心性论,Temperament theory
1)Temperament theory心性论
1.“Temperament theory” is a kind of product of Platonic thinking, which is an ontology built on the foundation of the traditional West logical thinking (formal logic, dialectical logic).“心性论”是一种柏拉图式思维的产物,是建立在西方传统的逻辑思维(形式逻辑、辩证逻辑)基础上的本体论,因此“心性论”不可避免地染有西方传统思维的弊病;“空观”是建立在“非逻辑思维”“模糊逻辑”“悟性思维”“不二思维”基础上的本体论,加之“空”为“非存在”,因此它应是一种“非本体的本体”,“空观”是一种“非本体的本体”论,相应地,禅宗美学的本体论也应是“空观”的本体论。

1.Motionless Objects in the Sense of Philosophy of Mind;心性论意义上的“物不迁”——兼谈所谓“心性论
2.The Mind Includes All Dharmas and Every Dharma Reflects the Mind a Study of Yongming Yanshou's Mind-nature Theory一心万法,万法一心:永明延寿的心性论研究
3.On "KU Based on Benefit" in Mencius;论“故者以利为本”——以孟子心性论为参照
4.A Brief Analysis on Tian-ming View and Xin-xing View in Xingzimingchu;郭店楚简《性自命出》的天命观与心性论
5.On the Meanings of "Modularity of Mind" Research for Theoretical Psychology;论“心理模块性”研究的理论心理学意义
6.Personality and Social Psychology Review个性与社会心理学评论
7.On the Word "Heart" in Chu Kingdom and the Study of Heart论战国楚简从“心”之字与心性之学
8.Study on Li Zhi s Literary Theory;真心  真性  真文——论李贽之“真”的心学渊源及文论
9.The validity is a central concept of theory of argument or reasoning.有效性是论证或推理理论的核心概念。
10.On the Theoretical Default of the Article "Style Determined by One s Nature" in The Literature Mind and the Carving of Dragon;论《文心雕龙·体性》篇的“理论缺省”
11.An Analysis of the Aesthetic Psychological System of Jin Sheng-tan’s Creation of the Personalities;论金圣叹人物性格论的审美心理机制
12.The Historical Inevitability of the Rejuvenation of Western Theoretical Psychology;论西方理论心理学复兴的历史必然性
13.Event-group Psychological Theory of the Team Sport Events with Antagonism and Same Court;集体性同场对抗性项目项群心理理论
14.On Functionality and Psychology of Yang Longyou in The Peach Blossom Fan;论《桃花扇》杨龙友的功能性和心理性
15.Anomalous Monism and Supervenience Thesis:Davidson on Relation between the Mental and the Physical无律则一元论与随附性论题——戴维森论心物关系
16.Zhu Xi s Theory of “Mind” (xin) and Its Significance for the Creative Reconstruction of the Theory of Human Nature (qing) in Pre-Qin Confucianism;朱子心论及其对先秦儒学性情论的创造性重建
17.Theory of concentrating on human nature--The core of Jin Shengtan s theory of personality;至情至性之论——真:金圣叹人物性格论的核心
18.On the Modularity of Cognitive"Central System"--Beyond the Paradox in J.Fodor s "Modularity of Mind;论认知“中心系统”的模块性——消除J.福多“心理模块性”悖论的一个尝试

mind-nature theory心性论
1.This paper elaborates Yanshou\'s mind-nature theory from various angles according Xin Fu Zhu.永明延寿的《心赋注》是正面阐释其心性论体系的重要著作。
2.And he deeply discussed on"the relation between Tao and person\'s ,whether to obtain Tao, how to obtain Tao" as the primary coverage "Dioxinlun", and then established "Mind-Nature Theory" taking cultivating the mind as the main method , thus has formed Taoism philosophic thinking system which is more complete with its characters.并进一步讨论了以"道与人的关系、能否得道、如何得道"为主要内容的"道性论",随之建立起一套以修心为主要修行方法的"心性论",从而形成了其较为完整又独具特色的道教哲学思想体系。
3)Disposition theory心性论
1.Finally integrated it in his Taoism philosophic thinking , looks like "Tao theory","Disposition theory", "Taoism practices theory" as well as "Rules a nation and governs oneself theory" and so on .杜光庭深受庄子思想的启发与影响,广泛地继承了庄子学说,并将其融入他的道论、心性论、修道论以及经国理身论等道教哲学思想之中。
4)"Xin Xing theory""心性论"思想
1.Tries to discuss the Confucianist "Xin Xing theory" thought formation and development;儒家“心性论”思想的形成和发展
5)temperament ontology心性本体论
1.Compares the main point of his philosophy ideology to the character of the Confucianism theory,and analyzes the meanings an influence of his temperament ontology.针对学术界对周敦颐评价的几个问题,审视周敦颐之前的儒家心性论是否有本体论的根基,对其哲学思想的主旨并与儒家的理论特点进行对比,进而分析周敦颐心性本体论思想的意义和作用。
6)male-centered ideology男性中心论

法心性才(1150~1250年,日本)【法心性才(1150~1250年,日本)】  性才和尚,俗名平四郎,曾任真壁郡守。三十余岁愤然出家,不解文字,只要明大事。探闻宋朝(中国)禅宗兴盛,即搭商船到临安府(中国浙江省临安市)。参于径山无准,苦修九年,嗣其法。回国后。创建奥州松岛圆福寺。示寂前七日,告知侍者,至期无病坐禅床。侍者乞遗偈,即唱曰:‘来时明明,去时明明。是个何物!’侍者云:‘尚缺一句。’应声一唱而逝。  (曾普信 著)(根据网上资料编辑)