公民道德建设,Citizen's moral construction
1)Citizen's moral construction公民道德建设

1.Public and Private Morality in the Area of Present Civil Morality Construction;论公民道德建设视域中的公德与私德
2.Social Ethics: the Core of the Construction of Social Mondi ty;社会公德:公民道德建设的重要“着力点”
3.Implementing to Govern with Morality and Enhancing Civism Construction;贯彻落实以德治国 加强公民道德建设
4.A comparative study of ethical construction between Chinese and Westerners;中西方公民道德建设横向比较——《公民道德建设实施纲要》现实性认识
5.On Morality"Landslip"and Morality Building;道德“滑坡”与道德建设——学习《公民道德建设实施纲要》
6.The important role of teacher s virtue construction in Chinese citizen moral construction;师德建设在公民道德建设中的重要作用
7.The Establishment of Harmonious Society and Reinforcing the Construction of Citizen s Morality;论构建和谐社会与加强公民道德建设
8.Research on Harmonious Development Path of Religious Morality and Civil Moral Construction;宗教道德与公民道德建设和谐发展路径研究
10.Civil Morality Construction and Criticism and Inheritance of Confucian Tradition of Morality我国公民道德建设与儒家传统道德的批判继承
11.On Confucian Moral Education Thought and Contemporary Civic Moral Construction孔子道德教育思想与当代公民道德建设
12.Our democratic$ rule- by- law society directly depends on the intrinsic value of civil virtue that constitutes the core of our social morality construction.我国的民主法治社会最直接的价值依托是公民道德,公民道德建设是我国社会道德建设的核心。
13.We must carry out the Program for Improving Civic Morality.认真贯彻公民道德建设实施纲要.
14.Self-discipline & Heteronomy-Practice of Rationality in Moral Building;自律与他律:公民道德建设的实践品性
15.Brief Analysis in the Harmonious Society the Citizen Moral Reconstruction Key Point;简析和谐社会中公民道德建设的重点
16.Chinese Traditional Ethics and the Construction of Civic Virtue in the New Period;中国传统伦理与新时期公民道德建设
17.The Concept of "Eight Dos and Don ts" Is a Ideological Weapen for Improving Civic Morality;“八荣八耻”:公民道德建设的切入点
18.Trial Remark on the Construction of Citizen Morality Under the Harmonious Social Field of Vision;试论和谐社会视域下的公民道德建设

citizens moral construction公民道德建设
1.The social purpose of citizens moral construction is the civilization of social harmony; the main purpose is to cultivate moral qualities of our citizens.公民道德建设的社会性目的就是社会的和谐文明;主体性目的就是培养具有一定道德素养的公民;二者的统一即培养全面自由发展的公民。
2.During the process of citizens moral construction,the function of administration can s be ignored.在公民道德建设的过程中,管理的作用不容忽视。
3)moral construction of citizens公民道德建设
1.The author expounds and proves that the moral construction of citizens should be based on people and explains its rationalization from the following aspects: the moral and cultural development tendency of human being, special nature of morality, gain and loss of moral construction.从人类社会道德文化发展趋势、道德的特殊本质及道德建设的得失等方面论证了公民道德建设要以人为本,阐释了以人为本的合理性。
4)Civil moral construction公民道德建设
1.Legal support is important for civil moral construction to carry on efficiently, since law ta.公民道德建设是一项复杂的社会系统工程,既要靠社会的持续倡导和个体的能动自觉,也要靠法律支持、政策导向和制度保障。
2.One of the most important thoughts of society and education reform in the 20th century is lifelong learning theory, which drops mangy hints to civil moral construction being undertaken presently in China.“终身学习”理论是当今一种重要的社会和教育改革思潮 ,它对当前正在进行的公民道德建设有重要的启示 ,即 :人人是公民道德建设之人 ;时时是公民道德建设之时 ;处处是公民道德建设
5)civic virtue construction公民道德建设
1.Civic Virtue Construction Implementation Program"-Inheritance and Transcend of Confucianism;《公民道德建设实施纲要》对儒家哲学的继承与超越
2.The existence of family violence severely affects the normal family relations and the stability of social life, violates the requirement on civic virtue construction and on the establishment of civilization.家庭暴力的存在严重影响家庭关系的正常发展和社会生活的稳定 ,与公民道德建设和文明创建的要求相违背。
6)minor citizens' ethical development未成年公民道德建设
1.This mechanism has important implications for minor citizens′ ethical development.道德养成与道德内化关系及作用机制的原理对我国未成年公民道德建设的启示在于:应以内化为目的,重在从基本道德养成抓起;认真研究和遵循道德养成和道德内化的规律,依照二者的相互作用机制等整体推进未成年公民道德品质的建构和良好道德人格的完善;根据道德内化和道德养成的群体差异,有侧重地做好青少年公民道德素质的培育工作。
