淡泊审美,Detachment aesthetic
1)Detachment aesthetic淡泊审美
2)unsophisticated beauty淡泊美
1.Zen state is characterized by artistic beauty,tranquil beauty,unsophisticated beauty,and ascetic beauty.禅境具有空灵美、静寂美、淡泊美、清寒美这四个主要特征。
3)pinhechongdan aesthetic idea平和冲淡审美观
4)not seeking fame and wealth淡泊
1.This article analyzes the connotation of Xu Qiubai s Poem Occasional composition written on the eve of death,and concludes that the tone of the poem being peace and not seeking fame and wealth.阐述瞿秋白绝命诗《偶成》的真实内涵,《偶成》的基调是淡泊与宁静。

1.Men of learning axe plain men.搞学问的人是淡泊之人。
2.all through the years he led a simple life without seeking wealth and fame.他一生淡泊,生活简朴。
3.Commend me to a simple life我宁可过淡泊的生活。
4.Nonchalant Will--The Theory of Morandi's Art Spitit淡泊以明志——论莫兰迪的艺术精神
5.Comparison on Art Style of Elevation and Simplicity between Chinese and Western;试比较中西“淡泊”与“崇高”艺术风格
6.Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires, welcome to the lane!爱宁静淡泊,沉思默想的,深深的小巷在欢迎你。
7.You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth.你的美充满了安详与淡泊,因为你真正地生活过。
8.Chen Shouyue and His Chinese Painting于淡泊中见浓郁 陈寿岳和他的绘画艺术
9.Simple for Grand Aspiration;Recondite in Dead Quietude-Mr Yang Mingshan,My Teacher;淡泊明志 宁静致远——我的恩师杨鸣山先生
10.Seeking Great Ideals Without Worldly Desires,On Morandi,Balthus and Liangkai s Artistic Spirit;淡泊以明志——论莫兰迪、巴尔蒂斯、梁楷的艺术精神
11.The Thin Flavor is the Most Flavor:Flavor Category Development in Song Dynasty;寄至味于淡泊——宋代味论发展的文化考察
12.Simplicity and Divine Intelligence--on the Impetuous Psychology of Present China s Circle of Calligraphers;淡泊与神性——谈当下中国书法界的浮躁心理
13.Solitude,Tranquility and Harmony--On Wordsworth's Reflections on Nature淡泊·宁静·和谐——读华兹华斯诗歌中自然观
14.The Academic Life of Professor Zheng Rusi of Peking University“淡泊以明志,宁静以致远”——记北大教授郑如斯先生
15.Because you have really lived, you have reached peacefulness and serenity and the state of neglecting fame and money.因为你真正的生活过,已达到了平和安详,淡泊名利的境界。
16.returned Sydney, with a lighter and more good-humoured laugh, 'don't you be moral!'西德尼比刚才更淡泊也更和善地笑了笑。 “你别装什么正经了
17.Diligence, frugality, and detachment from worldly desires bring you a better tomorrow. Compassion, loving-kindness, joyfulness, and equanimity bring happiness to posterity.勤俭淡泊,为自己开创美好的明天。慈悲喜舍,为子孙准备美好的未来。
18.So housing still belongs to consumption goods,and households have little housing investment motives.这说明住房仍偏于消费品,居民住房投资的意识较为淡泊

unsophisticated beauty淡泊美
1.Zen state is characterized by artistic beauty,tranquil beauty,unsophisticated beauty,and ascetic beauty.禅境具有空灵美、静寂美、淡泊美、清寒美这四个主要特征。
3)pinhechongdan aesthetic idea平和冲淡审美观
4)not seeking fame and wealth淡泊
1.This article analyzes the connotation of Xu Qiubai s Poem Occasional composition written on the eve of death,and concludes that the tone of the poem being peace and not seeking fame and wealth.阐述瞿秋白绝命诗《偶成》的真实内涵,《偶成》的基调是淡泊与宁静。
5)freshwater lake淡水湖泊
1.Construction and application of microbial whole-cell sensors indicating the extent of eutrophication in freshwater lakes;淡水湖泊富营养化的微生物全细胞传感器的构建和应用
6)detached and simple超然淡泊
1.His life philosophy of advocating nature, detached and simple realm of life and his free and swift aesthetic ideal are just the poetic display of Zhuangzi s philosophy of life.他崇尚自然的生命哲学、超然淡泊的人生境界、自由飘逸的美学理想正是庄子人生哲学的诗意显
