代谢综合征评分,Metabolic Syndrome score
1)Metabolic Syndrome score代谢综合征评分

1.The Influence of Metabolic Syndrome Score on Prediction to Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus代谢综合征评分对心血管疾病和2型糖尿病预测的影响
2.Effect Evaluation of Comprehensive Intervention on 569 Cases of Metabolic Syndrome代谢综合征569例综合干预疗效评价
3.Lipid-Modifying Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome:A Systematic Review调血脂药治疗代谢综合征的系统评价
4.The metabolic features of polycystic ovary syndrome多囊卵巢综合征患者的代谢特征分析
5.Study on the Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Based on Metabolic Syndrome以代谢综合征为特征的心血管危险因素的评估
6.Comparison of the Diagnostic Criteria of Metabolic Syndrome by International Diabetes Federation and that by Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch;代谢综合征2种诊断标准的比较分析
7.Study the Distribution of Related Factors of Metibolism代谢综合征及其相关因素的分布研究
8.Apelin-APJ System and the Metabolic SyndromeApelin/APJ系统与代谢综合征
9.The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome According to Three Different Diagnostic Criteria不同诊断标准评价代谢综合征患病率的比较
10.To Evaluate Arteriosclerosis Legs Of Metabolic Syndorme By High-Frequency Ultrasound超声评价代谢综合征患者下肢动脉硬化
11.Community Home Visits to Evaluate the Effect of Metabolic Syndrome社区家庭访视对代谢综合征的防治效果评价
12.The impact of community based home visiting of the metabolic syndrome社区家庭访视对代谢综合征相关组影响的评价
13.A Systematic Review of Thiazolidinedioes for Metabolic Syndrome噻唑烷二酮类药物治疗代谢综合征的系统评价
14.Epidemiologic features of metabolic syndrome among individuals above 15 years old in Guangdong Province.广东省15岁以上人群代谢综合征流行特征分析
15.Experiment Research and Clinical Analysis of Some Elements of Metabolic Syndrome;部分代谢综合征组分的实验研究和临床分析
16.The clinical analysis of 41 cases of Cushing syndrome with impaired glucose metabolism库欣综合征合并糖代谢异常41例临床分析
17.Clinical Analysis on Patients with Both Coronary Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome冠心病合并代谢综合征患者临床病例分析
18.Clinical Analysis on Acupuncture Combined with Acupoint Catgut-embedding Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome针刺结合穴位埋线治疗代谢综合征的临床分析

Metabolic syndrome component代谢综合征组分
3)Metabolic syndrome代谢综合征
1.Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the general adult population aged 35-64 years in Ji'nan;济南市城乡35~64岁人群代谢综合征现况调查
2.A study on the relationship of gastric motors and metabolic syndrome;胃动力改变与代谢综合征的关系
3.Pharmaceutical care for a patient with metabolic syndrome complicated with depressive disorder;对1例代谢综合征合并抑郁焦虑状态患者的药学服务
4)Metabolism syndrome代谢综合征
1.Relativity of Modern Medicine Indices with Phlegm-damp Retention Type in Metabolism Syndrome Patients;代谢综合征患者痰湿内蕴证与现代医学指标的相关性
2.A study on diet and exercise interventions for metabolism syndrome patients;代谢综合征病人饮食运动干预的研究
3.Analysis on the effect and cost of community intervention for patients with metabolism syndrome;代谢综合征社区干预的效果和费用分析
5)Metablic Syndrome代谢综合征
1.Investigation on the prevalence rate of Metablic Syndrome (MS) in the enterprise retired cadre of Jinan;济南市企业离休干部代谢综合征的患病率调查
2.Analysis of correlation factors of hyperuricemia with metablic syndrome and its related diseases in elderly male;老年男性高尿酸血症与代谢综合征各组分的相关性分析
3.Objective To approach characteristic, distribution, mobile tendency of syndrome about 265 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus affiliated metablic syndrome based on the platform of individual diagnoses and treatments.目的基于个体化诊疗数据采集平台,探讨265例2型糖尿病合并代谢综合征的证候特征、分布及演变趋势。
6)Metabolic syndrome(MS)代谢综合征
1.Objective To investigate the constitution factors for metabolic syndrome(MS).目的进行代谢综合征相关体质因素研究。
2.Objective: To investigate the relationship between metabolic syndrome(MS) and Alzheimer′s disease(AD).目的:探讨代谢综合征与Alzheimer病(AD)的关系。
3.Objective: To analyze the characteristic of risk factors for metabolic syndrome(MS) in boertala region of xinjiang.目的:分析新疆博尔塔拉州4个不同民族人群代谢综合征(MS)的危险因素特征。
