反应性低血糖,reactive hypoglycemia
1)reactive hypoglycemia反应性低血糖
1.METHODS: The 45 cases are divided into two groups: the islet cell tumor group (n=35) and the reactive hypoglycemia group(n=10).方法 :根据临床最后诊断 ,将其分为胰岛细胞瘤组 (3 5例 )和反应性低血糖组 (10例 ) 。
2.Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of acarbose on reactive hypoglycemia after subtotal gastrectomy.目的探讨阿卡波糖对胃大部切除术后患者出现餐后反应性低血糖的临床疗效。

1.Therapeutic Effect of Acarbose on Reactive Hypoglycemia after Subtotal Gastrectomy阿卡波糖对胃大部切除术后反应性低血糖的疗效观察
2.Clinical Analysis of Hypoglycemia Response during Treatment of Stress Hyperglycemia应激性高血糖治疗中低血糖反应的临床分析
3.immunoreactive glucagon (IRG)免疫反应性高血糖素
4.Non-antigyperglycemic Drugs-induced Hypoglycemia:Analysis of 53 Adverse Drug Reactions非降糖药引起的53例低血糖症不良反应分析
5.The effects of metformin on endothelin,nitric oxide and C-reactive protein in patients with impaired glucose tolerance二甲双胍对糖耐量减低患者血浆内皮功能及炎性反应因子的影响
6.The continuous glucose monitoring of hypoglycaemia reaction to type 2 diabetes mellitus patients treated with insulin intensification therapy动态血糖监测2型糖尿病胰岛素强化治疗中的低血糖反应
7.The Correlation between Primary Failure and Hypoglycemic Reaction after Treatment with Gliclazide in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and SUR1 Gene Polymorphism;格列齐特治疗2型糖尿病原发失效及低血糖反应与磺脲受体1基因多态性的相关性
8.The time slot with highest hypoglycemia occurrence was around lunch time.午餐前后是发生低血糖反应最为集中的时间;
9.Analysis of 36 Severe Low Blood Sugar Reactions of Xiaokewan消渴丸致严重低血糖反应36例文献分析
10.Relationship between high sensitivity C-reactive protein and different glucose level in the elderly with abnormal glucose metabolism高敏C反应蛋白与老年糖耐量减低患者不同血糖水平的相关研究
11.The causes for hypoglycemic reactions in old diabetics and the care strategies老年糖尿病患者低血糖反应原因分析及护理对策
12.The Therapeutic Effect of SOD on Vascular Hyporeactivity in Severe Hemorrhagic Shock;SOD对重症失血性休克低血管反应性的治疗作用
13.leucine anaphylactic hypoglycemia亮氨酸过敏性低血糖症
14.Two factors raise your blood glucose after a low blood glucose reaction.答:在低血糖反映后有两个因素会升血糖。
15.The effective rate was 62.79%, and the incidence of adverse drug reaction(ADR) was 9.30%.阿卡波糖治疗餐后低血压有效率达62.79%,药物不良反应发生率为9.30%。
16.Observing of the Adding Qi Yin and Invigorating the Circulation of Blood Tradition Chinese Medicine to Reduce the Hypersensitivity C-reation Protein of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients;益气养阴活血法对降低2型糖尿病超敏C反应蛋白的疗效观察
17.Research on c-reactive protein,low-density lipoprotein and leucocyte in serum of type 2 diabeties mellitus2型糖尿病血清C反应蛋白与低密度脂蛋白和白细胞变化的研究
18.Effects of glycemic control on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and thirst perception in type 2 diabetes血糖控制与渴感和抗利尿激素反应性关系

Hypoglycemia reaction低血糖反应
1.Objective To study the correlation between CGA,CGF and VG during hypoglycemia reaction among diabetes patients.目的研究低血糖反应时手臂毛细血管血糖(CGA)、指尖毛细血管血糖(CGF)及自动生化血糖仪测定静脉血浆血糖(VG)的关系。
3)severe low blood sugar reactions严重低血糖反应
1.Objective By collecting the severe low blood sugar reactions of xiaokewan,to provide refer-ences for rational use of drug in the clinic.目的通过对36例消渴丸严重低血糖反应病例进行分析,为临床合理用药提供参考。
4)vascular hyporeactivity血管低反应性
1.Relationship between calcium sensitivity regulation and vascular hyporeactivity following hemorrhagic shock;血管平滑肌细胞钙敏感性调控与休克血管低反应性发生的关系
2.Effect of melatonin on vascular hyporeactivity of rats in septic shock;5-甲氧色胺对感染性休克大鼠血管低反应性的作用
3.The occurrence of vascular hyporeactivity after severe trauma or shock has been shown to have important roles in the incidence, development, and the outcome of shock and interfered with the therapy of shock, but its mechanisms remain unclear.严重创伤/休克后出现的血管低反应性对休克的发生、发展和转归以及休克治疗有着重要影响,其确切机制尚未完全阐明。
5)EPO-hyporesponsive anemiaEPO低反应性贫血
6)vascular hyporesponsiveness血管低反应性
1.Aim To study the effects of genistein on vascular hyporesponsiveness of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) in hemorrhagic shock rat and its mechanism.结果失血性休克导致大鼠肠系膜上动脉对去甲肾上腺素(noradrenine,NE)的收缩反应性降低,三羟异黄酮可在一定的剂量范围内明显改善失血性休克引起的血管低反应性;钒酸钠则可引起休克血管收缩反应性的进一步降低,且该作用可被0。

反应性低血糖症反应性低血糖症reactive hopoglycemia  自发性低血糖的一种,多数是对葡萄糖的反应,餐后发生,见于早期糖尿病患者。进餐后3~5小时发生反应性低血糖,是由于胰岛素释放迟缓而发生,可因饮食控制而好转。