上市后评价,post-marketed evaluation
1)post-marketed evaluation上市后评价

1.The insights on post-marketing evaluation in China;关于我国药品上市后评价技术工作的思考
2.Post-marketing Reevaluation and Risk Control Measures of Acarbose阿卡波糖的上市后评价与风险控制研究
3.Study on Assessing Value of Public Company after Share Trading Reform;股权分置改革后上市公司价值评估研究
4.Re-evaluation of Post-marketing Safety for LevamisoleⅢ:Risk Prevention Countermeasures;左旋咪唑上市后安全性再评价Ⅲ:风险预防对策
5.Post-prject Evaluation of Line M8 Changing Project of Shanghai Mass Transmit上海市轨道交通M8线牵降变工程项目后评价
6.Comparison of Quality Evaluation System of Post-marketing Drug in China,USA and Japan中日美药品上市后质量评价体系的比较
7.Detective and Evaluation of Safety Signals to the Post-marketing Chinese Herbal Drugs中成药上市后“安全性信号”的识别与评价
8.Postmarketing Review of Astemizole Safety Assessment in Cardiovascular System阿司咪唑上市后心脏毒性安全性评价文献调研
9.An Introduction to Methods for Economic Evaluation of Marketed Medicines I: Setting up an Economic Framework and Reviewing Existing Evidence;上市后药物经济学评价方法(Ⅰ)——建立经济学评价框架,评价经济学证据(英文)
10.Post-market Reevaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Double-Coptis-Powder Injection in the Treatment of Children's Acute upper Respiratory Infection双黄连粉针剂治疗儿童急性上呼吸道感染的上市后再评价研究
11.Post-marketing Surveillance and Evaluation of Contraceptives among Rural Women in Jangsu Province;在江苏省农村妇女中进行的避孕药具上市后监测与评价
12.Study on the Supervision and Re-evaluation Approach to Post-market Medical Products of FDA;FDA对医药产品上市后监测与再评价的方法及其启示
13.Study on Post-evaluation Model of Listed Companies Introducing International Strategic Investors;上市公司引进国际战略投资者的后评价模型研究
14.Methods for Economic Evaluation of Marketed Medicines Ⅱ: Conducting Primary Economic Evaluation;上市后药物经济学评价方法Ⅱ:药物经济学原始研究
15.Evidence-Based Safety Reassessment of Post Marketed Drug - Importance of Recall of Refecoxib;应重视上市后药物安全性的循证医学再评价——罗非昔布召回的意义
16.Systematic Review of Literature on Post-marketing Safety Evaluation of Quinolone Drugs喹诺酮类药品上市后安全性评价文献的系统性分析
17.Safety of Astemizole in Non-cardiovascular System:Analysis of Literature阿司咪唑上市后非心脏毒性安全性评价文献分析
18.Safety re-evaluation on nimesulide in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis after postmarketing尼美舒利治疗类风湿关节炎和骨关节炎上市后安全性再评价

post-marketing drug reevaluation药品上市后评价
3)post-marketing reevaluation上市后再评价
4)post-marketing drug evaluation药物上市后评价
1.To identify the key points of post-marketing drug evaluation and provide technical support for related guidance.探讨药物上市后评价的关注点,为药物上市后评价指导原则的构建提供技术参考。
5)post-marketing drug assessment药品上市后再评价
1.Many countries around the world pay more attention to post-marketing drug assessment and have established post-marketing drug monitoring system and reevaluatio.药品上市后再评价是依据医药学最新的学术水平,从临床医学、药物流行病学、药物遗传学、药理学、药剂学、药物经济学及药物政策等方面,对已批准上市的药物在广泛人群中的疗效、安全性、用药方案等是否符合安全、有效、经济的合理用药原则做出科学评价,以最大限度地发挥药物防病治病作用。
6)Listed Company Evaluation上市公司评价

上市1.谓应时物品进入市场销售。 2.赴市场。