智性直观,Intellectual Intuition
1)Intellectual Intuition智性直观

1.Examples of Mou Zongsan s Misinterpretation of Kant (Second Part)--On "intellectual intuition";牟宗三对康德之误读举要——关于智性直观(下)
2.Does Mou Zongsan really Misunderstand Kant s Ideology?--An Discussion with Mr.Deng Xiaomang about Intellectual Intuition;牟宗三真的“误读”康德了吗?——就“智性直观”与邓晓芒老师商榷
3.Study of Control Methods for Permanent Magnet Linear Motor Using Nonlinear Intelligent Observer基于非线性智能观测器的永磁直线电机控制方法研究
4.The immediacy of live television coverage.电视现场直播的直观性
5.Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom and Rational Intuition──On Feng Qi Theory of Wisdom;转识成智与理性直觉——冯契智慧学说述评
6.Function of Visual Teaching in Language Teaching for Mentally Handicapped Students;浅谈直观教学在弱智学生语文教学中的功能
7.How Wisdom Is Possible-On Feng Qi and Mou Zong-san s "Intellectual Intuition";智慧如何可能?——冯契“理性直觉”初探兼论牟宗三“智的直觉”
8.Basis of Teachers Professional Development:Practical Wisdom;直面教师专业成长的基础:实践性智慧
9.How Wisdom Is Possible--On Feng Qi s "Intellectual Intuition";智慧何以可能——冯契“理性直觉”初论
10.As a result of sanyama comes the shining forth of the light.依此体性而观见到智性之光明照。
11.Property Characterization and Meso-mechanical Analysis of Smart Structures with Damages;含损伤智能结构的性能表征与细观分析
12.Jane Austen s Attitude towards Women s Position--in Sense and Sensibility;简·奥斯丁的女性地位观——浅析《理智与情感》
13.Clinical study on 51 patients with vascular dementia treated with Yizhicongming decoction益智聪明方治疗血管性痴呆51例临床观察
14.Effect of Tianzhi granule in the treatment of older patients with mild or moderate vascular dementia天智颗粒治疗轻中度血管性痴呆疗效观察
15.Clinical observations on the Efficacy of Scalp Acupuncture Treatment for Vascular Dementia Due to Cerebral Infarction by Means of Intelligence Scales头针对血管性痴呆患者智能量表的临床观察
16.Sensation and Being Within the Horizons of Intuition of Essence--An Analysis of Husserl s Thinking of Intuition;本质直观视域中的感性与存在——胡塞尔的“直观”理论初论
17.Intelligence Quotient and Affecting Factors of Children with Familial Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure in A Mountain Area of South of Anhui Province皖南山区家族性全面性强直-阵挛性发作患儿智商及影响因素
18.An object independent of intellectual intuition of it or of sensuous perception of it.不凭感官而藉纯粹理性的直观作用

On Kant's "Intellectual Intuition"浅议"智性直观"
3)Intellectual insight智的直观
4)intellectual intuition理智的直观
5)Taoism Esthetics智性直觉
6)perceptual intuition感性直观
1.There are many relations between perceptual intuition and practice, but there are more essential differences between them.感性直观与实践之间有联系,但更有本质区别。
2.Marx regards Feuerbach\'s materialism as non-practice,which is the inner logic for perceptual activities surpassing perceptual intuition.而事实上,费尔巴哈的直观唯物主义并非缺乏辩证法;马克思把费尔巴哈的"直观性"理解为"非实践性",这是感性活动超越感性直观的内在逻辑;感性活动对感性直观的超越,是马克思创立新唯物主义的关键。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-