病因治疗,etiological treatment
1)etiological treatment病因治疗
2)Pathogeny and treatment病因及治疗

1.Etiology and management of impacted permanent mandibular second molars下颌第二磨牙阻生的病因及治疗方法
2.Treatment selection and cause of infertility in patients with adenomyosis子宫腺肌病不孕患者的病因及治疗选择
3.Diagnosis and treatment of biliary sludge, cast and stone following liver transplantation肝移植术后胆泥、胆铸型及胆结石病因及治疗
4.Pathogeny and Therapy of a Genetic Conductive Hearing Loss Genealogy一个遗传性传导性耳聋家系的病因及治疗
5.The First Study of Etiology And the Rapeutic Improvement of Simple Bone Cyst;单纯性骨囊肿病因及治疗改进的初步研究
6.Recent progress on aetiology and treatment of myopia from system theory perspective;从系统论角度看近视的病因及治疗研究进展
7.Overview on the Etiopathogenisis and Acology Progress of Internet Addiction for the Past Few Years近年来网络成瘾的病因及治疗学研究进展概述
8.Therapy and Complication Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes2型糖尿病病因的治疗及并发症预防
9.Research advances in etiology and treatment of obstructive salivary gland disease阻塞性涎腺疾病病因研究及治疗进展
10.Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor-Associated Cutaneous Toxicities: Analysis of Etiology、Pathogenesis and Treatments Based on Syndrome Differentiation in TCMEGFRIs相关皮肤毒性中医病因病机及辨证治疗分析
11.The Etiology,Clinical Manifestations,Histopathology and Treatment of Idiopathic Gingival Fibromatos特发性牙龈纤维瘤病的病因临床表现及治疗
12.Effects of IL-12/18 and HBV Genotypes on Antivirus Therapy Efficacy of Adefovir Dipivoxil in Chronic Hepatitis B PatientsIL-12/18及乙肝病毒基因型与阿德福韦酯抗病毒治疗疗效的关系
13.Effect of laser photocoagulation on diabetic retinopathy and relevant factors糖尿病视网膜病变激光治疗疗效及影响因素分析
14.Treatment of periodontal disease patients with type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus and analysis of relevant factorsⅡ型糖尿病患者的牙周病治疗及影响疗效的相关因素分析
15.Objective: To observe the usual cause of small airway disease and the significance of etiological therapy.目的:探讨小气道病变常见病因及对因治疗的意义。
16.The Initial Insulin Doses to Make Blood Glucose Decrease in Insulin Naive Type 2 Diabetic Patients and the Associated Factors;2型糖尿病胰素治疗剂量及影响因素的观察
17.Exploring of Down-regulated Expression of hOGG1 Gene in Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Mechanism of Lung Cancer;hOGG1基因低表达在肺癌发病及治疗机制中的探索
18.Study on the Etiology and Therapy of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;多囊卵巢综合征的病因及其治疗的研究

Pathogeny and treatment病因及治疗
3)etiology and treatment病因与治疗
4)etiology combined treatment病因综合治疗
1.Objective To study the effect of etiology combined treatment for chronic gastritis(CG).目的观察针对病因综合治疗慢性胃炎的效果。
5)nonviral gene therapy非病毒基因治疗
1.The current situation of nonviral gene therapy;非病毒基因治疗的研究进展
6)gene-virus therapy病毒基因治疗
