诚实信用原则的本质,the nature of good faith principle
1)the nature of good faith principle诚实信用原则的本质
2)objectivity of good faith doctrine诚实信用原则的客观性
1.However,in the perspective of the modern contract law,the objectivity of good faith doctrine has been questioned by the Game Theory.古典合同法时期,相互信任的理由足以产生出诚实信用的客观观念,但在现代合同法的视域下,这种诚实信用原则的客观性受到了来自博弈分析的质疑:市场并不自然产生这一客观性。
3)the principle of good faith诚实信用原则
1.Could the principle of good faith act as the direct foundation of judication?——Discussion with Professor Liang Huixing;诚实信用原则可以直接作为裁判的依据吗?——与梁慧星先生商榷
2.There is much controversy over relationship between the protection of administrative reliability and the principle of good faith in academia.关于诚实信用原则与行政信赖保护两者之间关系,在学术界有较大争议。
3.Aiming at the mainstream view in the academia that the principle of good faith is Koenig Paragraph,rethinks rationally the principle of good faith,discusses its essential connotation,analyses logically the argument that the principle of good faith is Koenig Paragraph.针对诚实信用原则乃“帝王条款”这一当今学术界之主流观点,对诚实信用原则进行了理性反思,探讨了其本质内涵,同时对其乃“帝王条款”之争进行了逻辑分析。

1.Good Faith in China;解读诚信原则——关于诚实信用原则的法律思考
2.Good faith principle and the construction of its legal system;诚实信用原则与诚实信用法律制度的构建
3.A Study on the Principle of Good Faith of PICC;国际商事合同通则诚实信用原则研究
4.On Correspondence between the Principle of Faithfulness and Credit and the Rule of Law --Faithfulness and credit as the principle of constitution;诚实信用原则与法治的契合——作为宪法原则的诚实信用
5.Legislative Evolution And Judicial Practice Of The Principle Of Bona Fides;诚实信用原则的立法演进与司法实践
6.On the Application of the Principle of Good Faith in Civil Procedure;论诚实信用原则在民事诉讼中的适用
7.The Application of Honesty and Credit Principle in Administrative Enforcement of Law;论诚实信用原则在行政执法中的运用
8.Principle of Faith vs Abuse of Civil Procedure;诚实信用原则对诉讼权利滥用之制衡
9.Good faith is a basic principle of Civil Law and contract law.诚实信用原则是民法和合同法的基本原则。
10.(3) other acts which violate the principles of honesty and trustworthiness.(3)有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。”
11.(iii) any other conduct which violates the principle of good faith.(三)有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。
12.In concluding a contract, the parties thereto shall implement the principle of good faith.当事人订立合同,应执行诚实信用原则
13.Question in "King Provision" Status of Honest Credit Principle;诚实信用原则“帝王条款”地位质疑
14.Comment on Honesty and Credit Principle in China "Trade Mark Act";论我国《商标法》中的诚实信用原则
15.Rational consideration and scientific position on principle of good faith;诚实信用原则的理性反思与科学定位
16.On the Establishment of the Principle of Credibility in the Case of the Civil Lawsuits;论民事诉讼法中诚实信用原则的确立
17.On the Application of the Good Faith Principle in Criminal Procedure;刑事诉讼中确立诚实信用原则之探讨
18.Moral Connotations of Credit and Honesty Principle in Chinese Contract Law;我国合同法诚实信用原则的道德内涵

