审美生存,aesthetic existence
1)aesthetic existence审美生存
1.Marx s aesthetic existence idea based on the particular theory background : the background of thought history is the tradition of western intellectualism philosophy that covered human s existence ; the direct theory source includes German classical philosophy , British political economics and French socialism doctrine .审美生存是生存的理想方式,也是人生存于世界的本质规定,对审美生存的追求是贯穿马克思学说的一条红线。
2.The solution to predicament of modernization is to build aesthetic existence by historical and materialist methods.现代化的困境体现在人与自然、人与人、人与自身的发展矛盾等方面,坚持历史唯物主义基础上的审美生存是现代化困境的拯救之维,审美的本质、功能和社会作用是克服人与自然、人与人、人自身发展矛盾、实现人与世界和谐的有效途径。
3.He restored the world to its original beauty with uselessness,and transformed the practical relation between man and the world into a connection that transcended utility,thus opening up a new world of aesthetic existence.庄子以"无用之用"反对世人的"有用之用",以审美人性之大用反对以实用为大用的知识观、道德观和艺术观,以"无用"还原世界本真的美,在人与世界单纯的实用关系之外,开出审美生存的新天地,其审美生存的思想对于当今的人文反思有着直接的借鉴意义。

1.A Probe into the Characteristics of Aesthetic Survival of the Dong Nationality;诗意的生存——侗族审美生存特征初探
2.On the Aesthetic Living Wisdom--Research into Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai(Part two);审美生存的智慧——青海审美文化研究之二
3.On the limit of aesthetic life;长歌当哭之后——审美生存限度之考察
4.Communism:Unifying of Modernization and Aesthetic Existence共产主义:现代化与审美生存的统一
5.Aesthetic Salvation: from "Classy Life" to "Classical Living";审美救赎论:从“人生的艺术化”到“审美化生存”
6.Secularized Rise and Aesthetic Existence of the Popular Culture;大众文化的世俗化崛起与审美化生存
7.The Aesthetic ldea of Classic Ecological Existentialism in Taoism;老庄道家古典生态存在论审美观新说
8.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验
9.Architecture,Zoology and Esthetic:Taking Heidegger Existenzial-Ontologisch to Construct Present Ponder;建筑·生态·审美——以海德格尔生存论建构当下之思
10.Aesthetics and Humanity s Freedom Value;美学之存在或审美与人的自由价值——兼论生命美学的失误
11.Art Living--A Study Outline of the Aesthetic Culture in Contemporary Guangxi Literature;艺术化生存——当代广西文学的审美文化研究论纲
12.Thinking of the Nature of Life and Aesthetic Existence:The Essence of Marcuse s New Sensibility;生命本然与审美存在之思:马尔库塞新感性实质
13.Study on Aesthetic Culture in Guangxi Contemporary Literature;艺术化生存——当代广西文学的审美文化研究
14.A Tentative Discussion on the Aesthetic Awareness of Classical Ecological Existentialism in Book of Songs;试论《诗经》中所蕴涵的古典生态存在论审美意识
15.On The Aesthetic Refleetion of Shen Congwen s Theory of Authentic Beingand His Artistic Creation;论沈从文“本真”生存与文艺创作的审美反思性
16.Aesthetic System--The Existence Manner of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美制度——审美人类学的存在方式
17.Poetic Existence and Aesthetic Thinking--Calvino s Fictions under an Ecological Existentialism Horizon;诗意的存在 审美的玄思——生态存在论视域中的卡尔维诺小说
18.Appeal for Aesthetic Modernization--Comment on Aesthetic Practice,Life and Existence by Zhu Shou-xing;审美现代性的吁求——评朱寿兴的《美学的实践、生命与存在》

aesthetic survival审美生存
1.This paper, guided by theories of ecological aesthetics, probes into the characteristics of aesthetic survival of the Dong nationality-singing as a means of entertainment, harmony as the aesthetic ideal, humor as the aesthetic delight.运用生态美学的理论为指导 ,对侗族审美生存特征进行探讨。
3)Aesthetic survival审美化生存
4)aesthetic existence experience审美生存体验
5)aesthetic life existence审美生命存在
6)aesthetic being审美存在
1.Many were proved fruitless,originates from the ill perception for super-substance of aesthetic being.许多讨论之所以无功而返,在于缺乏对审美存在的超实体性的认识。

《保护地球——持续生存战略》《保护地球——持续生存战略》  《保护地球—持续生存战略》世界自然保护同盟、联合国环境规划署以及世界野生生物基金会共同编制的关于1991年10月21日在北京、伦敦、莫斯科、东京等60多个国家的首都同时公布的一个文件。这个文件强烈呼吁富裕国家立即停止滥用自然资源,减轻对地球的破坏。文件指出,在最近200年中,地球已经失去了600万平方公里的森林,水土流失使注入世界大河的淤泥量比19世纪增加了两倍。从18世纪中叶到20世纪,大气中二氧化碳的浓度已经增加了27%,严重地影响了气候。人类活动对地球生态系统的压力已到达它所能承受的极限。这个文件提出了旨在建立人类可持续生存的社会应遵守的9条基本原则,即尊重和关心生活社区,改善人类生活质量,保护地球的生活力和多样性,最大限度地减少不可更新资源的消耗,使每个人都关心他们生存的环境等。