天志,heaven's will
1)heaven's will天志
3)Astronomical Treatise天文志

1.Corrigenda to Zhonghua Book Bureau s Revised Edition of The Astronomy Part of the Records of Jin Dynasty;中华书局校点本《晋书·天文志》正误
2.Corrections on Astronomical Treatise of SuiShu;《隋书·天文志·五代灾变应》勘误
3.Corrigenda to the Proof Edition by Chinese Publishing House of the Astronomy Part in the Records of Song Dynasty;中华书局校点本《宋书·天文志》正误
4.The production of one version of Tang Shu Tian Wen Zhi;所见残本《唐书·天文志》一种版刻年代叙录
5.Survey of Tianjin Literature and Art and the Celebrities in Tianjin Cultural Circles《天津艺文志》与天津历史文化名人——写在《天津艺文志》编后
6.On Cultural Values of the English Magazine"T ien Hsia Monthly";试论英文杂志《天下月刊》的文化价值
7.The Chinese original, of which this is an abridgement, was published in Common Wealth Monthly. Translated by Allen Zhuang)原文摘录自台湾《天下》杂志月刊。
8.I want to be a volunteer like that some day.译文:有一天,我想成为一名志愿者。
9.The Rise of Literature in the New Period;新时期文学的发生——以《今天》杂志为中心
10.Then one day I read an article about acid rain in a magazine.后来有一天我从杂志上看到有关酸雨的文章。
11.This article will be published in the national press tomorrow.这篇文章明天就会被刊登在全国的报章杂志上。
12.The Cultural Connotation of the Sutra and Tao of the Motif of the Ghost Book and Holy Water in The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms《三国志通俗演义》天书、符水母题的佛道文化内蕴
13.An Unswerving Exploration:A Comparison between Kang Tiangang and Tang Sanzang in Their National Cultural Spirit;矢志求索:康天刚与唐三藏民族文化精神之比较
14.At some time during the day, in the street, a man will touch you on the arm and say "I think you have dropped your brief-case."那天路上有人会拍拍你的肩膀说,‘同志,你把公文包丢了’。
15.Leon Stuart reported what he saw to the publication The Strolling Astronomer.利昂?斯图亚特向《漫步着的天文学家》杂志报告了他所看到的现象。
16.Lulin = 2006 EM67 Discovered 2006 Mar. 7 by H.-C. Lin and Q.-z. Ye at Lulin Observatory.2006年3月7日由林宏钦与叶泉志于鹿林天文台发现。
17.Discovered 2006 Apr. 1 by T.-C. Yang and Q.-z. Ye at Lulin Observatory.2006年4月1日由杨庭彰与叶泉志于鹿林天文台发现。
18.Deeply Comprehending the Essence of Reflections on Energy Issues in China by JIANG Ze-min,and Accelerating the Development of Petroleum Industry in China;深刻领会江泽民同志文章精神 加快石油天然气工业发展

3)Astronomical Treatise天文志
4)Dian Zhi in Tian Qi Times天启《滇志》
1.Compare Yunnan Tu Jing Zhi in Jingtai Times with Dian Zhi in Tian Qi Times of Ming Dynasty;景泰《云南图经志书》与天启《滇志》之比较
5)Commonwealth Magazine天下杂志
6)Autumn Journal《秋天日志》
1.Autumn Journal, written in 1939, records his experience in the autumn of 1938.他的长诗《秋天日志》自1939年出版以来,无论在国内还是国外,都未得到应有的关注。

天志  中国战国初期墨子的天道观。《墨子·天志》上、中、下三篇阐明了这一观点。墨子认为天有意志,它是人类社会的最高主宰,能赏善罚恶。"顺天意者,兼相爱,交相利,必得赏;反天意者,别相恶,交相贼,必得罚"(《天志上》)。墨子讲的"天志",与统治者宣扬的天命迷信有所不同。他以"天志"作"规矩",以量度天下王公大人及卿大夫之仁与不仁。墨子想借助这个幻想的最高主宰力量,警戒统治者要行善除恶,以实现"有力相营,有道相教,有财相分"的社会理想。"天志"论是中国传统的有神论的一种表现形式,这种观点后来为封建统治者所利用,在历史上产生了消极影响。