1.The scholars,studying the classical work Faust,usually pay attention to the hero s insistent pursuing,but,in fact,Faust s ideal spirit is built on the base of human body.经典文本《浮士德》的研究者们往往把视线抬得过高,着重于主人公上天入地表现出的永不餍足的追求精神,但实际上浮士德的理想精神必须建筑在理想肉身的基础之上。
2.To Kierkegaard, the finitude, understood as the body of the self in this paper, and the infinitude,the so-called inward imagination in Kierkegaard s text, is in absolute contradiction.克尔恺郭尔认为人的有限性(即本文称为肉身的方面)与人的无限性(一种纵深扩张的想象力)是不可调和的,在具体的生存过程中,这不可调和的两方面转化为必然性与可能性之间的对立。
3.But in fact,this tragedy event also make clear the road walking out the aficionado of metaphysics:come back to human\' body.但是,苏格拉底悲剧般的"事件"昭示出走出形而上学迷局的道路:回归肉身

1.Mary OF THE INCARNATION玛丽(道成肉身的)
2.Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.从肉身生的,就是肉身。从灵生的,就是灵。
3.The Tragedy of Human Body--Interpreting the Picture of Human Body in Goethe s Faust;肉身的悲剧——解读歌德《浮士德》的身体图景
4.The front section of a side of meat.前身肉肉一侧的前半部
5.Veal is young beef and lamb is a baby sheep.小牛肉是小牛犊身上的肉,小羊肉是羔羊身上的肉。
6.During the hand-to-hand fight, he fully displayed his talents.在肉搏战中他大显身手。
7.He does exercises to develop his muscles.他锻炼身体使肌肉发达。
8.Exercise will firm up your muscles.锻炼身体能使肌肉结实.
9.He is tall, broad and muscular.他身高肩宽, 肌肉发达.
10.He' s big and beefy.他身材魁梧, 肌肉发达.
11.the styloid muscles in carnivores.食肉动物身上的茎状肌肉
12.Having a slender, lightly muscled physique.身材瘦长的纤弱的,少肌肉的身材
13.Of, relating to, or belonging to the body.肉体的身体的,与身体相关的或属于身体的
14.a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fish.从动物或大鱼身上多肉部分切下来的肉片。
15.Of or relating to the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.肉体的肉体的或身体的,与肉体有关的,相对于心灵和精神的
16.His dying flesh hangs from him in wrinkled.挂在他身上快要死去的皮肉打着皱折。
17.Gosh! My muscles are going to ache all over tomorrow .哎呀! 明天我全身肌肉都会痛了。
18.Gosh! my muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow.哎呀!明天我全身肌肉都会痛了。

1.This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s reflections on the concept of the flesh.本文侧重考察了后期梅洛-庞蒂关于肉身概念的思考。
1.Therefore“incarnation”has the close relationship with the aesthetic activities.“道成肉身”是基督教的核心教义,主要是指上帝之子肉身化为耶稣其人,在人世间实施对人类的救赎。
4)unification of body and soul肉身成道
5)Flesh-Self Love肉身·自爱
6)die Koerperlichkeit肉身性

肉身【肉身】 (术语)父母所生之人身也。