大用,the greatful use
1)the greatful use大用
1.In response to the fact that the combination of aesthetics and politics was too close,WNAG Guo-wei discarded the theory that Chinese traditional aesthetics focused on moral education function and maintaining ethical order,and formed a kind of aesthetics view of "the seemingly useless,the greatful use".王国维针对美学与政治、社会结合过密的现象,扬弃了中国传统美学侧重道德教化、维护伦理秩序的美学工具论成分,形成了一种"无用之用,是为大用"旨在"立人"的"大用"美学观:强调美学既要摆脱政治集团的左右,超越经济、物质利益的束缚,又不能陷入纯粹的精神愉悦和片面的道德教化,而要美学实现"立人为本、调和人性、安妥灵魂"之"大用"功能。

1.On Futility ?Useness and Greatness;对庄子“无用”、“有用”和“大用”的辩证思考
2.solid state augmentation用固态放大器放大回波
3.You needn't blow your own trumpet.你用不着大吹大擂。
4.woman's long loose dress(女用肥大的)长袍.
5.Never use Big word when a simple one will do.能用小词,就不要用大词。
6.letter of credit ,in quantity as commercial transactions信用证,大量地用作交易
7.A large cut of meat for roasting.大块肉用来烤熟食用的一大块肉
8.To print or set in uppercase letters.用大写字母印刷,用大写字母排版
9.To shower with or as if with small missiles.大量给予用或象用小发射物大量赠予
10.Purpose: Audio frequency general purpose ,driver stage amplifier applications.用途:用于音频放大,激励级放大。
11.A large vessel, such as a tub, cistern, or barrel, used to hold or store liquids.大桶;大盆;缸一种大容器,如大盆、水箱或大桶,用来装或贮存液体
12.boasting chisel用于制作毛坯的大凿子
13.fitting tin for tubes or pipes锡配件,用于大小管
14.tin offset for tubes or pipes锡支管,用于大小管
15.tin joint for tubes or pipes锡接头,用于大小管
16.tin blank for tube or pipe fittings锡坯料,用于大小管配件
17.tin blank for tubes or pipes锡坯料,用于大小管
18.With my nose and four big feet.用我的鼻子和四只大脚。

using thing's grandness用大
3)Mobile telephone subscribers大哥大用户
4)vegetable soybean菜用大豆
1.Factor analysis on vegetable soybean under different environments;不同生境下菜用大豆产量与品质性状的因子分析
2.Study on method of core collection construction for sensory quality traits of summer-planted vegetable soybean.;夏播菜用大豆感官品质性状核心种质构建方法的研究
3.Canonical correlation analysis of growing period, agronomic character, yield and quality character in the spring vegetable soybean;春播菜用大豆生育期、农艺性状与品质性状的典范相关分析
5)large content大用量
1.In this paper,cement-based binder with large content of fly ash and fluorogypsum(abbreviated to CBFF binder) was produced with cement,fly ash and fluorogypsum.用水泥、粉煤灰和氟石膏配制出了水泥基大用量粉煤灰、氟石膏胶凝材料(简称CBFF胶凝材料),并对CBFF胶凝材料的最优配比、水化过程和产物、硬化条件、体积安定性、干缩进行了研究。
6)Expand apply扩大应用

大用1.重要的用度。 2.指最有用的东西。 3.重用﹐委以重任。 4.特指拜相。