1.Time of Lust and Disillusion of Aestheticism;欲望时代与审美主义的幻灭
2.Two Anamorphous of Aestheticism and Their Character of Infiltration;两种审美主义变体及其互渗特征
3.The Aestheticism and Modernity in Shen Congwen’s Creations;沈从文创作中的审美主义与现代性问题

1.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义
2.From Romantic Aestheticism to Consumptive Aestheticism--On Aesthetic Tendency of China s 5th Generation Directors;从浪漫审美主义走向消费审美主义——论第五代导演的审美走向
3.The "Culturalism"and "Aestheticism" in Literary Theories文艺理论中的"文化主义"与"审美主义"
4.Schiller: the Pioneer of Aestheticism and Aesthetics of Inter-subjectivity;席勒:审美主义和主体间性美学的开拓者
5.Intersubjectivity of Naturalism: between Fideism and Aestheticism自然主义的主体间性:在信仰主义与审美主义之间
6.A comparison of Nietzsche's aestheticism and Christian doctrine on salvation尼采审美主义与基督教救赎说之比较
7.Classical Chinese Aestheticism in the Perspective of Modernity现代性视野中的中国古代审美主义
8.introspection on the criticism of Thema ss culture at an aesthetic angle审美主义视角下大众文化批评的反思
9.Vewing Aestheticism of Thomas Mann from Magic Mountain《魔山》与托马斯·曼的审美主义思想
10.Aestheticism in Modern Poetics: China and the West;现代诗学中的审美主义:中国与西方
11.On the Aesthetic Trend of Literary Theories in the New Era;新时期文学理论的审美主义倾向论略
12.Analysis of the Aesthetic Trend of Literary Theories in the New Era;新时期文学理论的审美主义倾向简析
13.On John Dewey s Pragmatic Aesthetics and the Principle of Aesthetic Disinterestedness;杜威实用主义美学与“审美无利害”原则
14.A Tentative Study of Shelleyan and Byronian Aesthetic Avant-Gardism雪莱和拜伦的审美先锋主义思想初探
15.On the Cultivation of Communism Beliefs According to Aesthetic Ideology;论审美意识形态与共产主义信仰培育
16.On the Three Forms of Art Production and the Construction of “Aesthetic-production Theory”;艺术生产三形态与“审美生产主义”建构
17.Aesthetic orientation of the humanistic spirit in the novels of neo-realism;新现实主义小说人文精神的审美向度
18.A Brief Study on the Aesthetic Value of Eugene O Neil s Expressionistic Drama;简论奥尼尔表现主义戏剧的审美价值

1.The "post" features of literary research in the "post-criticism" time mainly are shown by pan-ideologization in the process of literary research and value orientation of pan-aestheticism in practice.这一“后批评”时代文学研究的“后性”特征 ,主要体现为文学研究过程的“泛意识形态化”和理论上的“泛审美主义”价值取向。
3)aestheticistic ethics审美主义伦理
4)aesthetic individualism审美个体主义
1.Traditional western philosophy believes that literature is just a "superficial understanding",whereas the independent romanticism and the aesthetic individualism overthrow this bias and prove it to be a self-disciplined field which can "nourish the individual soul".20世纪现代审美个体主义颠覆了哲学至上论,论证了文学艺术是一个滋养"个体的心灵"的自律性思想领域,对跨学科的比较文学研究有积极的启示意义。
5)romantic aestheticism浪漫审美主义
1.The 5th generation directors created China-style "cultural films" with romantic aestheticism in 1980 s and 1990 s.第五代导演在20世纪八九十年代创造了有中国风格的浪漫审美主义的“文化电影”,在新世纪初,他们的国产大片迅速地转向审美消费主义,成为消费社会消费审美主义的典型代表。
6)consumptive aestheticism消费审美主义
1.In the new century,their films tend to take on aesthetically consumptive trend,and have been a typical representative of consumptive aestheticism in a consumptive society.第五代导演在20世纪八九十年代创造了有中国风格的浪漫审美主义的“文化电影”,在新世纪初,他们的国产大片迅速地转向审美消费主义,成为消费社会消费审美主义的典型代表。
