朱光潜,Zhu Guangqian
1)Zhu Guangqian朱光潜
1.Artistic Conception from the Perspective of Comparative Aesthetics—A Case Study of Zhu Guangqian s and Zong Baihua s Theories;比较美学视野中的“意境说”——以朱光潜和宗白华为例
2.The Sublimity Penetrating in Chinese Modern Formalist Aesthetics——With Wang Guowei,Zhu Guangqian and Zong Baihua as Examples;试论崇高对中国近现代形式主义美学的渗透——以王国维、朱光潜和宗白华为中心

1.Dives the Earlier Period Esthetic Education Thought by Zhu Guangqian and the Practical Significance;论朱光潜前期的美育思想及现实意义
2.On the Complementarity of Zhu Guangqian and Li Zehou s Aesthetics;论朱光潜美学与李泽厚美学的互补性
3.The Theory of Interest in ZhuGuangQian s Literary Criticism;论朱光潜文学批评中的“趣味”理论
4.An Analysis of Causes for the Theory of Temperament and Interest in Zhu Guangqian s The Theory of Poetry;试析朱光潜《诗论》“情趣”说的成因
5.On the Incompleteness of Zhu Guangqian s On Poetry from the Angle of Its Writing System;从体例角度看朱光潜《诗论》的未完成性
6.Comments on Zhu Guangqian s Literature Criticism;创造的名理静观——朱光潜批评美学论
7.Zhu Guang-qian s Aesthetics during the "Great Aesthetic Discussion;“美学大讨论”时期朱光潜美学略论
8.A Probe into Cultural Poetics by Zhu Guang-qian;寻根与探路:朱光潜的文化诗学探索
9.Empathy or Resonating:Zhu Guangqian's Opinion About "Ego-involved Realm"移情还是感应:朱光潜论“有我之境”
10.Zhu Guangqian's Poetry Translation Based on Characteristics of Aesthetic Experience从朱光潜“美感经验的特征”看诗歌翻译
11.Modern Interpretation of Zhu Guangqian's Literary Psychology朱光潜《文艺心理学》的现代性阐释
12.Easy and Difficult--the Enlightenment of Zhu Guangqian's Articles and Opinions浅易与艰深——朱光潜文论风格的启示
13.Esthetics Is the Psychology of Literature and Art美学即文艺心理学——浅论朱光潜早期的美学思想
14.ZHU Guang-qian and ZONG Bai-hua s Comments on "Gap and Ungap";从王国维“接着讲”:朱光潜、宗白华论“隔与不隔”
15.Statement of "Content and Form" and Formation of Zhu Guangqian s Conception of Poetics;“内容与形式”之论与朱光潜诗学观念的建构
16.Another Exploration into the Aesthetics of Comedy of Zhu Guangqian;从朱光潜喜剧美学观解读刘伶的生命游戏规则
17.On Zhu Guangqian’s Poetic Construction, Aesthetic Research and Attitude Towards Life;朱光潜的诗学建构、美学研究及人生态度
18.The Essential Power of Human Consist in Aesthetic Judgement;人的本质力量在于审美——重读朱光潜《谈美书简》

ZHU Guang-qian朱光潜
1.ZHU Guang-qian and ZONG Bai-hua s Comments on "Gap and Ungap";从王国维“接着讲”:朱光潜、宗白华论“隔与不隔”
2.TAO Yuan-ming——the Origin of ZHU Guang-qian s Poetic Theory;陶渊明:朱光潜诗学原点
3)Zhu Guangqian's Aesthetics朱光潜美学
4)Zhu Guɑngqiɑn朱光潜(1897~1986)
5)On ZHU Guang-qian s Opinions about Fu朱光潜赋论简议
6)"Taste" and Zhu Guang-qian"情趣"与朱光潜
