1.The Lake Isle of Innisfree: A Pastoral in Memory of Paradise Lost;一曲回望天堂的牧歌——评叶芝的《茵内斯弗利湖岛》
2.In the description of the pastoral-life and the beauty of humanity,which belong to the traditional culture,the novel tells us that the foundation stone of the love tragedy of Cuicui′s mother is the contravention and collision between the national culture of Western-Hunan and the traditional Confucianism-Culture.《边城》讲述的是翠翠母女的爱情悲剧,它在对传统文化下牧歌生活与人性之美的描述中,指出翠翠母亲的爱情悲剧根源是湘西民族文化与汉家传统儒家文化的矛盾冲突,而翠翠的爱情悲剧是传统文化与现代物质文明冲突的结果。

1.Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle.湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。
2.Abstract: Pastoral songs in Hunan are the songs sung by shepherd boys while herding cattle.文摘:湖南牧牛山歌(下简称湖南牧歌)湖南牧童牧牛时唱的歌曲。
3.Athem,Pastoral and Elegy-Three Connotations of Lily;赞歌·牧歌·挽歌——《百合花》的三层意蕴
4.another school of thought would include in this genre herders' songs from the grasslands, including songs of praise of heroes and banqueting songs;另一种看法认为,山歌包括,草原上牧民传唱的牧歌、赞歌、宴歌,
5.It was an idyllic conception.这是一种牧歌式的构想。
6.Elapsed Pastoral:the Analysis of American Pastoral of Philip Roth in the View of Power Theory;消逝的牧歌——《美国牧歌》对人生悲剧的深层透视
7.The Spread of Mongolia Folk Song: As Pastoral for an Example;从《牧歌》看蒙古族民间歌曲的流传
8.his idyllic life in Tahiti; the pastoral legends of America's Golden Age.他在塔希提岛牧歌式的生活;美国黄金时代的牧歌式的传奇。
9.The Emotion of Pastoral in Tang Qi s Poems and the Consolidation of the Classic Styles in the South and North in Modern Chinese Poetry;唐祈诗歌的牧歌意绪与新诗的“南北”交融
10.As doth eternity: Cold pastoral!使人超越思想:呵,冰冷的牧歌
11.A writer of idylls.田园诗人,田园乐曲(牧歌)作者
12.Jewish American Nightmares in American Pastoral;论《美国牧歌》中犹太人的美国噩梦
13.The Ci-Poems Pastoral Sentiment During Dading and Mingchang Period in the Jin Dynasty;论金代大定、明昌词的田园牧歌情调
14.The important violin works were Ma Sicong's Mountain Song, Mao Yuan's Early Spring and Sha Hankun's Herder's Song.重要作品有马思聪的《山歌》、茅沉的《新春乐》、沙汉昆的《牧歌》等。
15.the hua'er of the Hui and Han peoples of the Ningxia Hui autonomous Region, and Gansu and Qinghai provinces;the herding songs of various ethnic groups in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region;宁、甘、青地区汉、回等族的"花儿",新疆各民族的"牧歌",
16."The World of Western Hunan" in Shencongwen s Works: A Melancholy Pastoral;沈从文的“湘西世界”:一曲夹杂哀调的牧歌
17.Gradually Distant Scenery: The Countryside Pastoral Novels Comment on End of the Century;渐行渐远的风景:世纪末田园牧歌小说论
18.The shepherd's songs reverberated in the valleys.牧羊人的歌声在山谷间回荡。

pastoral elegy牧歌式挽歌
3)idyllic pastoral田野牧歌
4)pastoral feeling牧歌情怀
5)madrigal sentiment牧歌情调
1.He constrcted the mood of pastoral madrigal sentiment for people.他的小说一向以清淡简朴闻名,由于他注重的只是“自己的兴味,”在田园风情的描绘中,体现他对“梦的真实与美”的追求,加上他优美的语言艺术,运用绝句的表现手法,着意追求一种质朴隽永的风格,为人们营造了一种田园牧歌情调的意境。
6)pastoral consciousness牧歌意识
1.This paper reveals that most females in Zhang Ai-ling s novels have pastoral consciousness.本文论述张爱玲笔下的女性大多拥有牧歌意识。
