1.Modernization and post-modernization of Zhuang Zi s"non-restraint"philosophy;庄子“无待”哲学的现代性与后现代性
2)depend-on and nondepend-on有待与无待
1.On the base of humanity, we discuss depend-on and nondepend-on in the area of materials, imprisonment and freedom in the area of systems, reason and sensibility in the area of spirit .以"人性"为基点,考察人性在物质、制度和精神这三个层面上的进退逡巡:有待与无待、监禁与自由、理智与情感,有助于我们寻求并破解文化发展的内在动力问题。
1.Scheduling model and its algorithm for no-wait robotic cell with multiple robots;无等待多机器人制造单元调度模型和算法研究
2.Polynomial algorithm for cyclic scheduling of a complex no-wait robotic production system;复杂无等待自动化制造系统的调度算法研究
3.Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm for Real-time Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling with No-wait in Process;实时无等待HFS调度的一种拉格朗日松弛算法

1.Scheduling of No-wait Flowshop by Using Culture Algorithm基于文化算法的无等待Flowshop调度
2.Iterative Heuristic Algorithms for No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problems无等待流水调度问题迭代启发式算法
3.No-wait on-line supply chain scheduling problems with transfer time;带运输时间的无等待供应链在线调度问题研究
4.Researches on the No-Wait Permutation Flow Shop Earliness and Tardiness Scheduling Problem无等待排列流水车间提前/延期调度问题
5.Optimal scheduling of no-wait robotic cell with multi-type parts多工件类型的无等待机器人制造单元调度研究
6.I have no choice except to wait.除了等待,我别无选择。
7.After that, there was nothing to do but wait.然后,除了等待无事可做。
8."Existence means Nothing" from the Study of "Nothing" in Waiting for Godot;存在即无——关于《等待戈多》中“无”的研究
9.Waited in the dentist's office for an eternity.在牙医的办公室里无休止的等待
10.The gang lies in wait for an innocent victim.那帮人等待伏击一个无辜的受害者。
11.Numerous pitfalls await unsuspecting investors.数不清的陷阱等待毫无戒心的投资者。
12.You must act instead of waiting to get things done.自己的事自己做,等待别人无指望。
13.He waited with barely concealed impatience.他等待着,几乎无法掩饰不耐烦的心情。
14.He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time.他看上去无所事事,其实却在等待良机。
15.So he folded his hands and waited--for what, he could not anticipate.因此,他就十指交叉地等待着--等待什么呢,他也无法预料。
16.Specifies the number of seconds to wait before returning from processing a remote query. A value of 0 will allow an infinite wait.指定从处理远程查询返回之前等待的秒数。0 值将允许无限时等待。
17.Specifies the number of seconds to wait before returning from a remote login attempt. A value of 0 will allow an infinite wait.指定从远程登录返回前等待的秒数。0 值将允许无限的等待。
18.He sat emotionless in the pew for the remainder of the service, waiting for the congregation to exit.他面无表情地坐在靠背长凳上,等待礼拜的结束,等待着圣会的散场。

depend-on and nondepend-on有待与无待
1.On the base of humanity, we discuss depend-on and nondepend-on in the area of materials, imprisonment and freedom in the area of systems, reason and sensibility in the area of spirit .以"人性"为基点,考察人性在物质、制度和精神这三个层面上的进退逡巡:有待与无待、监禁与自由、理智与情感,有助于我们寻求并破解文化发展的内在动力问题。
1.Scheduling model and its algorithm for no-wait robotic cell with multiple robots;无等待多机器人制造单元调度模型和算法研究
2.Polynomial algorithm for cyclic scheduling of a complex no-wait robotic production system;复杂无等待自动化制造系统的调度算法研究
3.Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm for Real-time Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling with No-wait in Process;实时无等待HFS调度的一种拉格朗日松弛算法
4)Hold a Free and unfettered Idea逍遥无待
5)Ex Coupon无优待券
6)argument for desire and non-desire有待无待之辨

《包待制陈州粜米》  元代杂剧作品。作者佚名。故事写陈州大旱三年,五谷不收。朝廷派刘得中、杨金吾前往救灾,掌管开仓赈饥事项。刘、杨二人提高米价,米里掺土糠,小斗量米,大秤收银,尅扣百姓,中饱私囊。灾民张古与他们论理,被他们用御赐紫金锤打死。包拯奉命去陈州查办,察访到他们的罪行,用御赐势剑杀了刘得中,并让小古用紫金锤打死了杨金吾,又巧计开脱了小古,解救了受害人民。    剧中塑造了一个敢于向官府挑战、具有反抗精神的农民张古形象,反映了贪官污吏与广大人民之间不可调和的矛盾,揭露了开仓赈饥的"善举",实际上往往给官吏们提供了又一次对人民欺压掠夺的机会。剧本是元代灾荒频仍、社会矛盾十分尖锐的现实的反映。    包拯在剧中是一个个性鲜明的人物。剧本没有过多渲染他"料事如神"的本领,对他的描写基本上是平民化的。如写他不仅"不受民财",不吃沿路州府官吏为他安排的饮食,却只吃"落解粥"。他在作官要钱不要钱问题上有过矛盾,对与权豪结仇也有顾虑,甚至想告老闲居。但是当他想到张古大冤未伸,就决心再一次"与那陈州百姓每分忧"。第三折写他私行察访时扮作一个普通老汉,为人牵驴,富有喜剧色彩。正是这一系列的描写,把包拯塑造成一个有血有肉的人物,一个不避艰险、为民除害、专与权贵作对的清官形象。剧本结构较为严密,情节展开颇多波澜,曲目也很生动,是元代杂剧中公案戏的代表作。