思想特色,ideological feature
1)ideological feature思想特色
1.SUGAHARA MICHIZANE s creation of Chinese poems has distinctively ideological features.菅原道真的汉诗创作有着鲜明的思想特色,他不仅以犀利的诗笔,奋不顾身地向蝇营狗苟的世俗小人展开讨伐,而且敢于越过他所隶属的那个阶层所人为设置的创作禁区,为生活在水深火热中的劳苦大众传写心声。

1.Liang Qi-chao s Study of Zhuang Zi Philosophy in His Late Years;梁启超晚年《庄子》研究的思想特色
2.Features of the Thoughts about Honesty in Great Learning and the Historic Reason for Their Formation;《大学》诚信思想特色及其历史成因
3.An analysis of Records of Lu Ban;论《鲁班经》——兼谈我国古代工艺思想特色
4.On the Marxist Characteristics of Bakhtin s Literary and Artistic Ideology;论巴赫金文艺思想的马克思主义特色
5.On the Theme and Art of Daisy Miller论《黛西·米勒》的思想内涵与艺术特色
6.On the characteristic and influence in the thought of Buddhism of the Surangama-samadhi-sutra论《楞严经》佛学思想的特色及其影响
7.Commentary on the Operation and Management Ideas and Characteristic of Fan Xu-dong s Enterprises;范旭东企业经营管理思想及特色述论
8.The Ideology and Literary Characteristics of "Baopuzi Chapter Inside";《抱朴子内篇》的思想体系与文学特色
9.The Creative Feature of Three Integration Vocality Teaching Methodolgy;试论“三结合”声乐教学思想的创新特色
10.Features of Using the Past to Bring Forth the New in Philosophy Area from Mao Zedong;论毛泽东哲学思想中的借古开新特色
11.On ideological content and artistic characteristics of poems written by Li Mengyang;论李梦阳诗歌的思想内容与艺术特色
12.Tries to Discuss the Lin Zexu Patriotism Thought the Time Characteristic;试论林则徐爱国主义思想的时代特色
13.Discussing the Theory Characteristics of DengXiaoping s Economy Development;试论邓小平经济发展思想的理论特色
14.On the Ideology and Artistic Features of Liu Yazi’s Poems;论柳亚子诗歌的思想内容及艺术特色
15.On the Theoretical Features of Deng Xiaoping s Harmonious Society Thoughts;试论邓小平和谐社会思想的理论特色
16.Thoughts and Artistic Style of Li Shangyin s love Poems;浅论李商隐爱情诗的思想和艺术特色
17.Theoretical Features of the “Three Represents” Thought;试论“三个代表”重要思想的理论特色
18.Ideas on editing and characteristics of the journals of local universities;地方高校学报的编辑思想与刊物特色

thinking and features思想与特色
3)ideological and political education characteristic思想政治课特色
4)characteristics of thought and art思想艺术特色
5)features of the thoughts about honesty诚信思想特色
6)multi-polar thought specialized in China中国特色的多极化思想

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j