objectivity of good faith doctrine诚实信用原则的客观性
1.However,in the perspective of the modern contract law,the objectivity of good faith doctrine has been questioned by the Game Theory.古典合同法时期,相互信任的理由足以产生出诚实信用的客观观念,但在现代合同法的视域下,这种诚实信用原则的客观性受到了来自博弈分析的质疑:市场并不自然产生这一客观性。
3)the principle of good faith诚实信用原则
1.Could the principle of good faith act as the direct foundation of judication?——Discussion with Professor Liang Huixing;诚实信用原则可以直接作为裁判的依据吗?——与梁慧星先生商榷
2.There is much controversy over relationship between the protection of administrative reliability and the principle of good faith in academia.关于诚实信用原则与行政信赖保护两者之间关系,在学术界有较大争议。
3.Aiming at the mainstream view in the academia that the principle of good faith is Koenig Paragraph,rethinks rationally the principle of good faith,discusses its essential connotation,analyses logically the argument that the principle of good faith is Koenig Paragraph.针对诚实信用原则乃“帝王条款”这一当今学术界之主流观点,对诚实信用原则进行了理性反思,探讨了其本质内涵,同时对其乃“帝王条款”之争进行了逻辑分析。
4)Good faith doctrine诚实信用原则
1.The Function and Judicial Application of the Good Faith Doctrine;诚实信用原则的功能及其司法适用
2.Research on Good Faith Doctrine of Civil Actions;民事诉讼诚实信用原则研究
3.In justice, good faith doctrine contains its general value and special practical value in China.在司法活动中 ,诚实信用原则不仅有其一般价值 ,而且对我国还有着特殊的现实价值。
5)Good faith诚实信用原则
1.On the Development and Application of Principle of good faith in Contract Law论诚实信用原则在合同法中的发展与应用
2.The good faith regulation is a basic principle of moral standards,with the rapid development of the society and its innate feature,is being attached much importance by the law field across our country.诚实信用原则原是伦理道德范畴上的一项基本准则,随着社会和经济突飞猛进的发展,又因其固有的本质特征,现已被我国法学界普遍重视并逐渐发展为我国民法领域的一项基本原则,其价值在立法、司法领域现已得到了充分体现。
3.The trend of the legislation in many countries, the parties prosecute civil action must follow the principle of good faith and bear the obligation to find true fact.而当事人实施诉讼行为应遵守诚实信用原则及负有真实义务,违反者应承担一定法律效果,已为近年来各国立法之所趋。
6)good faith principle诚实信用原则
1.When we trace back to the merging of the procedural law and the substantive law in the Roman law and consider the good faith rule reflected in the Roman civil procedure law,the good faith principle does not result from the extension of the civil law but originates from the Roman Law and it has been inherited and developed with the deepened research in .通常认为诚实信用原则发端于罗马法,是民法领域的帝王条款,负载法律的灵活性,并为法官行使自由裁量权提供依据。
2.Taking measures from the trends of good faith legislation and the definition of good faith principle,discusses the value of good faith principle on constructing legal system about good faith,so as to establish and perfect the legal syst.从诚信立法的走向、诚信原则的定义入手,探讨诚实信用原则对构建诚实信用法律制度的价值,旨在通过构建诚实信用的价值观在我国建立健全诚实信用法律制度。
3.Good Faith principle,with its special characteristic of indefiniteness and equilibrium,has indeed met the demand of ADR system,against the legal system background.诚实信用原则以其不确定性和衡平性的特质正好契合了在法制化大背景下的ADR制度的要求。

国内信用与国际信用  国内信用是一国国内不同所有者之间商品和货币资金的借贷以及赊销预付等行为。国际信用是国际间的借贷关系。    国内信用 包括银行信用、商业信用、国家信用、消费信用、合作信用、民间信用,以及保险、信托、租赁等。①银行信用,即由银行机构提供的信用。银行将社会各部门、各方面闲散货币资金和未用的积累资金用存款方式集中起来,然后用贷款方式分配出去,满足社会各部门、各方面对资金的需求,起到在社会范围内调剂资金余缺,促进社会生产和经济建设的作用。②商业信用,是企业之间在商品交易过程中直接以商品形式由卖方提供给买方的信用。在商品交易过程中,由于买方缺乏现实货币而不能及时支付,而卖方在资金比较充裕、又对买方信誉比较了解和信任的情况下,允许买方延期支付。直接以商品形式提供信用是商业信用的典型形态,围绕着商品交易的赊销和预付也是商业信用的基本形式。③国家信用,即政府为债务人的信用,是政府弥补财政赤字的一种手段,主要形式有:发行国家公债;发行国库券;发行专项债券;银行透支或借款。④消费信用,是一种商业企业、银行和其他金融机构用赊销分期付款形式对消费者提供的信用。上述国内信用形式与保险、信托、租赁等特殊信用形式一起组成的信用结构,将一国经济活动密不可分地联系在一起,促进国家的经济繁荣。    国际信用 与国内信用不同,债权人与债务人是不同国家的法人。国际信用有国际商业信用和国际银行信用两种形式。前者是发生在国际商品交易过程中,以远期支付方式由卖方提供的信用;后者是银行以货币形态向另一国借款人提供的信用。但国际商业信用往往要借助于国际银行信用,这种信用方式又称国际信贷。国际信贷的方式有银行信贷、出口信贷、项目贷款、政府贷款、国际金融机构贷款、国际债券发行等货币形态的信贷和补偿贸易、国际租赁等商品资本形态的信贷。国际信贷按期限划分为短期、中期和长期三种。短期信贷是国际信贷中的主要部分,期限一般不超过1年,主要用于原料、粮食、半制成品和消费品的国际贸易中;中期信贷期限多为1~5年,但有延长趋势;长期信贷一般是10年左右,有时甚至长达50年。中、长期信贷通常用于增加固定资本、购买机器设备、创办企业等。    第二次世界大战后,国际信贷机制发生了重大变化,突出表现在资本市场的国际化和银行国际化的发展上。与此同时,发展中国家作为独立实体进入国际资本市场。国际信贷的类型和形式也相应发生了变化,中长期信贷作用提高,银行信贷规模扩大,国际信贷形式更加多样化,如出现承购应收帐款、福费廷等新业务。