儒学发展,Confucianism's development
1)Confucianism's development儒学发展

1.The Four Stages and Five Cultural Functions of Confucianism in Chinese History;儒学发展的四个阶段和五种文化作用
2."Inner sageness and outer kingliness"and the early Confucianism s pulling force;“内圣外王”与先期儒学发展的张力
3.The Influnce of Zenzi thought on the Direction of Confucianism Development;试论曾子思想对儒学发展方向的影响
4.School of Application in the Ming and Qing Dynasties:the Special Theoretical Formation in the Development of Confucianism;论明清实学是儒学发展的特殊理论形态
5.The Position of Confucianism and the Development of Confucianism Research at the Cross-century Time跨世纪:儒学的地位及儒学研究的发展
6.The Development and Innovation of Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties;宋明理学的纳道入儒与儒学的新发展
7.By surveying the whole history of the development of Confucianism,we can perceive a process of transformation from Confucianism to Confucian religion.纵观儒学整个发展历史,有一个由儒学向儒教发展转化的过程。
8.Development of the Confucianism at Its Fifth Stage and the Positioning of New Neo-Confucianism第五阶段儒学的发展与新新儒学的定位
10.The study of development of Confucian in the Qin dynasty秦始皇与“焚书坑儒”——浅论儒学在秦代的发展
11.A Review of the Symposium on Confucius and It s Development in Contemporary Society;“儒学与当代社会发展”学术研讨会综述
12.Comments on Confucianists Ideas About Development;儒家发展观:科学发展观的传统哲学底蕴
13.The Heritage and Development of Confucian Theory on Body and Skill Accomplished by Yangming阳明对儒学本体功夫论的继承和发展
14.Inheritance and Development of Confucianism in Modern World儒学在现代社会的继承、扬弃与发展
15.Research of "the Third Period of Confucian" of Du Weiming;杜维明“儒学第三期发展”思想研究
16.The Development of Confucian Doctrine and Change in the Trend of Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清儒学的发展与其时小说思潮嬗变
17.The Confucianism of the Harmony between Man and Nature and Scientific Development View;儒家的“天人合一”思想与科学发展观
18.Absorb and Reform:the Spreading and Developing about Confusianism in Japan;吸收与改造:儒学在日本的传播与发展

The third period of Confucian儒学第三期发展
1."The third period of Confucian" is one of Du Weiming s theories, Du Weiming hold that Confucian has experienced from the gloomy condition to a turn for the better.杜维明是当代新儒家的第三代海外代表人物之一,他是最先在大陆讲授“儒学第三期发展”的海外学者。
3)coordination between Science and Confucianism儒学与科学协调发展
4)On the Development of Confucianism Regionalization儒学的区域化发展
5)confucianists ideas about development儒家发展观
6)Confucianism vs. Science and Technology儒家文化与科技发展

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