巴哈伊教,the Baha i Faith
1)the Baha i Faith巴哈伊教
1.As an independent World religion, the Baha i Faith still remains widely unknown today.巴哈伊教是一种新兴的独立宗教。

1.The Comparison of the Ethical Views Between Bahá’í Faith and the Mini mal Ethic巴哈伊教义的普世伦理观与“底线伦理”的比较
2.onfucianism and Bahaism,both initiated in the East,are facing the subject of modernization now.产生于东方的儒学和巴哈伊教,在当今都面临着现代化的问题。
3.Having inherited from Confucianism the humanistic spirit and social ideal,the newly founded Bahaism has finished its convert from a traditional religion to a modernized one.新兴的巴哈伊教承传儒学的人文精神及社会理想,取得了传统宗教向现代化转换的成功;
4.The Confucian ethics movement in Singapore and the modern conversion of Bahayi Religion have provided successful preliminary experience.新加坡的儒家伦理运动和巴哈伊教的现代转换,已提供了初步的成功经验。
5.Basic Teachings of Bah(á)'(?) Faith: Evolution, Dissemination and Comparison巴哈伊基本教义:演进、传播及比较
6.Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai.有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
7.Islamic Influence and Kazakh Education in Xinjiang伊斯兰教对新疆哈萨克族教育的影响
8.Comparative Study of "God Creates the World" of Baha I and "Tao Bears the World" of Lao Tze;巴哈伊上帝创物与老子道生万物之比较研究
9.Confucianism and the Bahaist Faith: A Comparison between Different Ideologies of harmonious Societies(I);儒学与巴哈伊信仰:和谐社会思想之比较(上)
10.The supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, threw the issue of using the oil weapon in support of the Palestinian cause into the arena here.伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊提出利用石油作为武器来支持巴勒斯坦。
11.Ijtihad withEstablishment, Development and Innovation of Islamic Law;“伊智提哈德”与伊斯兰教法的形成、发展及变革
12.Study on the Development of the Kazak Minority s Education in Xinjiang Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture;新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州哈萨克族教育发展研究
13.Comment and Analysis on Mahathir’s Islamical Idea and Practice;马哈蒂尔的伊斯兰教理念与实践评析
14.Islam in Kazakhstan after 1917;1917年后的哈萨克斯坦伊斯兰教
15.A Cultural Interpretation on the Kazakstanization of Muslim伊斯兰教“哈萨克族化”的文化学阐释
16.Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur巴哈尔普尔的佛教寺院遗迹
17.Asamblea Espiritual Nacional de los Baha'is de Chile智利巴哈教民族精神大会
18.Views on Religions in Marx s Theses on Feuerbach;马克思《关于费尔巴哈》中的宗教观

The Bahá íFaith巴哈伊信仰
1.This paper mainly studies on harmony ideology of The Bahá íFaith.本文揭示巴哈伊信仰关于和谐思想的教义和伦理思想,分析巴哈伊信仰作为一种宗教对于构建当前和谐社会的作用和现实意义。
4)American Baha i Community美国巴哈伊社团
5)Pío Baroja y Nessi (1872~1956)巴罗哈·伊·内西,P.
6)Feuerbarch's outlook on religions费尔巴哈宗教观

阇伊那教【阇伊那教】 (流派)阇伊那者梵音Jaina,亦曰耆那教。开祖曰若提子Jn^atiputra,其起原与佛殆为同时代而少早。其开宗之动机,亦与佛教同。在于排吠陀之教权,打破四姓之阶级。其教理与数论同,为物心对立论,使有生Jiva与无生Ajiva对立,谓有生之善神,为无生之物质的关系所系缚,至于营恶之生,故吾人修一切之道德,由于苦行禁欲而从物质界解脱,由于一切智而得常满精神Nityasiddha云,其与佛教异者,主张我之实在。于此点常骂佛教。开教后二百年顷北方摩伽陀之信徒与南方加罗奈克地方之信徒间,生教义上之异论,北方取宽容主义而著白衣,南方依然严格体教祖之旨,而主张裸体。前者称为白衣派,后者称为空衣派,二者各各编辑其所依教典焉。佛教云尼乾子,即宿作外道是也。