勤俭,hardworking and thrifty
1)hardworking and thrifty勤俭
1.Filialpiety and fraternal duty is the magic weapon that a family lives in harmony; hardworking and thrifty is the foundation for family being powerful; modesty and gentleness is the key point of social intercourse; being content with one s lot is the skill of self - insurance.孝悌乃家和之方,勤俭乃兴家之本,谦敬乃交接之要,知足乃自保之术这四个方面是曾国藩家训伦理思想的主要内容。

1.We must encourage diligence and thrift in running the household, running the co-operative and building the country.要提倡勤俭持家,勤俭办社,勤俭建国。
2.Diligence and thrift made him a possessor of warm fortunes.勤俭使他成为富翁。
3.We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily.我们要勤俭办一切事业。
4.Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on.办任何事情都要勤俭
5.(Note to "Run the Co-operative with Diligence and Thrift")(《勤俭办社》一文按语)
6.We should be diligent and thrifty in running our households and should make long-term plans.要勤俭持家,作长远打算。
7.a thrifty housewife一个勤俭持家的主妇
8.We must build up our country through diligence and frugality.我们必须勤俭建国。
9.Hard work, plain living and building up the country through thrift艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国
10.He directed us practise frugality in running the school.他指示我们勤俭办学。
11.We should stress the need both to build up the country through thrift and hard work and to be industrious and thrifty in managing a household. It is not right just to stress one of the two.勤俭建国、勤俭持家一定要联起来,只提一个不够。
12.In the countryside diligence and thrift should be encouraged in running the household as well as in running the co-operative, and love of the country and the co-operative as well as love of the family.农村中,勤俭持家应当和勤俭办社并提,爱国、爱社应当和爱家并提。
13.It is a long-term task to advocate building up the country through thrift and hard work and being industrious and thrifty in managing our households.勤俭建国、勤俭持家应经常提倡,是长期要做的工作。
14.First, we must widely publicize the principles of working diligently, building the country and doing everything diligently and frugally.一要大张旗鼓地倡导艰苦创业、勤俭建国、勤俭办一切事业。
15.There is the need to energetically encourage the practice of building up the country and going in for all undertakings through thrift and hard work.朱镕基提出,要大张旗鼓地倡导艰苦创业、勤俭建国、勤俭办一切事业。
16.We must not equate thrift with stinginess.我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。
17.His success was due to his industry and thrift.他取得成功是由于他的勤俭
18.2) We will keep frugality in mind in the development of the venues.第二,坚持勤俭节约,力戒奢华浪费。

work-study program勤工俭学
1.Discussion on strengthening scientific management of work-study program in colleges and universities;对大学生勤工俭学科学管理的思考
2.On the Change of XU Te-li Education Thinking after the Work-study Program in France;浅析徐特立留法勤工俭学后教育思想的变化
3.This paper,by means of the analytic hierarchy process,attemps to give a synthetic decision-making orderly method to college students choices on work-study program.文章利用层次分析法 (AnalyticHierarchyProcess),对大学生勤工俭学内容的选择,给出了一个综合决策的排序方
3)work-study programme勤工俭学
1.This paper expounds the significance and functions of the work-study programme in university library,and analyzes on how to manage the work-study programme in university library.阐述了高校图书馆大学生勤工俭学的意义和作用,分析了如何对高校图书馆大学生勤工俭学实施管理。
2.This paper expounds the significance of developing the work-study programme for university students by university library,analyzes on the present situation of and problems existing in the work-study programme for university students,and advances some countermeasures for strengthening the management of the work-study programme for university students.论述了高校图书馆开展大学生勤工俭学的意义,分析了大学生在图书馆勤工俭学的现状和存在的问题,提出了加强对大学生勤工俭学管理的对策。
4)Frugality and industry节俭勤奋
1.College students work-study be protected by labor law;高校学生勤工俭学应受劳动法保护
2.The work-study-in-France was a great study abroad movement,which sought the truth of saving the nation and brought in the western of scientific and culture knowledge by Chinese youth.留法勤工俭学运动是中国青年为寻求救国真理,输入西方先进科学文化而开展的一场声势浩大的留学运动。
6)concept of industry and thrift勤俭观
1.Although concept of industry and thrift is paid enough attention to,problems,such as advocating oneself,indolence,peacockery,pleasure-seeking,lack of assiduity,enterprising spirit and austerity still exist.勤俭观是社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容,是大学生成才成功的内在品质。
