治疗效能,therapy efficacy
1)therapy efficacy治疗效能
2)treatment outcome治疗疗效
3)Curative effect治疗效果
1.Objective To study the clinical curative effect of auto-HSCT in children refractory lymphoma lymphoma.目的总结分析自体造血干细胞移植治疗儿童恶性淋巴瘤的经验及疗效,以期更好地规范治疗、提高治疗效果。
2.Objective:Observe the clinical curative effect of the plus and minus of the invigorating Yang decoction for recuperation,when it is used to treat high-hyperlipemia.结论:补阳还五汤加减对高脂血症确有一定的临床治疗效果。
3.To observe the curative effect of metronidazole for the treatment of experimental pulmonary acariasis,clean living mites were injected to the trachea of rabbits to form the animal model of pulmonary acariasis.目的观察甲硝唑治疗实验性肺螨病的治疗效果。

1.at present this illness doesn't answer to medical treatment目前此病无治疗效果
2.Optimizing the Project of Treating Hepatitis B.,Truly Evaluate the Therapeutic Effect;优化乙肝治疗方案 真实评价治疗效果
3.Research on Therapy Combined With Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Primary Liver Cancer介入治疗联合放射治疗对原发性肝癌的治疗效果研究
4.Objective To enhance the therapeutic effect of hypertrophic pharyngitis.目的 :提高慢性肥厚性咽炎的治疗效果
5.Death Pact healing effect increased.死亡骑士的死亡打击治疗效果增加。
6.Effect of Tremella fuciformis Berk on Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs银耳制剂对急性放射病犬的治疗效果
7.Blood Craze has been reduced to 2 ranks for 2/4% total health healed.血性狂暴现在降低2/4%的治疗效果.
9.Results: Theunion method treatment stomach sagging curative effect is accurate.结果:联合方法治疗胃下垂疗效确切。
10.Observation on effect of traditional Chinese medicine scalding therapy to treat patients with fasciitis of waist and back muscles中药烫疗治疗腰背肌筋膜炎效果观察
11.Prevention and treatment of complications of hyperthermia therapy for advanced pancreatic cancer热疗治疗晚期胰体尾癌22例效果分析
12.( Wiping out the viruses would also squelch the therapy.(果病毒遭到消灭,治疗的效果也会减弱。
13.Analysis of Treatment in Modified Radical Mastectomy of Breast Cancer(2680 Cases )改良根治术治疗乳腺癌2680例效果分析
14.Comparison of copper ion electrochemistry with medication in treatment of internal hemorrhoid铜离子电化学治疗与药物治疗内痔效果比较
15.Clinical observation on cerebral infarction treated with cerebrovascular function therapy.脑循环治疗仪治疗脑梗死的效果观察与护理
16.Nursing Care for Chronic Hepatitis Patients Treated with BILT Medical InstrumentBILT肝病治疗仪治疗慢性肝病的效果观察及护理
17.Objective To observe the effect of massage manipulation on chondromalacia patellae.目的观察手法治疗髌骨软化症的效果。
18.Effectiveness of Oryzanol in the Treatment of Clozapine-induced Salivation Reaction谷维素治疗氯氮平流涎反应效果观察

treatment outcome治疗疗效
3)Curative effect治疗效果
1.Objective To study the clinical curative effect of auto-HSCT in children refractory lymphoma lymphoma.目的总结分析自体造血干细胞移植治疗儿童恶性淋巴瘤的经验及疗效,以期更好地规范治疗、提高治疗效果。
2.Objective:Observe the clinical curative effect of the plus and minus of the invigorating Yang decoction for recuperation,when it is used to treat high-hyperlipemia.结论:补阳还五汤加减对高脂血症确有一定的临床治疗效果。
3.To observe the curative effect of metronidazole for the treatment of experimental pulmonary acariasis,clean living mites were injected to the trachea of rabbits to form the animal model of pulmonary acariasis.目的观察甲硝唑治疗实验性肺螨病的治疗效果。
4)therapeutic effect治疗效果
1.An analysis of influential factors of therapeutic effect for children with amblyopia;影响儿童弱视治疗效果的因素分析
2.Therapeutic effect for advanced schistosomiasis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis:a report of 18 cases晚期血吸虫病合并肺结核18例治疗效果
3.Clinical therapeutic effect of drug resistance traditional Chinese medicine inhibitor of Salmonella pullorum鸡白痢沙门氏菌耐药性中药抑制剂的临床治疗效果
5)Treatment outcome治疗效果
1.Aim: To investigate the factors associating with treatment outcome of 37 generalized convulsive status epilepticus (GCSE) patients,so as to provide theoretical basis for clinical treatment.目的:探讨影响全身惊厥性癫癎持续状态(GCSE)治疗效果的相关因素,为临床诊治提供理论依据。
2.Objective: To evaluate the treatment outcome of early breast cancer treated with breast conservation therapy.目的:探讨早期乳腺癌保乳手术的治疗效果。
3.Objective To investigate the operative timing and treatment outcomes of vitrectomy for severe ocular trauma.目的探讨早期玻璃体切割术治疗重症眼外伤的手术时机和治疗效果。
6)futile Treatment无效治疗
1.To discuss on perplexed issues facing the futile treatment from the points of view of medicine and philosophy.从医学和哲学的角度探讨了无效治疗在现实与理论间面临的困惑 ,指出评价无效治疗的是与非 ,关键是由人们所持有的经济水平和生死观决定的。
2.To find out resolution,we analyse sorts of expression, causes and affecting factors in futile treatment.有效治疗和无效治疗是矛盾的统一体 ,互相依存又相互转化。
3.There are many different parts of the society respond to the concept of futile treatment,their opinions concerning with futility differ from each other in respect to their different interests and starting point.关于无效治疗的争论越来越受到社会各方面的重视 ,但由于各自的利益和出发点不同 ,社会各方对无效治疗的观察角度和侧重点不同。
