斯多葛派伦理学,Stoic ethics
1)Stoic ethics斯多葛派伦理学
1.Analysis on Stoic ethics as the pioneer of the modern westernenvironmental philosophy;现代西方环境哲学之源的斯多葛派伦理学简析

1.Analysis on Stoic ethics as the pioneer of the modern westernenvironmental philosophy;现代西方环境哲学之源的斯多葛派伦理学简析
2.Comparison of the Ethical Thought between Scotists and Toist;斯多葛学派与道家伦理学思想的比较
3.pertaining to Stoicism or its followers.关于斯多葛学派或其追随者的。
4.Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism试析斯多葛学派命题逻辑研究中的命题函子理论
5.This Stoic idea of human equality gained some ground in the political philosophy and jurisprudence of the Roman Empire.斯多葛派这种人类平等的思想在罗马帝国时期的政治和法理学中赢得了一席之地。
6.the philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno.斯多葛学派的哲学体系追随古希腊哲学家芝诺的教义。
7.(ca 335-263 BC) Greek philosopher who found the Stoic school.(约公元前335-263年)创立斯多葛学派哲学的古希腊哲学家。
8.a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny.斯多葛学派哲学家通过对命运的服从获得幸福快乐。
9.This essay investigated an important tradition in History of Western thoughts, the Stoicism, especially its ethics.文章以西方思想史上有重要影响的斯多亚学派作为研究对象 ,着重分析其伦理学部分。
10.On the Religious Characteristics of the Late Stoic Ethics;简论晚期斯多亚伦理哲学的宗教特征
11.Every stoic is a stoic;but in christendom,where be the christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪有基督教徒?
12.Every Stoic was a Stoic; but in Christendom, where is the Christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪儿有基督教徒?
13.Comparison of the Ethical Thought between Toist and Scotists;道家学派与斯多亚学派幸福观之比较
14.On Development of Discipline of Environmental Ethics in China;创造中国环境伦理学学派,建设中国环境伦理学
15.Stoicism also taught a peace through detachment from worldly things.斯多葛派也通过从世俗事物中分离来教导一种和平。
16.Functional psychology: from the Chicago to the Colombia School机能主义心理学:从芝加哥学派到哥伦比亚学派
17.population theories of Keynes school凯恩斯学派人口理论
18.On Ethical Value of the Frankfurt School s Ethical Ideology on Nature;论法兰克福学派自然伦理观的伦理价值

1.Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism试析斯多葛学派命题逻辑研究中的命题函子理论
3)the Stoic School of philosophy斯多葛派
4)Ethical thoughts of Stoicism斯多亚派伦理思想
5)Stoic Ethics斯多亚伦理学
1.The Origin of Stoic Ethics and its fundamental characteristics;斯多亚伦理学之源流及其基本特征
6)Stoic school斯多噶学派
1.The theory of Natural Law by Cicero,which was the soul and essence of his law thoughts system, was formulated sophisticatedly on the social reality of late Roman Republic by assimilating philosophical thoughts of ancient Greece,especially the Natural Law thoughts of Stoic school.西塞罗的自然法理论是在吸收了古希腊哲学思想 ,尤其是斯多噶学派的自然法思想的基础上 ,结合古罗马共和国晚期的社会实际创立的一套比较成熟的理论。
