道德范畴,moral category
1)moral category道德范畴
1.“Good faith" belongs to not only the moral category, but also a legal notion, and it is important for constructing a harmonious campus.诚信既是一个道德范畴,又是一个法律范畴,诚信建设是大学和谐校园建设的重要方面。

1.A discuss about the establishment of five kinds of Proper Conduct as moral norms;论作为伦理道德范畴“五常”的形成
2.Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.非道德范畴的不承认道德差异或判断的;既非道德的也非不道德的
3.On the Moral Principle and the Key Category of the Behavior of the Governmental System;论政府制度行为的道德原则及其核心范畴
4.Though they respectively bear their own special stipulation, they are dialectically unified in nature.道德权利与道德义务是伦理学中两个重要的范畴。
5.Comparison Between the Category of the Chinese Traditional "Tao" and That of the Western "Science;中国传统的“道”范畴与西方“科学”范畴之比较
6.The Way,Law of Nature,and the Vehicle of the Confucian Ideas;道、原道、载道——“道”范畴美学释义
7.Basic Category of Tao Te Ching and the Study of Chinas Traditional Cultural Value Orientation──From the Sentence Periodicals of the First Chapter of Tao Te Ching;《道德经》基本范畴与中国传统文化价值取向研究——从《道德经》第一章断句谈起
8.The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。
9.Transcending the Aristotelian categories.超越阿里士多德的范畴的
10.Bridge in between Category and Phenomenon--Analyses on Kant s Schema;范畴与现象的桥梁——康德的图式论述析
11.Philosophical Significance of Aristotle s Conception of Ousia;亚里士多德“ousia"范畴的哲学意义
12.Criticisms of the Theory of Scale and Category Grammar;对韩礼德“阶和范畴语法”理论的批评
13.Review of the Theory of Scale and Category Grammar;对韩礼德“阶和范畴语法”理论的回顾
14.Time,Space and A Priori Categories--Some Amendments to Kant's System of A Priori Categories时间、空间与先验范畴——对康德先验范畴体系的修正
15.Heidegger s Existentialistic Interpretation of the Category Philosophy of Kant;海德格尔对康德范畴思想的存在论解读
16.We can square it only by knowing its exact shape and movement.要符合就得知道它的具体范畴和动向。
17.The Relation between Corresponding Categories about Believing and Knowing;论相信与知道等相关系列范畴的关系
18.Grade Connotation of Dao Chinese Classic Aesthetics;试论中国古典美学范畴“道”的内涵层次

moral category and nonmoral category道德范畴与非道德范畴
3)Moral concern category道德关怀范畴
4)the category of moral education德育范畴
5)Kant`s category康德范畴
6)Discussion on the Category of Moral Emotion试论道德情感范畴

性道德范畴性道德范畴  指研究和阐明与人类性行为紧密联系的范畴,包括爱情观、贞操观与生育观。爱情观要求对等性、专一性和持久性。贞操观是对男女双方共同的要求,提倡两性关系的严肃性和对爱情的忠贞不二。所谓生育观是指把生育的意愿同对社会和后代的责任统一起来。实行计划生育、优生优育、晚婚晚育就是生育道德的行为规范。在性道德关系方面,婚前性行为与婚外性关系都是有害的,不能为社会所接受的。