审美需要,aesthetic need
1)aesthetic need审美需要
1.Men s consciousness crying for happy life and happy feeling and their experience in the free creative activities have caused their aesthetic needs and the formation of their aesthetic activities.人类乐生需要和快乐情感的被意识并企图通过自由创造来再度进行体验,这就是审美需要的产 生及其审美活动的形成。
2.The birth of new contents and images embodies the new aesthetic need and interests.明朝中后期市民阶层的壮大带动了审美文化的世俗化、个性化和趣味化,新内容与新形象的诞生体现着新的审美需要和审美趣味。
3.Literary and artistic creation is,in essence,the creation of aesthectic values,whose aim is to meet the aesthetic need of the creative perceiver and acceptive percevier in order to delight the mind.文艺创作的实质就是审美价值的创造 ,其主要目的就是为了满足创作主体和接受主体的审美需要 ,求得精神的愉悦。

1.Research of Aesthetics Needs of University Students in Shanghai in PE Teaching;上海大学生对体育教学的审美需要研究
2.Research and Investigation into the College Teachers' Esthetical Needs and Attitude toward Consumption中国高校教师审美需要与消费观的调查
3.Flexible use of parts of speech rises as the language aesthetic requires, which will have much potentialities in language application.词类的活用是应语言审美需要而生.它在语言运用上将会有很大的潜力。
4.This paper tries to explain and construct the thought and art of twelve month deities picture on an ancient book for silk fabrics which is quoted by the chu art.为适应当代艺术审美需要,从“缯书”上的十二月神灵图中解构楚文化学的思想性与艺术性。
5.Aesthetic Characteristics of TV and Psychological Need of the Audience;电视审美特性与受众心理需要的满足
6.The construction and conception of esthetic divinity needs to raise the modem scientific spirit.审美神性的建构需要培养现代科学精神。
7.The cultivation of personality is both moral and aesthetic, and it requires both scholarship and refinement.性格的创造是道德上和审美上的问题,而且同时需要学识和风雅。
8.Reviews shall be made according to the regulations on reviews.论文不需要答辩,以评审制通过评审。
9.You set your own beauty standards, and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level.你需要做的只是降低自己的审美标准,自信独立就能提升你的美貌,让你与众不同。
10.The Aesthetic Sensation·Aesthetic Experience.Aesthetic Imagination.Aesthetic Creation--On the Elements of Creating the Aesthetic Stage Image;审美感知·审美体验·审美想象·审美创造——谈戏剧舞台审美形象的生成要素
11.On the Requirements for Teachers in Aesthetic Education of Mathematics;浅析数学审美教育对教师素养的需求
12.An external audit is required for tax purpose.公司为税务需要,要进行外聘审计。
13.This paper develops itself in three chapters: aesthetic perception--aesthetic feeling -aesthetic comprehension.文中主要分为三章,依照审美感知→审美情感→审美理解的过程展开。
14.The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to cater for people's needs for aesthesis and enjoyment.一个艺术家的责任是去创造艺术作品以迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。
15.The range of colour, pattern and texture is wide enough to suit every one's needs and taste.颜色、图案及质地的多样化足以使每一个人的需求和审美要求得到满足。
16.Aesthetic System--On the Important Category of Aesthetic Anthropological Research;审美制度——论审美人类学研究的重要范畴
17.Towards Aesthetic Experience-On the Great Significance of Aesthetic Experience Study;走向审美体验——试论研究审美体验的重要意义
18.On Modern College Student s Aesthetic Needs and Aesthetic Education in Physical Education Teaching;现代大学生对体育运动的审美需求与审美教育研究

aesthetic needs审美需要
1.The aesthetic value of the Nanning International Folk Song Festival shows up through the functions including aesthetic needs,aesthetic exchange and aesthetic restoration.南宁国际民歌节的审美价值是通过它的审美需要、审美交流和审美修复功能表现出来的。
2.It is true that what can satisfy people s aesthetic needs has the aesthetic value.能够满足人的审美需要的对象是有审美价值的,但我们还应看到这种需要所产生的结果是善还是恶?如何判断这种需要的善恶及其程度?审美评价是最为重要的一个环节。
3.The survey shows that(1) university teachers and students have positive and active aesthetic needs;(2) university teachers and students have higher aesthetic ideal than other Chinese citizens;(3) university teachers and students have more aesthetic knowledge than the common citizens;(4) the university teachers are more rational than the students in aesthetic appreciation.结果表明:(1)中国高校师生有着积极的审美需要;(2)高校师生审美理想在整体上较中国公民高;(3)高校师生的审美知识高于中国公民总体水平;(4)高校教师与高校学生相比,在审美追求上较为理性;(5)以美辅德,开展多种途径、多种方法、多种层次丰富多彩的审美教育,树立与时俱进的审美价值观,为构建和谐社会做贡献。
3)On the Need of Taste论审美需要
4)popular aesthetics群众审美需要
5)Aesthetic Needs Distance审美需要距离
6)the rational and aesthetic needs of the accepter理性审美需要

劳动审美需要劳动审美需要aesthetic need of labor  劳动审美姗要(aesthetic need of labor)个体希望通过劳动获得审美享受的客观要求的反映,是人的高级的需要之一。以审美的欲望形式,指向于人类的精神享受,而不单纯是生理上的舒适。它是在劳动审美活动中产生和发展的,又是劳动审美活动顺利进行的动力。具有这种需要的人,喜欢劳动胜过闲暇,把劳动看成是人生的乐趣、巨大的享受,而不单纯是谋生的手段。如果失去劳动或丧失劳动能力,他们就会感到烦恼,甚至导致心理疾病。它能使个体充分发挥创造的潜能,体验到劳动不仅能极大地满足这种需要,也能不断得到强化。而异化劳动则压制和摧残了这种需要,“劳动”常常被看成是受苦、受罪,“劳动创造了美,却使劳动者成为畸形”。劳动者则尽其所能逃避这种劳动,反抗这种劳动,盼望解放。对劳动的审美价值的认识是劳动审美需要产生的基础。一方面使学生在劳动实践中认识劳动的美,另一方面是使学生在教育情境中认识劳动之美。故劳动审美教育是影响劳动审美需要的主要因素。当劳动审美价值被个体意识到,它就会转化为个体进行劳动的审美需要,成为劳动审美动机。 (李红撰甘欣然审)