受害者意识,victim sense
1)victim sense受害者意识

1.Some practical jokes are kept up the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is.有些恶作剧会持续一整天,直到受害者意识到那天是什么日子为止。
2.Some practical jokes are kept the whole day before the victim realizes what day it is.(有些恶作剧会持续一整天,直到受害者意识到那天是什么日子为止。
3.The fainting victim came to.昏倒的受害者恢复了意识
4.He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder victim.他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。
5.clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury.意在保护穿着者免受伤害的衣服。
6.That risk aversion may find surprising victims.这种风险回避会发现意外的受害者。
7.Several Issues in the Protection of Women Victims保护女性性受害者应注意的几个问题
8.As the victim continues to lose control of his bodily functions, he will involuntarily vomit, defecate and urinate.随着受害者继续丧失对其身体功能的控制,会无意识地呕吐、通便及排尿。
9.The victim is usually in a high state of enjoyment so that he does not realize how much food he actually has put into his mouth.受害者经常处于一种高度欢乐状态,以至于未意识到实际放入口内有多少食物。
10.We can realize gratefully that few of us will suffer because of such disaster.我们能够意识到,只有我们中的极少数可能受到地震灾害的伤害。
11.Ask her what happened and listen sympathetically and attentively.问受害者所发生的事,并同情地及注意地听。
12.Confession of a victim──modern interpretation of the tragic meaning of "The Book of Songs,Songs of Wei,Meng;受害者的“供牒”——《诗经·卫风·氓》悲剧意蕴的现代阐释
13.Statistics show that most sex crimes are committed by people the victim knows.统计数据表示,大部分性犯罪的施暴者都是受害者认识的人。
14.deliberately causing harm or damage.故意导致伤害或者损害。
15.If the beneficiary has intentionally caused the death or disability of the insured, or attempted to cause the death of the insured or the beneficiary shall lose his/ her right to claim the insurance benefits.受益人故意造成被保险人死亡或者伤残的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,丧失受益权。
16.Recommendation on Assistance to Victims and the Prevention of Victimization关于援助受害者和防止受害的建议
17.innocent victim ... should not be left to bear loss or injury不应由无辜的受害者承受损失或损害
18.Scientific Idolsm and Rational Sceoticism --A Primary Approach to the Thinking Original of Heresy s Intellectual Victims;科学崇拜和合理性怀疑——高知识人群邪教受害者思想根源初探

responsibility sense施害者意识
3)victim of traffic accidents交通意外受害者
4)victims of business depression生意萧条的受害者
5)double-reader-accepted consciousness双重读者接受意识
1.Most of the victims are women.家庭暴力已成为美国一大社会问题,受害者以女性居多。

劳动者集体意识劳动者集体意识collective consciousness of workers  劳动者集体意识(eolleetive eonseious-ness of Workers)劳动者对劳动集体、集体目标和所属成员的认识与情感,以及实现集体目标的信念与意志等。劳动者的集体意识,既是劳动者参加劳动集体的动机,又是劳动者积极从事集体活动、提高劳动绩效的动力。具有强烈集体意识,就会对劳动集体所承担的社会责任和集体所要达到的目标有深刻的理解和认识,并以集体-的存在和集体目标的实现为荣。一个劳动集体的凝聚力和士气,不仅在于通过组织协调把劳动者联合起来,还在于用集体意识这种社会心理,把劳动者团结起来,使劳动集体成为有效团体。劳动者的集体意识是在生产实践中培养起来的:第一是使每个劳动者都深刻地认识到劳动集体与个人在利益上的一致性:第二是提高劳动者对集体所承担的社会职责及自身所从事的职业的社会价值的认识:第三是强化交往、沟通,培养团结友爱精神和集体情感:最后,要注意培养劳动者的事业心和荣誉感。 (张燕逸撰张交审)