契约意识,contract consciousness
1)contract consciousness契约意识
1.Talking about the cultivation of middle school students contract consciousness;论中学生契约意识的培养
2.This article from four angles the maintain power consciousness,contract consciousness,citizen.从维权意识、契约意识、公民意识和对违法行为性质的认识四个角度对大学生的择业法律意识进行分析。

1.Russia s Sense of Contract & Its Impact on Education;俄罗斯的契约意识及其对教育的影响
2.Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约
3.Contractus consensu合意契约,诺成契约
4.Ideological Basis of Constitutionality: Spirits of Contract and Constitutionalism法治的意识基础:契约精神与宪政精神
5.The Civic Consciousness under Socialist Contract Ethics Field of Vision;社会主义契约伦理视野下的公民意识
6.Interpreting the Consciousness of Public Servants from Socialist Contract Ethics;社会主义契约伦理对公仆意识的解读
7.From Status to Contract:On Transition of Legal Ideology to Reform State-owned Enterprises;从身份到契约——论国企改革法治意识的转变
8.Try to Discuss the Taxpayer Consciousness of the Socialist Contract Ethics and Cultivate试论社会主义契约伦理的纳税人意识及其培养
9.Research on Job Satisfaction of Knowledge-based Employee Based on Psychological Contract Theory心理契约对知识型员工工作满意度的影响研究
10.An Empirical Study of the Impact of Psychological Contract on Knowledge Workers Turnover Intention in Star-Rated Hotels;心理契约对星级饭店知识型员工离职意图影响的实证研究
11.An Empirical Study of the Impact of Psychological Contract Violation on Knowledge Workers Intention to Leave in Hotel;饭店知识型员工的心理契约违背对其离职意图影响的实证研究
12.Psychological Contracts,Business Ideology and Constructing Encouragement Mechanism in an Enterprise;论心理契约、企业意识形态与企业激励机制构建的新思考
13.Incentive Mechanism Based on Psychological Contract for the Intellectual Employees in Hi-tech Companies;知识型员工心理契约结构和激励机制
14.Hidden Rules-Explorations of Psychological Contract in Knowledge Team;潜规则——知识团队中的心理契约探析
15.Property Right, Agreement and Auditing--The Recognition of Nature of Audit;产权、契约与审计——对审计本质的再认识
16.Research on the Inspiration of Knowledge Worker Basing on Psychological Contract基于心理契约的知识型员工激励研究
17.Research on Enterprise Knowledge Workers' Dimission Based on Psychological Contract基于心理契约的知识型员工离职研究
18.An Analysis of the Cause of Knowledge Staff s Turnover Intention in Hotels--An Empirical Study Based on the Perspective of Staff s Psychological Contract;饭店知识型员工离职意图的成因分析——基于员工心理契约视角的实证研究

consensus contract合意契约
3)contract significance契约意义
4)Contractus consensu合意契约,诺成契约
5)Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约
6)Saving consciousness节约意识

保险契约保险契约 【保险契约】见“保险合同”。