伦理人,ethic man
1)ethic man伦理人

1.Demonstration on the Economic Ethics Thoughts of Sismondi s Ethical Humanism;论西斯蒙第伦理人道主义的经济伦理思想
2.Autonomy and Compromise: Chinese Administrators Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Choices;自主与妥协:中国行政人的伦理困境与伦理选择
3.Environmental Ethics: The Ethic Fulcrum of the Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature;环境伦理:人与自然关系和谐的伦理支点
4.Research on the Ethical of Criminal Evidence Law--From the angle of Humanity Ethical Concept;刑事证据伦理初论——以人道伦理观为视角
5.An Analysis of Ecotourists Ethical Consciousness and Principles;生态旅游者个人伦理意识和伦理原则探析
6.On the Confucian Paradox of Ethics Versus Non-Ethics and Its Influence on Man s All-Round Development;儒学的伦理—非伦理“悖论”与人的全面发展
7.On the moral responsibility for nature from Laozi′s point of view on morals;从老子的伦理观论人对自然的伦理责任
8.The Embodiment of D.H.Lawrence s Sex Ethics in Lady Chatterley s Lover;劳伦斯的性伦理在《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的体现
9.Principle of Human Relationship and Principle of Christian:A Comparative Analysis of Confucian Ethics and Christian Ethics;人伦之道与基督之道——儒家伦理与基督教伦理比较研究的一个视角
10.The agent have come to London to see his principal.代理人来伦敦见他的委托人或本人。
11.The Modern Value of the Ecological Ethics on the Belief of the Unity of Nature and Man in Lawerence’s Novels劳伦斯小说“天人合一”思想的现代生态伦理价值
12.Ethics Committee [Council on Human Reproductive Technology]伦理委员会〔人类生殖科技管理局〕
13.The Ethical Thoughts and Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers;《儿子与情人》的伦理思想与道德理想
14."Economic Man" Theory and the Administratiive Ethic Construct of China;“经济人”理论与我国行政伦理建设
15.Discussing about the Wealth Ethics of the Rich Man from the Mental State of" Enemy Rich";从“仇富”心理论富人的财富伦理观
16.Sage and social harmony in Mozi s ethics;墨子伦理观中的圣人与天下和谐理想
17.Thoughts of Economic Man: The Theoretical Basis of Economic Ethics;经济人思想:经济伦理学的理论基石
18.Freedom and Alienation: the Strength in the New Ethics Humanity Theory;自由与异化:新伦理学的人道理论张力

Human Ethics人本伦理
1.Human Ethics of the Management in Contemporary Enterprise;论当代企业管理中的人本伦理
3)ethical relationship between people and land人土伦理
1.Making a comprehensive view of modern local-color novels,it s not difficult to find the complicated changes of ethical relationship between people and land under the resultant force of social relations,and its dynamic course with continual reconstructions.综观当代乡土小说的书写链条,不难发现人土伦理在种种社会关系的合力作用下,经历着复杂的变迁,呈现为不断改造的动态过程。
4)ethical personality伦理人格
1.In addition it analyses ethical personality distor- tion problems of China today s public officials in the context of market economy.随着我国市场经济的发展,人民物质生活水平日益提高,但在这种环境下,公务员伦理人格出现一定程度的扭曲。
2.Subject to the premise that the personality right is based on the ethical personality rather than the legal personality, this paper concludes that a legal person has no personality right and the right owned by the legal person is but the property right per se.法人人格系无伦理性的纯法技术产物,人格权系立基于伦理人格而非法律人格,法人无人格权,法人享有的所谓人格权实质上只是财产权。
5)personality ethics人格伦理
6)individual ethics个人伦理
1.System ethics is a field of study, which is different from the individual ethics and ethic system.制度伦理有着与个人伦理、伦理制度研究不尽相同的领域。
