比较法教学,comparative teaching
1)comparative teaching比较法教学
2)comparative teaching approach比较教学法
1.According to the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) teaching at colleges and universities of western medicine and demands of higher education institutions for cultivating students,the paper proposes introducing comparative teaching approach in TCM teaching.通过分析目前西医院校中医学教学的特点,根据高等院校对培养学生的要求,提出将比较教学法应用于西医院校中医学教学过程中,认为该教学方法有利于学生对中医基本理论的准确掌握和学生探索性思维的培养,结合中医学教学实践介绍了比较教学法的应用,并指出应用这种教学方法时应注意的问题。

1.On Comparative Teaching Method of Ancient Chinese--Taking Vocabulary Teaching for Example;论古汉语比较教学法——以词汇教学为例
2.Application of the Comparative Teaching Method in Teaching of the Course of Bridge Engineering比较教学法在《桥梁工程》教学中的应用
3.Comparative Teaching Method: Its Application into Teaching of Courses of Laws;比较教学法在法学教学实践中的运用研究
4.Comparative Pedagogics on the Course Moderm Literature of China.;《中国现代文学》课程的比较教学法
5.On the Application of Comparative Teaching Methodology in French Adjective Teaching;比较教学法在法语形容词教学中的具体应用
6.Application of Comparative Teaching Method to Teaching of the Course Advanced Design Methods;比较教学法在现代设计方法课程教学中的应用
7.Application of Comparative Teaching Approach in TCM Teaching at Colleges and Universities of Western Medicine;比较教学法在西医院校中医学教学中的运用
8.Application of Comparison chart approach in the microbiology Teaching图表比较教学法在微生物学教学中的应用
9.Methods such as comparing and contrasting, both length wisely and cross wisely, are most frequently used in teaching politics.政治课教学中常用的比较方法有求同比较法、异比较法、横向比较法和纵向比较法。
10.Comparative Study between Case Teaching and Clinic Teaching;法学案例教学与诊所教学的比较研究
11.Comparison of Different PBL Effecting on the Clinical Teaching of Pediatrics;PBL教学法在儿科学教程中的实践比较
12.Comparing the Effects of Processing Instruction and Output-based Instruction;理解型教学法与应用型教学法的教学效果比较
13.A Comparative Study of Problem-based Learning and Case-based Teaching Method in Medical Education医学教育中PBL教学法和案例教学法的比较研究
14.Comparative Approach--a Useful Method in the Teaching of "Investment;比较法——《投资学》教学的一种方法
15.Seeking for Truth through Comparison--On the Application of Comparative Approach in Chinese Teaching;在比较中求真知——谈语文教学中比较法的运用
16.Comparative Research on Reforming Textbook and Teaching Method of Wushu to Primary and Junior High School;中小学武术教材教法改革的比较研究
17.Comparative Study of Assessment Methods of Teaching Quality for University Teachers高校教师教学质量评价方法比较研究
18.The Comparative Research in Modern and Contemporary History Teaching Methods;近现代中学历史教学方法的比较研究

comparative teaching approach比较教学法
1.According to the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) teaching at colleges and universities of western medicine and demands of higher education institutions for cultivating students,the paper proposes introducing comparative teaching approach in TCM teaching.通过分析目前西医院校中医学教学的特点,根据高等院校对培养学生的要求,提出将比较教学法应用于西医院校中医学教学过程中,认为该教学方法有利于学生对中医基本理论的准确掌握和学生探索性思维的培养,结合中医学教学实践介绍了比较教学法的应用,并指出应用这种教学方法时应注意的问题。
3)Comparative teaching method比较教学法
1.Using comparative teaching method in ancient Chinese teaching,can not only communicate interrelated subjects and strengthen the teaching effects,but also extend the student s horizons of knowledge and improve graduate s Chinese culture.在古代汉语教学中运用比较教学法,不仅可以起到沟通相关课程,强化教学效果的作用,而且还可以扩大学生知识面,提高大学生的语文修养。
2.The comparative teaching method was used for getting better teaching effect.为使学生全面、彻底地掌握焊工工艺学课程的内容,运用比较教学法授课,收到较好的效果。
3.By limitting the concept of the comparative teaching method and combining with comparative teaching method and discussing its utilization in the chinese teaching, the paper discusses the content and the concrete step of implement.本文通过对比较教学法概念的界定,结合比较教学法在语文教学中的实践运用,探讨比较教学法的内容、实施的具体步骤,并根据实践教学经验,针对当前比较教学法在这两个方面存在的问题,提出了完善内容、细化步骤的具体建议。
4)Laws comparative teaching method法学比较教学法
5)comparison of teaching methods教学方法比较
6)Comparison teaching method比较式教学法

比较法  见教育科学研究方法。