糖尿病控制情况,Quality in evaluating diabetes control
1)Quality in evaluating diabetes control糖尿病控制情况

1.A study on clinical path applied in Perceived self-efficacy and quality in evaluating diabetes control for diabetes patients临床路径干预糖尿病患者自我效能感和糖尿病控制情况临床研究
2.A study on effect of glargin in perceived Compliance and quality in evaluating diabetes control for diabetes patients甘精胰岛素与糖尿病患者遵医行为和糖尿病控制情况的临床研究
3.A study on self-efficacy and quality in evaluating diabetes control for diabetes patients自我效能感与糖尿病患者血糖控制情况的研究
4.The impact of diabetes health education on Chinese medicine in type 2 diabetes patients with quality of life and glucose control中医糖尿病健康教育对2型糖尿病患者生命质量和血糖控制情况的影响
5.Influence of Education on Early-pregnancy Body Mass Control on the Incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus孕早期体质量控制教育对妊娠期糖尿病发病情况的影响
6.Investigation and analysis of diet control of diabetics with different treatment methods不同治疗方法糖尿病患者饮食控制情况调查分析
7.Current Evaluation on the Control of the Elderly Diabetic Patients in Community社区中老年人群糖尿病控制现况分析
8.A prevalence survey on the status of blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus (OM) patients in Tianping community of Shanghai上海市天平社区糖尿病患者血糖控制现况调查
9.Behavioral Changes in Diabetic Patients on the Impact of Disease Control Situation糖尿病患者行为改变对疾病控制状况的影响
10.Study for the effect on condition control of diabetes and costs by Standardized community-based management社区规范管理对糖尿病病情控制和费用的影响
11.The invetstigation of metabolic control and microvasular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Anshun city安顺市西秀区2型糖尿病患者代谢控制情况及微血管并发症流行病学调查
12.Investigation of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Control Status in Diabetic Patients with Hypertension;糖尿病合并高血压患者动态血压控制状况调查
13.An Investigation of Diabetes Prevalence in Qinghai Province青海部分地区糖尿病患病情况的研究
14.Nutritional and Health Status and Effect of Walking on Blood Glucose Index in NIDDM Patients;II型糖尿病患者营养状况和走步锻炼对血糖等指数的控制作用
15.Investigation of Prevalence of Diabetes in Urban of Fuzhou and Sanming福州、三明市城区糖尿病患病情况现况调查
16.Chronic complications in patients of type 2 diabetes with diabetic nephropathy糖尿病肾病患者糖尿病慢性并发症合并情况的分析
17.Diabetes control,patient habit and self-management in hospitals of different levels:a pilot study in Shanghai上海不同级别医院糖尿病控制、生活习惯及自我管理状况
18.Prevalence and risk factors of diabetes in residents of Kunming city昆明市居民糖尿病患病情况及危险因素分析

Diabetes mellitus control糖尿病控制
3)Diabetic Nephropathies/prev糖尿病肾病/预防和控制
4)Diabetes mellitus/prevention and control糖尿病/预防和控制
5)diabetes mellitus out of control (DMOOC)糖尿病失控
6)symptom management控制病情

糖尿糖尿glycosuria 特指葡萄糖尿。正常尿内可有微量葡萄糖,用一般定性方法不能测出。如尿内糖含量增高,用定性方法可以测出时则称为糖尿。其发生原因很多,按其形成机制分:①血糖增高性糖尿,指血中葡萄糖含量增高。同时尿糖排出增加,见于胰岛素分泌不足和生长激素、甲状腺素、肾上腺素、皮质醇等分泌增多,此外肝功能障碍,进食大量碳水化物也可出现糖尿;②血糖正常性糖尿,由于肾小管对葡萄糖的重吸收功能减退而引起的糖尿,又称肾性糖尿,见于家族性糖尿、慢性肾炎和肾病综合征时。其他糖尿,如乳糖、半乳糖、果糖、甘露醇等,当进食过多和体内代谢失调使血中浓度增高时,可出现相当的糖尿,假性糖尿,一些非糖物质如尿酸、维生素C、异烟肼等,在进行尿糖试验时,可具有还原性,尿糖试验呈阳性反应。