球囊撑开,Inflatable Bone Tamp
1)Inflatable Bone Tamp球囊撑开

1.Infusion of balloon nano-artificial bone into the calcaneus for correction of height球囊撑开纳米人工骨注入微创平足矫正增高术的临床应用
2.Disconnect the support rod from the ball stu从球销上断开支撑杆。
3.puff-ball (type of fungus with a ball-shaped spore-case that bursts open when it is ripe)马勃菌(有球状孢子囊,成熟时即裂开).
4.The medial broken end of the disrupted canaliculus of 50 cases (50 eyes) were searched under operating microscope, and epiclural catheters were used as supporters for the operation.在显微镜下直接寻找断裂的下泪小管泪囊侧开口,以硬膜外导管作为支撑吻合泪小管断端。
5.Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery.囊切开术,晶状体切开术指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障
6.Remove support rods from ball studs.从球销上拆去支撑杆。
7.A support for a fern sporangium or moss capsule.蕨类孢囊或藓蕨果荚的支撑物
8.The study is carried out by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs( CCGA), an independent US think tank.这项调查是由美国独立智囊机构芝加哥全球事务委员会开展的。
9.He is the fulcrum of the Arsenal team, turning defence into attack and keeping the Gunners' passing game ticking over from midfield.他是阿森纳的场上支撑点,能够转守为攻并保证阿森纳中场开始流畅的传球。
10.Prop the door open with a brick.用砖块撑门使其开着。
11.Enlarge your base of support, placing feet apart..分开两腿,扩大支撑基础。
12.Open and support liftgate.打开并支撑升降闸门。
13.He stretched his woolen sweater to dry他把羊毛衫撑开晾干。
14.gambrel cord cutting割开跟腱(以插入撑棒)
15.Use this box to prop the door open.用这只箱子把门撑开。
16.a device that supports a football off the ground preparatory to the kickoff.准备踢球时支撑足球离地的装置。
17.A closed, spherical ascocarp.闭囊壳一种关闭的球形子囊孢果
18.Do men lack confidence and fail to give support to their more capable wives?还是男人太过窝囊,无法站起来为女强人撑伞?

1.Mechanical Analysis of Occasional Failure for Anterior Distraction to Correct Spinal Kyphosis;前路撑开矫正后凸畸形可能加重后凸的力学原因分析
2.Results: Distraction occurred at the facet joints and the disc.目的:探讨腰椎椎板间撑开减压椎管成形手术的解剖学基础。
3)Shove off!撑开!
1.Ex vivo comparative study between single and double balloon bilateral dilatation of kyphoplasty;单双球囊后凸成形术对老年性椎体骨折的实验研究
2.Clinical analysis and therapy of recurrent carotid cavernous fistulae after balloon embolization;颈动脉海绵窦瘘可脱性球囊栓塞术后瘘口再通原因与治疗
3.Experimental Study of the Neointimal of Balloon-injured Rabbit Carotid Arteries;兔颈动脉球囊损伤后内膜增生的实验研究
1.It is reported that the presence of ASNR was consistent with VEMP and not correlated with caloric test, suggesting that ASNR and VEMP are both originated from saccule.目的:ASNR为重度感音性聋耳在强声刺激下出现的诱发电位,在电生理学已验证其与VEMP同起源于球囊,而与听力和冰水试验结果无关,为脑干水平前庭源性电位。
2.Mammals have two otolithic organs, the utricle and the saccule.哺乳动物只含有球囊和椭圆囊两种耳石器官,而非哺乳动物中还存在另外一种耳石器官——瓶状囊。
3.Objective:To explore more reliable standards for identifying vestibular hair cells of saccule and utricle prepared in studies with patch clamp technique under inverted phase contrast microscope.方法:对于豚鼠椭圆囊和球囊分离所得的前庭毛细胞,分别对细胞胞体的长、宽以及表皮板纤毛的长度进行测量,并对长宽比和纤毛胞长比进行分析。
6)ball head stay球头撑

球囊球囊saccule 介入放射学器材。用高分子材料(如聚氯乙烯、聚乙烯、硅)制成的、置于导管的顶端、可充胀的囊状材料。依不同的用途可分为不同大小的、不同材料的、血管内使用的与非血管使用的、可脱性的与不可脱性的。主要用于经皮经腔血管成形术(PTA)、治疗性栓塞、导管的顺流导向等。目前使用的球囊均与导管匹配,此类导管称球囊导管。