绝经年限,menopausal period
1)menopausal period绝经年限
1.Objective To evaluate the relationship of age,menopausal period,age of menarche,parity and lactation and bone mineral density(BMD).目的探讨绝经后妇女年龄、绝经年限、初潮年龄、生育次数及哺乳时间与桡骨远端超声骨密度的关系。

1.Conclusion The relationship of years since menopause and number of pregnancies and labors to BMD in postmenopausal women needs further study.结论绝经后妇女绝经年限、次、次与腰椎BMD的关系有待进一步研究。
2.that has reached the limit and can no further go.好像很绝望的样子,已经达到了极限。
3.of or relating to the menopause.属于或关于绝经期、更年期。
4.THE INTRODUCTION TO GRAMMAR has been out of print for twenty years.《语法概论》一书已经绝版二十年了。
5.The Relation of ER Gene and Apoliporotein E Gene Polymorphisms with Age at Natural Menopause and Menopausal Syndromes;雌激素受体基因、ApoE基因多态性与绝经年龄及围绝经期症状的关系
6.premenopausal amenorrhea绝经前闭经;绝经前闭经;经绝前经闭;经绝前经
7.Menopausal age is an index to evaluate climacteric features in women.绝经年龄是评价妇女更年期特征的主要指标。
8.Cooperative Form and Time Limit: Joint-stock management, Joint Venture, over ten years.五、作方式及年限:股份合作、资经营、作年限10年以上。
9.But it has become better off year by year, and now, after four years of hard struggle, most of its households have reserves of grain.经过了四年艰苦奋斗,一年一年好起来,绝大多数的社员成了余粮户。
10."Now abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was past the time for giving birth."亚伯拉罕和撒拉年纪老迈,撒拉的月经已断绝了。
11.This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters.今年我已经够幸运的了,收到了大拒绝的回复信。
12.Understanding and Perception of the Menopause Among 1906 cases of Over Middle-aged Women in Chengdu成都市1906名中老年妇女对绝经的认知和接受性
13.Clinical observation of the effect of gengnian an decotion in therapy of perimeaopause syndrome;更年安汤治疗围绝经期综合征62例临床分析
14.Establishment of age related cataract model on the perimenopausal female rats围绝经期大鼠年龄相关性白内障模型的建立
15.Effect of Two Years Hormone Replacement Therapy on Breast in Postmenopausal Women绝经后妇女激素补充治疗2年对乳腺的影响
16.Causes of vaginal bleeding in the elderly after menopause:analysis of 113 cases老年妇女绝经后阴道流血113例病因分析
17.Investigation and analysis of related factors of menopause age in rural women农村妇女绝经年龄调查及相关因素分析
18.The administrator has restricted access to all configurable network options. Access has been denied.管理员已经限制访问所有可设置的网络选项。访问被拒绝。

menopausal age绝经年龄
1.Analysis of the factors related to menopausal age of women with depression;抑郁症妇女绝经年龄的相关因素分析
3)menopausal time绝经年
1.A detailed questionnaire was provided of each women by the physician during an interview including women s age, menopausal time, menstrual history, reproductive and childbearing history, disease and operation history, family history.为探讨北京汽南社区中老年妇女骨密度的相关因素 ,选择 1 42名 44~ 76岁、身体健康的志愿汉族妇女 ,使用跟骨骨密度仪测量跟骨骨密度 (BMD) ;由医生认真填写调查病史表 ,包括年龄、绝经年龄、月经史、生育史、既往史、妇科手术史、家族史、嗜好等 ,与BMD进行相关性分析 ;并对月经周期、生殖年和妇科手术史对BMD的影响进行分析。
4)planting duration经营年限
5)Absolute schooling years绝对教育年限
6)Women in sexual maturity绝经年龄妇女

尿促性素 ,绝经期尿促性腺激素,绝经促性素,喜美康,绝经后促性腺激素药物名称:尿促性素英文名:Menotrophin别名: 尿促性素 ,绝经期尿促性腺激素,绝经促性素,喜美康,绝经后促性腺激素外文名:Menotrophin ,HMG ,Humegon 制剂及规格: 注射剂(冻干粉): 每支含FSH75单位和LH75单位 药理作用及用途: 含促卵泡素(FSH)与黄体生成素(LH),促进卵泡发育和成熟,产生雌激素使子宫内膜增生。二者合用对男性低促性腺激素性男性性功能减低有生精作用。 主要用于无排卵性不孕症或助孕技术中促超排卵。 用法及用量: 月经第3天起每日1支肌注,根据反应决定疗程。 不良反应: 可能发生卵巢过度刺激综合征、多胎妊娠。 注意事项: 药液溶好后立即应用。卵巢衰竭、妊娠、垂体肿瘤、卵巢肿瘤、血栓栓塞性疾病禁用。规格:注射剂:卵泡刺激素(FSH)和黄体生成素(LH)各75u/支,FSH75u/支.类别:促性激素和性激素的对抗药