修身之道,accomplishment method
1)accomplishment method修身之道
1.At the same time, as the core and soul part of the Confucian Culture, “accomplishment method”has an important influence for growing modern collegian to form correct philosophy, the cognition of value and the cognition of mould and growing well morality sort of collegian.而作为儒家文化精华部分的“修身之道”,对于培养学生良好的思想道德品质有积极的、重大的作

1.Sontoku Ninomiya s Way of Cultivation and its Practical Significance;论二宫尊德的修身之道及其现实意义
2.Enlightenment of Confucius s Way to Cultivate Morality to the Training of University Student s Moral Quality;孔子修身之道对大学生道德素质培养的启示
3.The Value of Confucian Culture s “Accomplishment Method” for Collegian s Moral Education;论儒家的“修身之道”在思想道德教育中的作用
4.Cultivating one s Moral Character & Practicing Ethics--On the Way of Cultivating One s Moral Character in "Lao Zi" and "The Book of Changes";怀宝而修身 守静而不争——《老子》与《周易》中的修身之道
5.The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意。
6."Ruling the World by Half the Analects of Confucius"--An Understanding of Confucian Art of Cultivating Moral Character and Being in Politics;“半部《论语》治天下”——感悟《论语》修身为政之道
7.On the Relation between Self-cultivation and Conducting Oneself of Zeng Guofan and the Road to his Success;以学养厚德 致真经事功——论曾国藩修身处世与成功之道的关系
8.pay Back in one's own coin以其人之道还其人之身
9.Of or relating to a convent.女修道院的女修道会的或与之相关的
10.of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess.修道士的、与之相关的或属于修道士的。
11.Learn from Tao to Become Sage:Understanding of Lao Zi s Thought of Cultivating One s Moral Character;以道为师,修身成圣——管窥老子的修身思想
12.I was a member of the Order of the Monks of the Dark Moon, a Sharran sect of clergy dedicated to the Mistress of the Night.我曾经是黑暗修道士之令的一员,隶属一派献身于夜之女王的莎儿圣职者。
13.pay sb. back in his own coi以其人之道还治其身
14."Perfecting Morality to Acquire"--Talking about Leadership s Morality Cultivation;“修文德以来之”——浅谈领导者的道德修养
15.Of, relating to, or suggesting a cloister; secluded.修道院的修道院的、与之相关的或指修道院的;隔离的
16.This Cistercian abbey in Catalonia is one of the largest in Spain.波夫莱特修道院属于西多会修道院,是西班牙最大的修道院之一。
17.The Inspiration of Confucian Thoughts on Cultivating Moral Character of Science and Technology Talents儒家的修身思想对科技人才道德修养的启示
18.An Equal Approach to Confucianism and Taoism:Han Shi Wai Zhuan s Thoughts about State Government and Self-cultivation;儒道并举:《韩诗外传》的治国修身思想

ways of cultivating morality养身之道
1.Hoping to inspire people,this paper discusses some ways of cultivating morality from some figures of the novel,as DONG Zhao who was alone fit and fat,XIAHOU Dun who pulled out the arrow in his eyes and ate the out-pulled eyeball,and MI Heng who stood naked,cursing CAO Cao.《三国演义》内容丰富、蕴含深厚,除了表现汉末三国政治、军事、外交等方面的斗争外,还表现出伦理道德等方方面面的内容,也渗透出养身之道,给人启迪,引人深思。
3)practicing moral and striving for life修身向道
4)principles of self-cultivation修养之道
1.The principles of self-cultivation in the Analects:reflection through a text form;《论语》中的修养之道——从文本形式进入的思考
5)moral cultivation education道德修身教育

道-道间寻道时间道-道间寻道时间(single track seek):指磁头从一磁道移动至另一磁道的时间,单位为毫秒(ms)。