美趣,the interest of beauty
1)the interest of beauty美趣

1.Maturity, Lightness, Freshness - On the Aesthetic Taste of the Song Dynasty;老成·平淡·以清为美——宋人审美趣味丛论
2.Tastes Are Controversial: An Ontological Explanation of Esthetic Tastes;趣味有争辩——关于审美趣味的本体论阐释
3.The tomb figures' appearance reveals the aesthetics of the Tang people.并突出地体现了唐人的审美趣味。
4.The sentiment can be understood in both feeling and interest.而情趣美可理解为感情与志趣两方面。
5.The Meaning of "Taste"--Liang Qichao s Aesthetic Interpretation of "Taste";“趣味”的意涵——梁启超对“趣味”的审美阐释
6.She shows great interest in American drama.她对美国戏剧很有兴趣。
7.I hear Sleeping Beauty is interesting,我听说《睡美人》很有趣。
8.Aesthetics does not fall within my area of interest.我对美学不感兴趣。
9.Childlike Happiness-Aesthetic Characteristics of A Journey to the West;“童趣”——《西游记》的审美品格
10.Get students to discover and appreciate beauty. Raise their sense of art.让学生发现美、赏美、养学生的审美情趣。
11.A Tentative Discussion on Ideal of Personality Aesthetics;“淡”趣之美——魏晋玄学的人格审美理想
12.Have you ever seen such a taste-a really exquisite one-ruffled?你有没有看到过这样美好的趣味--真正美好的趣味--遭到拂逆的情况?
13.Quite a few people are interested in seeing movies about American police and gangsters.不少人对看美国警匪片很感兴趣。
14.The wonderful view added to our pleasure.美丽的景色增加了我们的乐趣。
15.meet interesting people and taste delicious food.遇到有趣的人和品尝美味的食品。
16.B: Well, are you interested in American history?乙:嗯,您对美国历史有没有兴趣呢?
17.Nevertheless, houses are of great interest to Americans.美国人对于住房非常感兴趣。
18.Is it taste or an objective property?美是情趣还是一种客观属性?

beauty of sentiment情趣美
3)aesthetic sentiment审美情趣
1.The paper summarizes the study of his view of literary history,his theory of personality and his literary theory of aesthetic sentiment.本文将对其文学理论研究作出一番综述,共三点:一、对其文学史观的研究综述;二、对其“性灵论”的研究综述;三、关于审美情趣的研究综述。
2.This article will discuss the aesthetic sentiment brought by the modern tableware from the following aspects:its natual beauty ,its harmonious beauty,its living beauty;etc.本文从陶瓷食器艺术的自然美、和谐美、生活美几个方面探讨陶瓷食器艺术在现代生活中带来的审美情趣,意在倡导一种艺术化的生活方式。
3.The basket for mulberry is small,but the fine and exquisite shape and depiction reflect the unique artistic pursuit of aesthetic sentiment of the Han Dynasty.“桑笼”虽小,但其小巧而精美的造型与刻画,从一个侧面表现和反映了两汉时期独特的审美情趣。
4)aesthetic taste审美情趣
1.Because of different cultural backgrounds,gardening materials and religious beliefs,there is a clear difference between the Chinese and Western Gardens on aesthetic concepts,aesthetic tastes and the art of gardening.中西园林受文化背景、造园材料、宗教信仰不同的影响,在美学理念、审美情趣、造园艺术上存着明显差异。
2.With the anatomy of his works in the contem-porary cultural context, the paper deems that the Minimalism, the aesthetic taste and axiology of the middle class in west is the pursue of his projects.文章对坂茂及其作品进行了合乎当代文化语境的解读,认为极少主义风格、西方中产阶级审美情趣和价值观是构成其设计思想的重要精神谱系。
3.We should foster students healthy personality,cultivate students aesthetic taste and arouse students learning interest and enthusiasm by means of analyzing the aesthetic emotions in teaching materials.要通过对教材名篇的审美情感分析,培养学生健康的人格,陶冶学生的审美情趣,激发学生学习的兴趣和热情。
5)aesthetic taste审美趣味
1.Criticism of the Aesthetic Taste——Aesthetic Pleasure Steps toward Lofty Medium;审美趣味批评——审美愉悦走向崇高的中介
2.There are artistic works with contrasting aesthetic tastes in the history of literature home and abroad.中外文学史上自古存在着两类审美趣味较为相对的文艺作品。
6)Aesthetic interest审美趣味
1.People,aesthetic interest has changed a lot along with the approach of consuming age.随着消费时代的来临,人们的审美趣味发生了很大的变化。
2.The writers of different distinction makings will often choose different subject matter and present different aesthetic interest.作家的个性气质和作品风格之间存在着密切联系:有着不同个性气质的作家往往会选择不同的题材,显示不同的审美趣味。

乡间情趣园位于怀柔县城北六千米的雁栖镇范各庄村,占地75公顷。建于1994年1月,开业地同年7月,经过四年的全面开发并建设,现已形成一定规模,成为集旅游观光、休闲度假、采摘、游泳、垂钓、婚庆植树、荷花欣赏、松林浴、花卉欣赏为一体的,具有独特的田园风格的农业旅游观光景区,往南可去红螺寺,慕田峪,往北可去雁栖湖、神堂峪等旅游区。每年的活动安排有:春季赏花,夏季避暑、采摘,秋季收获。6月份:桃、杏;7月份:桃、李子;8月份:桃、苹果、李子;9月份:桃、苹果、李子;10月份:桃、苹果。分为采摘区、休闲区、植树区。采摘区有果树四万余株, 园中有果树50多种,花果飘香。桃树、樱桃树、杏树、李子树、海棠树、柿子树、苹果树以及红果树和弥猴桃等。许多果品是近年来新引进的名优品种。伊甸园幸福林于1996年10月12日,由中国绿化基金会、北京市怀柔县人民政府绿化办、雁栖镇人民政府、范各庄共同开发建设,已成为各界人士新婚和各种喜庆之事种植纪念树的专门场所。现已植幸福树、纪念树2000棵。接待游客近万人。休闲区包括游泳池、钓鱼池、摸鱼池,建在园子的中心,四周被各种果树围绕,绿荫处供人们闲情垂钓。清洁宽敞的游泳池,供人们消景纳凉。方便实惠的农家餐馆,游人可直接参与制做,体味民情。乡间情趣园已经成为集旅游观光、休闲度假、采摘、游泳、垂钓、纪念植树、荷花欣赏、森林浴为一体的,具有独特田园风格的农业旅游观光景区。景点位置:雁栖镇范各庄村景点交通:936路至雁栖环岛下或916路迎宾环岛下;自驾车从京顺路到怀柔北行至雁栖环岛左拐沿范崎路行景点门票:15元出游佳期:7-10月附近景观:雁栖湖、红螺寺