1.Considering the philosophy of grid computing, this paper presents a new paradigm called grid-manufacturing system matching to the franchising bu.针对我国模具制造业的现状和国际市场的需求,提出了采用特许连锁的模式来改造我国的模具制造企业,并分析了该模式对制造系统的特定要求。
2.This paper analyses and demonstrates the advantages of franchising and the effective channels to promote it in the circulation business of China,and suggests the countermeasures as to promoting the innovative development of circulating structure.分析论证了特许连锁的优势所在和我国流通业推广特许连锁的有效途径 ,提出了以此促进和推动流通组织创新发展的对策建议。
3.In this manufacturing system, franchising is the busi.但是,我国模具制造业,就整体而言尚处于不发达阶段,根据模具生产的特点,特许连锁模式下的模具网格化制造系统被首次提出,在这种制造系统中,以特许连锁为商务运作模式,以制造网格为系统结构。

1.Develop the Franchised Chain-store Business,To Provide More Jobs发展特许连锁经营,促进城乡居民就业
2.Franchising--a New Intermediate Operation Mode for Human Resources;特许连锁——人力资源中介经营新方式
3.On several Legal Questions on Chain Franchising;特许连锁经营中若干法律问题之初探
4.Extending Franchising to Promote the Innovative Development of Circulating Structure;推广特许连锁 促进流通组织创新发展
5.Study on the Status Quo and Its Developing Countermeasures of Special Permission Chain Management of Our Country我国特许连锁经营的现状及发展对策研究
6.The Study on Co-evolution of Franchising Chain Enterprises Based on the View of Symbiosis;基于共生视角的特许连锁企业协同进化研究
7.Analysis and Research on the Franchise Developing Strategy of HR Company;HR公司特许连锁发展战略选择及策划的研究
8.Control strategy for distributed inventory in franchised mould & die-making system;模具特许连锁制造系统的分布式库存控制策略
9.Logistics in Grid-Manufacturing Systems for Mould and Die Making Industry Based on Holon;模具特许连锁制造网格体系的物流系统研究
10.Framework of Grid-Manufacturing System for Mould and Die Making Industry s Franchise Business Mode;特许连锁模式下的模具制造网格系统架构
11.KFC and McDonald, which have swept the world, are the typical representatives of franchise.风靡世界的肯德基、麦当劳,皆是特许连锁经营的典型代表。
12.Research on Planning for the Logistics and Supply Policies of the Franchised Grid-Manufacturing System for Mould and Die Industry;模具特许连锁网格化制造系统的物流规划与供货策略分析
13.Studying of Village Franchising Contract Based on Supply Chain Contract in Coordination Theory;基于供应链契约协调理论的村镇特许连锁经营合约研究
14.The Problems of and Countermeasures for Chinese Supermarket Business in the Development of the Authorized Chain Operation;我国超市业在发展特许连锁经营中的问题及对策
15.Thoughts on the Contradiction Between the Marketing of Specially Permitted Chain Dress Monopoly Enterprises and the Tax Policy of Our Country;特许连锁服装专卖营销方式与国家税收政策的矛盾及其思考
16.The famous Tianjin snack shop, Goubuli Steamed Bun, established special permit franchise chain shops in countries such as Japan, Korea, US, etc.天津名小吃狗不理包子店则在日本、韩国、美国等国建立了特许连锁店。
18.On the Modes of Franchise in Chengdu Chain Catering Industry;成都连锁餐饮企业特许加盟方式探析

franchise chain特许连锁
1.An analysis of the law adjustment on franchise chain marketing;略论商业特许连锁经营的法律调整
2.As one main form of the chain manage , franchise chain bring the chance to succeed to franchising trader and joining trader in fast, meanwhile,bring a risk decreased to franchising trader and joining trader too.作为连锁经营的一种主要形式,特许连锁给特许商和加盟商都带来了快速成功的机会,同时,也给特许商和加盟商带来了一损俱损的风险。
3.Franchise chain management is developing fast worldwide, and so is it in China.特许连锁经营目前在世界范围内迅速发展,我国特许连锁业态也正处于快速发展的阶段。
3)Specially permitted chain特许连锁
1.It also should develop specially permitted chain and cultivate famous brand chain en.本文认为 ,连锁企业应该通过科学选择连锁业态和业种 ;发展特许连锁 ,培育名牌连锁企业 ;积极推进连锁企业的制度创新等措施 ,加快规模化经营的实现程度 ,为提升我国连锁企业的竞争力奠定坚实的基
4)franchising chain特许连锁
1.Franchise chain is one of the important chainlike management forms,franchising chain contracts are the link between Licensees and Permit tees,these were the three most important elements in the franchising system.特许连锁是连锁经营的重要形式之一,特许连锁合同是特许人和受许人之间的纽带,三者构成了特许连锁体系的三大要素。
5)chain and franchise management连锁及特许经营
6)authorized chain operation特许连锁经营
1.The authorized chain operation, which develops rapidly in our countr y at present, is an operating state with strong activity.特许连锁经营在我国呈现迅猛发展的态势,是一种具有强大活力的经营业态,但由于缺乏可以借鉴的经验和相应的经营环境,其行业范围、经营规模、规范化程度等方面还存在着很多问题,与国际水准相比也有很大差距。
