七出,Seven Outs
1)Seven Outs七出
1.“Seven Outs and Three Ins” in the Tang Dynasty;试析唐代“七出三不去”法律制度
1.Merits and Demerits in Criticism on Classificationof Literary Collections by Yao Nai & Zhang Xuecheng——also on Relation Between Fu(versed prose)and "Qi(seven)","Shelun(supposition)";关于姚鼐章学诚批评《文选》分类之得失问题——兼论“七”、“设论”与赋的关系
2.The Qi(seven) style is formed by modeling Mei Cheng s Qifa."七"是模仿枚乘《七发》形成的一种文体,具有以问答为结构、以七事为内容、以启发为手段、以规谏为宗旨的文体特征。

1.Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒脑,喝喜。(喜)
2.On the"Seven Times Seven"and "Nine Times Nine"in Xi You Ji;《西游记》中的“”与“九九”
3.(g) revision of Articles of Association.() 修改章程。
5.The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon is the Lover Festival in China.夕)是中国的情人节。
6.Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, so, it is called Qixi.今天是农历的月初,所以叫夕节。
7.The seven fat and thin cows mean seven years.只肥牛和只瘦牛均指年。
8.The date on this letter is 7 July 1975.信上写的日期是一九五年号。
9.A group or series of seven.个一套,个一组成的一组或一套
10.4 Sevens = intrigue; 3 Sevens = infirmity; 2 Sevens = news.4张=阴谋;3张=虚弱;2张=新闻。
11.On July 4, 1776, the colonies declared their independence from England.一六年月四日,殖民地宣布脱离英国独立。
12.These books were written between 1736 and 1770.这些书写于一三六至一零年之间。
13.The summer camp started on July 16 and will end on July 27.夏令营月十六日开营,在月二十日结束。
14.If Cain sha* be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.24若杀该隐,遭报倍。杀拉麦,必遭报倍。
15.Quality control of Radix Notoginseng,Panax Notoginseng saponins and sustained-release preparation by fingerprint method三药材、三总皂苷及三缓释片的指纹图谱
16.July August and September.月,八月和九月。
17.Seventh Heaven(1927)重天(美国影片)
18.What a glorious mess!好乱呀!乱八糟!

1.Merits and Demerits in Criticism on Classificationof Literary Collections by Yao Nai & Zhang Xuecheng——also on Relation Between Fu(versed prose)and "Qi(seven)","Shelun(supposition)";关于姚鼐章学诚批评《文选》分类之得失问题——兼论“七”、“设论”与赋的关系
2.The Qi(seven) style is formed by modeling Mei Cheng s Qifa."七"是模仿枚乘《七发》形成的一种文体,具有以问答为结构、以七事为内容、以启发为手段、以规谏为宗旨的文体特征。
1.This paper derives the number"SEVEN"from the Hollywood sensational film Seven,and,with reference to the different social and cultural phenomena concerning the number"seven"against the background of oriental culture and the western culture,confirm the fact that SEVEN is a popular number with wonder and mystery in both cultures.本文从好莱坞悬疑片《七宗罪》引出数字七,并通过对东西方不同文化背景下的和数字七有关的某些社会文化现象进行归纳和比较,印证了在东西方的文化“中七”是受到普遍欢迎的神秘而又神奇的数字。
2.As the principle of participation with original thoughts,"seven" in mathematical meaning has been endowed with the implication of life and its mysterious meaning through constant accumulating has also gradually deepened into culture psychology.北斗七星被古人认为具有"司命"的职能,由于原始思维的互渗律,数字"七"也被古人赋予了生命的蕴涵,数字"七"的这种神秘意义经过积淀逐渐融入人们的文化心理之中,自觉或不自觉地影响和支配着人们的思维模式和表达习惯,枚乘的大赋作品《七发》便是一个例证。
4)70's births writer's novel"七十年代出生作家"小说
5)Brilliantly colored; iridescent.五光十色的;射出七彩光的
6)the incident of July 7,1937七七事变
1.This article tries to clarify the fact that General Zhang left behind to take care of Beiping after the worldwide famous the incident of July 7,1937.对于"七七事变"后张自忠留守北平一事,史学界多数研究者认为张是奉宋哲元之命,但也有人持"逼宫"一说。

七出七出 性社会学名。亦称七去。为中国古 代的一种休妻制度。《礼仪·丧服》:“出妻之子为母。”贾公彦注:“七出者:无子,一 也;淫佚,二也;不事舅姑,三也;口舌,四也;盗窃,五也;妒忌,六也;恶疾,七也。 ”《大戴礼记·本命》:“妇有七去;不顺父母(公婆)去,无子去,淫去,妒去,有恶疾去 ,多言去,窃盗去。”从客观看,“七出”作为一种休妻制度是不公平、不合理和不科学的 ,是套在妇女头上的绞索,有了这个法宝,丈夫可以恣意妄为,居高临下;而妻子却只能小 心翼翼,处处惟命是听,否则将被抛弃。唐朝法律对于丈夫休妻,如无“七出”理由者,规 定要处一年半的徒刑,说明尽管这一制度本身不合理,执行时却是很严肃的。