好生活,a good life
1)a good life好生活

1.Doff your stupid habits and live.抛弃你的坏习惯好好生活吧。
2.Live for the present and the good things which are going to happen in your life.为了现在,为了日后生活中的美好事物,好好活着。
3.he wanted a better sex life; the film contained no sex or violence.他渴望更美好的性生活。
4.Our life is Becoming Better and Better.我们的生活越来越好。
5.My life is in good order at the moment.我目前的生活情况良好。
6.He lives an idle life.他过着游手好闲的生活。
7.Some-where here is the beginning of an enchanted life美好的生活就发端于此。
8.About yourself or about life,关于自身也好,生活也罢。
9.Made a fortune and lived high.交了好运且生活奢华
10.prepare for social life.对社会生活做好准备。
11.Life there is simple and good.在那里,生活简单又美好。
12.The charm of life was gone;美好的生活一去不复返,
13.Internet makes a better life.网络,让生活更美好!
14.Towards greater spiritual wealth建设更美好的精神生活
15.The present life is letter than before.现在的生活比以前好
16.City life is not to my taste.都市生活非我所好。
17.It is good for a man to live within his means.量入为出地生活是好的。
18.Every flatterer lives at the expense of his listener.马屁精靠好奉承者生活。

good life美好生活
1.Secondly,it summarizes their claims on the two topics; "good life" and "great books".为了更清晰地理解这一学派的自由教育观念,本文首先评述了他们之反思的哲学起点(对现代性的反思与对相对主义的抨击)和现实起点(现代民主制度下自由教育的危机),继而就“美好生活”和“伟大著作”这两大主题提炼出该学派的自由教育主张及其背后的政治教育意蕴。
2.It is human nature to seek happiness and good life.人是价值存在,对人生幸福和美好生活的追求是人的本性需求。
3.As human is always discontent with present condition and seeks perfection, so good life means a life condition that is better than real life.美好生活是整体上令人满意的一种生活状态。
5)Survive the test of one's moral conduct; prove oneself immune from the temptation of sensual life过好生活关
6)Good humanity politics美好政治生活

好生【好生】 (杂语)唤起注意时所发之语。生者,语助词。介石智明禅师语录小参条曰:“诸人好生听取。”石溪心月禅师语录上曰:“好生观。”即其例也。