共生伦理,symbiosis ethics
1)symbiosis ethics共生伦理
2)public health ethics公共卫生伦理学
1.By providing a rough conceptual scope of public health ethics through exploring the conception of public health and how it differs from medicine and health care,it refered that the key element of public health is the role of the government which power and obligation are to take coercive measures to eliminate the threats to the public health.通过对公共卫生的定义,对公共卫生实践与临床医疗实践的区别的阐述,提出公共卫生伦理学概念上的大致范围。
2.Basic principles of public health ethics constitutes a framework to evaluate actions taken in the field of public health and are somewhat different from those of clinical ethics and biomedical research ethics.公共卫生伦理学的基本原则是评价人们公共卫生行动的框架,它与临床医疗生物医学研究伦理学的基本原则有所不同。

1.A Study of Public Health Ethical Issues in Responding to Pandemic Influenza流感大流行应对中公共卫生伦理学问题研究
2.Ethics Research on the Equity of Public Health Resources Distribution;公共卫生资源公平配置的伦理学研究
3.Absence of Subject of Public Health Responsibility is the Root of Many Medical Ethical Issues;公共卫生的责任主体缺位是众多医学伦理问题产生的根源
4.Master of Public Health.公共卫生(学)硕士
5.Ethical Reflection on Relationship of both Trendency of Health Policy and Public Health;卫生政策走向与公共健康及其伦理思考
6.School of Public Health Nursing [Department of Health]公共健康护理学校〔卫生署〕
7.Bachelor of Science in Public Health Engineering (BSPHE)公共卫生工程学学士
8.public health administratio公共卫生管理(机关)
9.Doctor of Science in Public Health Engineering (DSPHE)公共卫生工程学博士
10.MSPHE (Master of Science in Public Health Engineering)公共卫生工程学硕士
11.How is the Ideal Public Life Possible?--An Explanation of Political Ethics to "Public Reason";理想的公共生活如何可能——对“公共理性”的一种政治伦理学阐释
12.Changing in Public Governance and Foundation of Public Ethics;公共治道的转变与公共伦理学的建立
13.Investigation of Primary and Secondary School Public Health Emergencies Crisis Management中小学校突发公共卫生事件危机管理研究
14.Analysis on Examination Results of Bachelors Majored in Military Public Health Administration军队公共卫生管理专升本学员成绩分析
15.Concerning Health Economical Ethics Research on Deepening the Health Service Reform;深化卫生事业改革应关注卫生经济伦理学研究
16.Public Health Administration Section [Department of Health]公共卫生行政组〔卫生署〕
17.The Integration of Ethical Theories and the Ethical Justification for Public Interest;伦理理论的整合与公共利益的伦理学论证
18.Pubic Administrative Ethics:The New Field of Ethics Study;公共管理伦理学:伦理研究的一个新领域

public health ethics公共卫生伦理学
1.By providing a rough conceptual scope of public health ethics through exploring the conception of public health and how it differs from medicine and health care,it refered that the key element of public health is the role of the government which power and obligation are to take coercive measures to eliminate the threats to the public health.通过对公共卫生的定义,对公共卫生实践与临床医疗实践的区别的阐述,提出公共卫生伦理学概念上的大致范围。
2.Basic principles of public health ethics constitutes a framework to evaluate actions taken in the field of public health and are somewhat different from those of clinical ethics and biomedical research ethics.公共卫生伦理学的基本原则是评价人们公共卫生行动的框架,它与临床医疗生物医学研究伦理学的基本原则有所不同。
3)public health ethics公共卫生伦理
4)the ethics of public life公共生活伦理
1.The ethics of Confucianism placed the same emphasis on both the ethics of private life and the ethics of public life.孔子的伦理思想对私人生活伦理与公共生活伦理都予以了充分的重视。
5)public ethics公共伦理
1.Community by Liang Qichao and the development of public ethics;梁启超的合群观与公共伦理的培育
2.One of the important reason causing corruptions is the lack of the public ethics.公共伦理的缺失是腐败现象产生的重要原因之一。
3.The construction of public ethics institutions,having profound theoretical background and practical significance,has become a worldwide trend.公共伦理制度建设有其深刻的理论背景和现实迫切性,且已成为世界各国公共伦理管理的普遍趋势。
6)Ethical Consensus伦理共识

不共生【不共生】  谓六根六尘和合名之为共。前云不自生,则是根不能生;又云不他生,则是尘不能生。根尘各各既不能生,根尘相共又焉得生,故名不共生。