仁爱伦理,kindheartedness ethic
1)kindheartedness ethic仁爱伦理
1.The basic content of Confucianism is social ethic,whose core is kindheartedness ethic.儒学的基本内容是社会伦理思想,而仁爱伦理则是这一思想的核心。
2)the theory of kindhewrtedness仁爱理论
3)love ehics爱情伦理

1.A Comparison between Chinese and Western Love Ethics in the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy;文化哲学视野中的中西爱情伦理比较
2.Love Ethics in Shakespeare's Sonnets莎士比亚的爱情伦理观——再读十四行诗
3.Poe composed mystery stories as well as love poems.爱伦·坡创作爱情诗歌也创作推理小说。
4.On the Female Love Psychology Patterns in D.H.Lawrence s Fictions;论D.H.劳伦斯小说中女性爱情心理模式
5.Love, Desire of Love and Libido --On the sexual ethics of “Western Marxism”;爱情、爱欲与性欲——评“西方马克思主义”性伦理学
6.The Love of Rational and the Beauty of Perceptual in Solitude--The comparison of Edgar Alan Poe and Beidao s love poems;孤独中的理性之爱与感性之美——北岛与爱伦·坡的爱情诗比较
7.An Analysis of Death Topic in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems爱德嘉·爱伦·坡诗歌的“死亡”情结探源
8.The main ethical coordinate for appraising sexual behavior is changing from marriage to love.评价性行为的主要伦理学坐标,正由婚姻转变为爱情;
9.From Forgiveness to Reconciliation:The Moral and Ethical Concerns of George Eliot and Her Early Novels从宽容到和解:乔治·爱略特及其早期小说中的伦理情怀
10.D.H.Lawrence s Ideas on Love Reflected in Sons and Lovers;《儿子与情人》揭示的劳伦斯的爱情观
11.On the Confucian "Benevolence" and the Christian "Universal Love;儒家"仁爱"伦理与基督教"博爱"伦理思想比较研究
12.Moral Orientation in Unfortunate Love and Awkward Kinship--An Analysis of Miss Aldcliffe in "Desperate Remedies";不幸爱情与尴尬亲情中的伦理道德取向——评《枉费心机》中的阿尔克利芙小姐
13.Some things are just inevitable. I love Byron.有些事情是命中注定的。我爱拜伦。
14.Spirit of sex and love: Lawrence and his artistic views;性爱与情感的灵魂——劳伦斯和他的散论
15.The man seeking the rainbow: on D. H. Lawrence’s view of love寻找“彩虹”的人:论劳伦斯笔下的爱情
16.The Interpretation of "2012" London Olympic Games Emblem is "Erotica Pattern"“2012”伦敦奥运会徽的“情爱图式”之解
17.Both had made a great race for Helen's hand.两个人曾同时向爱伦展开了热情的求爱攻势。
18.ethical experience of moral feeling伦理的道德情感体验

the theory of kindhewrtedness仁爱理论
3)love ehics爱情伦理
4)Sexual love ethics性爱伦理
5)love ethic爱的伦理
1.This paper is intended to make an initial study of bell hooks’s feminist theory from the perspective of her understanding of love ethic, trying to illustrate that the love ethic hooks advocates is the basic ethical foundation for her feminist theory and practice.本文从对贝尔·胡克斯(bell hooks)爱的伦理理解的角度出发试图对她的女性主义理论进行初步探讨,以求阐明胡克斯所提倡的爱的伦理是胡克斯女性主义理论和实践基本的伦理基础。
6)the Ethical Love伦理之爱
