疏肝养阴活血,Shugan Yangyin Huoxue
1)Shugan Yangyin Huoxue疏肝养阴活血

1.All Shugan Yangyin Huoxue Decoction Excellent Treatment of a Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Clinical Observation疏肝养阴活血汤合优甲乐治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎的临床疗效观察
2.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B with YiqiYangyinJieduHuoxie Decoction;益气养阴解毒活血方治疗慢性乙型肝炎的理论与实验研究
3.Experimental study of liver-soothing and yin-nourishing treatment on dry eye with tear secretion shortage疏肝养阴法治疗分泌不足型干眼病的实验观察
4.The Damaging Effect of Peroxynitrite and the Prevention and Cure Mechanism of Nourishing Yin Promoting Blood Circulation Recipe on Liver Mitochondria of Diabetic Rats;过氧亚硝基阴离子对糖尿病大鼠肝线粒体损伤作用及养阴活血方药的防治
5.Clinical Study of the Therapy of Soothing Liver and Strengthening Spleen and Removing Dampness and Activating Blood to Fatty Liver疏肝健脾、利湿活血法治疗脂肪肝的临床研究
6.Study on the Treatment of Insomnia by the Method of Soothing Liver to Regulate Qi and Nourishing Blood to Tranquilize Mind;疏肝理气养血安神法治疗失眠症之研究
7.Clinical Observation of "Huoxue Shugan Decoction" in Treating Poststroke Depression活血疏肝汤治疗脑梗死后抑郁症临床研究
8.Analysis of clinical efficacy on treating oral submucous fibrosis with Shugan Huoxue Recipe疏肝活血方治疗口腔黏膜下纤维性变疗效分析
9.Initial Investigation on Principle of Replenishing Qi,Nourishing Yin and Activating Blood Circulation for Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy益气养阴活血法治疗糖尿病肾病初探
10.Study on Theeffect of Treatment of Invigorating Spleen and Promoting Blood Regulating Qi on TGF-β_1 MMP-1 TIMP-1 of the Hepatic Fibrosis Rats;疏肝健脾活血法对肝纤维化大鼠TGF-β_1、MMP-1及TIMP-1影响的研究
11.Study on the Effect of Treatment of Invigorating Spleen and Promoting Blood Regulating Qi on PAI-1 u-PA and PⅢNP of the Hepatic Fibrosis Rats疏肝健脾活血法对肝纤维化大鼠PAI-1、u-PA及PⅢNP影响的研究
12.Experimental Studies on the Treatment of Ischemia Cerebral Vascular Disease by Benefiting Vital Energy, Nourishing Yin and Activating Blood Circulation;益气养阴活血法治疗缺血性中风的实验研究
13.The Clinical Research on the Children with Kidney Blood in Urine with the Yang Yin Qing Re Huo Xue Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;养阴清热活血方治疗小儿阴虚内热型肾性血尿的临床观察
14.Effect of Shugan Huoxue(疏肝活血) Recipe on Number and Activity of Endothelial Progenitor Cells疏肝活血方含药血清对内皮祖细胞数量及功能的影响
15.Observation of Trichomonas vaginalis cultured in liver extract medium with different concentrations of fetal bovine serum不同浓度胎牛血清肝浸汤培养基培养阴道毛滴虫效果观察
16.Clinical Observation on Treating Premature Ventricular Beats (PVB) of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Elderly by Dispersing Liver, Nourishing Blood, and Removing Blood Stasis, Tranquilizing Mind;疏肝养血、化瘀安神法治疗老年冠心病室性早搏的临床研究
17.Study on Treating Diabetic Nephropathy Using Yi Qi Yang Yin Huo Xue Decoctionin;益气养阴活血汤治疗糖尿病性肾病临床观察
18.Clinical Study of Reatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by the Method of Supplementing the Qi, Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Circulation;益气养阴活血法治疗2型糖尿病的临床研究

Shuganhuoxueyangyin therapy疏肝活血养阴法
1.Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Shuganhuoxueyangyin therapy on systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with depression disorder;疏肝活血养阴法配合盐酸氯西汀治疗系统性红斑狼疮合并抑郁障碍临床研究
3)soothing the liver and nourishing the yin疏肝养阴
4)promoting blood circulation to sooth liver活血疏肝
5)dispersing the depressed liver-energy and nourishing liver-yin method疏肝养阴法
6)promote blood circulation and invigorating yin活血养阴

疏肝疏肝 疏肝   治疗学术语。系和法之一。也称疏肝解郁、疏肝理气。是疏散肝气郁结的方法。症见两胁胀痛或窜痛、胸闷不舒,或恶心呕吐,食欲不振、腹痛腹泻、周身窜痛,如有外感,可见寒热往来,舌苔薄,脉弦等。方如柴胡疏肝散、七气汤。