,influential factors shaping and developing teachers personality,relationship between teachers personality and students development,and teachers personality .根据近二十年来我国教师人格研究的文献,从优秀教师的典型人格特征、影响教师人格形成和发展的因素、教师人格与学生发展的关系以及教师人格与自身心理健康四个方面进行了归纳和总结。
2.Based on the researches on teachers personality in the past two decades, the authors give an overview from five aspects: research methods, personality of excellent teachers, factors affecting teachers personality, relationship between teachers personality and student development, teachers personality and their mental health.笔者以近二十年来我国教师人格研究的文献为基础,对教师人格的研究方法、优秀教师的人格特征、影响教师人格的因素、教师人格与学生发展的关系、教师人格与教师心理健康五个方面进行了回顾,在反思教师人格研究现状的基础上,对教师人格的研究内容、研究方法和成果应用三个方面进行了展望。
4)A Study on the Competency of Witness证人资格研究
5)A Study on Creative Personality创造型人格研究
6)positive personality research积极人格研究

北平研究院史学研究会  中国现代历史学和考古学研究机构。北平研究院史学研究所的前身。1929年11月该会在北平成立时,即设有考古组,主任是徐炳昶(旭生)。1934年正式设立史学组,顾颉刚为主任。    史学研究会从事田野考古的人员,除徐炳昶外,先后有常惠、何士骥、苏秉琦、白万玉、孙文青等。工作项目主要有:1930年春与北京大学考古学会、古物保管委员会合作,对燕下都遗址的发掘;1933~1935年,对关中地区史前和周秦时期遗址的调查,以及在宝鸡发掘斗鸡台周墓,在西安发掘唐中书省遗址(获宋吕大防刻唐大明、兴庆两宫图残石)。另外,还曾对河北邯郸附近的响堂山石窟作过详细的勘察。这些考古工作的成果,已经出版的有苏秉琦著《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬》和《斗鸡台沟东区墓葬图说》,何士骥著《石刻唐太极宫暨府寺坊市残图大明宫残图兴庆宫图之研究》(1935),何士骥、刘厚滋合编《南北响堂及其附近石刻目录》(1936)。    1936年在研究会的基础上建立史学研究所,由徐炳昶任所长。抗日战争期间,所址迁往昆明,后仍迁回北平。新中国成立后,于1949年11月由中国科学院接收。