以西释中,Interpreting Chinese with western discourse
1)Interpreting Chinese with western discourse以西释中

1."Interpreting Chinese with Western Discourse" and the Discipline Construction of Chinese Philosophy“以西释中”与中国哲学的学科构建
2.The frescoes in the center on the west wall are most about Sakyamuni, and the ones on the east wall are about Master Tsongkapa.西壁中心,以释迦牟尼像为主,东壁以宗喀巴为主。
3.Academic Features of "Interpreting Ancient Philosophical Works with Western Learning" in Late Qing Dynasty;论晚清诸子学研究中“以西释子”的学术特色
4.Elucidatory Methods of Argumentation Crossing China and The West--An Example from the Academic Research of the Republic of China;融合中西的义理阐释方法——以民国学术研究为例
5.The Comparison Between Western and Chinese Hermeneutics--A Case Study of Mencius and Ast中西诠释思想之比较——以孟子及阿斯特等人为例
6.The new explanation about Chinese aesthetics tradition ──The life aesthetics was regarded as the explaining background;中国美学传统的新阐释──以生命美学作为阐释背景的《中西比较美学论稿》
7."The impact of the West" is given by Acheson as the second reason why the Chinese revolution occurred.“西方的影响”,这是艾奇逊解释中国革命所以发生的第二个原因。
8.Explanation of Speech Differences and Pragmatic Failure in the Eastern and Western Inter-culture Communication Based on "Maxims of Politeness";以“礼貌原则”诠释东西方跨文化交际中的言语差异及语用失误
9.Hermeneutic Reflect ion on the Transplantation of Western Law Systems into China Since Modern Time s;对中国移植近代以来西方法律制度的解释学反思
10.Policy of Tea Brand Based on Interpretative Structural Modeling--Taking the tea industry of Hanzhong in Shaanxi as the case基于解释结构模型的茶叶品牌发展策略——以陕西汉中茶产业为例
11.Explorative Instruction in the Universities--A Case Study of Southwest Associated University大学场域中的探究性教学——以西南联大为个案的诠释
12.In China,no criminals can be released on bail.在中国,没有罪犯可以交保释金而获释.
13.Hermeneutic Logos and Taoist Hermeneutics--The Root of Sino-Western Differences in Hermeneutics;解释学的逻各斯与道的解释学——中西解释学的差异根源
14.Functions and Significance of Newly Created Written Languages of China s Ethnic Minorities in Cultural Changes--Taking the Hani,Lisu and Naxi nationalities as Examples;中国少数民族新创文字在文化变迁中的功能与意义阐释——以哈尼、傈僳和纳西族为例
15.There is an interesting and unexplained anomaly in tamarack from northern localities in west central Canada.中西加拿大的北部诸点的美国落叶松有一种有趣的难以解释的异常现象。
16.Aspiration of the View of "Flavor" for Literary Translation--With Aesthetics of Reception as A Reference;试论中国古代文论“玩味说”对文学翻译的解释力——以西方接受美学为参照
17.The Annotation of Allusions with a Case Study of Ulysses典故翻译的注释原则——以《尤利西斯》的典故注释为例
18.explain the meaning of dignity from a Western and a Chinese point of view.从西方和中国的角度解释尊严的含义。

using Chinese methods explain west以中释西
3)interpreting ancient philosophical works with western learning以西释子
1.The wide spreading of western learning,the re-appearance of the theory of "western sciences reflecting Chinese origin" and the inner need for research methods have special features of interpreting ancient philosophical works with western learning in late Qing Dynasty.在晚清诸子学研究中,由于西学的广泛传播、"西学中源"说的再次兴起和研究方法的内在需要,出现了"以西释子"的学术特色。
4)Interpreting Chinese with Chinese discourse以中释中
5)On "Interpreting Chinese with Chinese Discourse"论"以中释中"
6)Chinese criticism on the West以中评西
