人格自性,The personality
1)The personality人格自性
2)self-discipline personality自律性人格
3)personality of women女性自我人格
1.In this works, we have seen modern women`s persistence in love and their pursuit of it and We`re also seen the love not free from philistinism and the concern about the personality of women in this world,.在这篇作品中,我们看到了现代女性对爱情执著与追求,也看到这人世间那无法脱俗的爱情以及对女性自我人格的关注。
4)self-strengthening personality自强人格
1.The paper discussed the approaches of cultivation of self-strengthening personality from five aspects:cultivation of morality, cognition, words and deeds, will, interpersonal relationship.体现为持之以恒、谦虚谨慎、坚强勇敢、诚信、"知几"的自强者人格特征;从修德、认识、言行、意志和人际关系五个方面论述了自强人格养成的途径和方法;自强及其培养应遵循"创新变革"和"顺天"的基本心理原则。
5)Self-conscious personality人格自觉

1.Consciousness of personality and consciousness of culture --On the contemporary value of personality of a noble man defined in Chinese traditional culture;人格自觉与文化自觉——兼论中国传统文化中君子人格的现代价值
2.Villains are characteristically mean, rude, insensitive, conceited and selfish.恶人性格特点是:刻薄、粗鲁、感觉麻木、自负和自私。
3.Grace is always correcting other people. She thinks she's a know-it-all.格雷斯总是在纠正别人,她觉得自己是万事通。
4.Network moral education:the awakening of the moral self-discipline and the rebuilding of the moral personality;网络德育:道德自律的觉醒与道德人格的重塑
5.However, he is related to traditional literati painting in terms of friends he made, subjects, style and technique of painting.但他又自觉不自觉地在交友、绘画题材、风格和技法资源等方面 ,与传统文人画发生着关联。
6.He felt his teeth grinding against one another.他觉得自己的牙齿剧烈地格格响着。
7.Margaret has always based her beliefs on a mixture of instinct and personal experience.玛格丽特的各种主张都来自她的感觉和个人经验。
8.I felt as if my soul were grappling with a palpaBle enemy我觉得似乎自己的灵魂在与一个明显的敌人格斗
9.School Well-being and Its Relationships with Self-perception of Competence and Personality in Adolescent;青少年学校幸福感及其与能力自我知觉、人格的关系
10.Effect of Counseling on Personality Feature and Self-conscious Symptom of College Students with Internet Addiction Disorder;心理辅导对网络成瘾大学生人格特征及其自觉症状的影响
11.Zong Baihua:Study of Artistic Mood and Consciousness of Personality Life;意境的创构与人格生命的自觉——宗白华美学思想核心简论
12.Consciousness and Passive Destruction--An Analysis of the Tragic Personality and the Fate of Song Jiang;自觉的忧患与被动的毁灭——宋江的悲剧人格与命运
13.Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to.人人自觉管, 事事有人管。
14.Margaret felt free to bring in the people she wanted and to throw out those she didn't.玛格丽特觉得可以毫无顾忌地任命自己想要任命的人,辞去自己不喜欢的人。
15.an instinctive dislike of sb对某人出自直觉的讨厌
16.Those who are not conscientious should be helped by others.不能自觉的,别人来帮助。
17.How does it feel to be alone all day?整日独自一人感觉如何?
18.I feel unqualified to speak on the subject.我自觉无资格就此问题发言.

self-discipline personality自律性人格
3)personality of women女性自我人格
1.In this works, we have seen modern women`s persistence in love and their pursuit of it and We`re also seen the love not free from philistinism and the concern about the personality of women in this world,.在这篇作品中,我们看到了现代女性对爱情执著与追求,也看到这人世间那无法脱俗的爱情以及对女性自我人格的关注。
4)self-strengthening personality自强人格
1.The paper discussed the approaches of cultivation of self-strengthening personality from five aspects:cultivation of morality, cognition, words and deeds, will, interpersonal relationship.体现为持之以恒、谦虚谨慎、坚强勇敢、诚信、"知几"的自强者人格特征;从修德、认识、言行、意志和人际关系五个方面论述了自强人格养成的途径和方法;自强及其培养应遵循"创新变革"和"顺天"的基本心理原则。
5)Self-conscious personality人格自觉
6)self-supporting personality自立人格
1.The self-supporting personality is a typical personality construal and refers to the excellent personality traits of self-supporting people.通过对前期系列研究结果的梳理,建构出了涉及个人自立与人际自立两个方面共10种特质的青少年学生自立人格结构。
2.Some issues were also discussed including the structure of self-supporting personality,comparison between co.被试提到的青少年学生的自立人格特征主要有独立性、成熟与健康、坚韧性、主动性、道德性、灵活性、开放性等,其中独立性的频数占绝对优势。
3.The aim of the current thesis is to explore the relationship between self-supporting personality and mental-physical symptoms.自立人格是一种重要的人格特征,是人格系统中一个重要的成分,是“个体从自己过去依赖的事物那里独立出来,自己行动、自己作主、自己判断、对自己的承诺和行为负起责任的过程”。

自律性自律性idiorhythm  组织细胞能够在没有外来刺激的条件下,自动发生节律性兴奋的特性,是自动节律性的简称。