胆囊壁组织,gallbladder wall
1)gallbladder wall胆囊壁组织
1.Objective To Study of leptin in serum and bile of the content of leptin in the gallbladder wall tissue of expression.目的研究瘦素在血清、胆汁中的含量,瘦素在胆囊壁组织细胞中的表达情况。

1.The Concentration Change of ConABP、Total Protein、Bilirubin and Calciumion in Bile and the Pathologic Changes of the Goat Gallbladder during the Formation of Gallstone成黄过程中胆汁ConABP、胆红素、钙含量和胆囊壁组织结构的变化
2.Expression of CD44V6 and E-Cad in Gallbladder Carcinoma and Its Significance;胆囊癌组织中CD44V6、E-Cad的表达及其意义
3.Expression and Clinical Significance of E-cadherin and MMP7 in Carcinoma of Gallbladder;E-cadherin及MMP7在胆囊癌组织中的表达及其临床意义
4.Expression and significance of HO-1 and MRP2 in primary gallbladder carcinomaHO-1与MRP2在原发性胆囊癌组织中的表达和意义
5.Expressions of Cav1.2 mRNA in different types of gallstone gallbladder tissuesL-型钙通道α-1c亚型mRNA在结石胆囊组织的表达
6.Expressions of carbohydrate CA72.4 and CA242 and clinicopathological significance in benign and malignant lesions of gallbladder胆囊肿瘤组织CA72.4和CA242表达临床意义的研究
7.Application of tissue harmonic imaging in the diagnostic ultrasound of gallbladder diseases组织谐波成像在胆囊病变超声诊断中的应用
8.Expression and Significance of CTGF in the Pericystic Layers of Hepatic Hydatid Cyst;CTGF在肝包虫囊壁及周围肝组织中的表达与意义
9.Clinical Research of Zhishang Jiaonang to Soft Tissue Injury of Chest Wall治伤胶囊治疗胸壁软组织挫伤的临床研究
10.Value of endoscopic gallbladder-preserving cholecystolithotomy for intramural gallstones胆囊壁结石微创保胆手术价值的探讨
11.Content and Significance of Motilin and Substance P in Plasma and Gallbladder of Patients with Cholelithiasis;胃动素及P物质在胆石病病人血浆和胆囊组织中的含量及意义
12.Study on the Pathological Variation of Extra-liver Bile Duct in Congenital Choledochal Cyst;先天性胆总管囊肿肝外胆道组织学变及其临床意义
13.Semi-quantitative Analysis of MDR3 Gene mRNA Expression in the Liver of Cholelithiasis Patient;胆囊胆固醇结石病人肝组织MDR3 mRNA表达的半定量研究
14.A Study on Gallbladder Motility and Expression of CFTR mRNA in Cholesterol Gallstone Patients;胆囊壁CFTR mRNA表达与胆囊动力学关系的研究
15.The Expression and Significance of ABCA1 and CD68 in Gallbladder Wall;ABCA1和CD68在胆囊壁中的表达及意义
16.Clinical Analysis of 199 Cases of the Hepatic Cirrhosis with Gallbladder Wall Thickening;肝硬化合并胆囊壁增厚199例临床分析
17.Clinical Analysis of 334 Cases the Hepatic Cirrhosis with Gallbladder Wall Thickening肝硬化合并胆囊壁增厚334例临床分析
18.The Expression of VEGF-C、TP and the Study of LVC in Gallbladder Carcinoma;胆囊癌组织中VEGF-C、TP表达水平及淋巴管计数研究

gallbladder tissues胆囊组织
1.Objective To discuss infection status of HBV in gallbladder tissues of chronic and non-chronic HB patients.目的 探讨慢性乙型肝炎 (HB)与非慢性HB患者的胆囊组织中HB病毒的感染情况。
3)Tissue of cystiform囊壁组织
4)Gallbladder carcinoma tissue胆囊癌组织
5)gall bladder wall胆囊壁
1.[Objective] To evaluate the clinical value of gall bladder wall change of virus hepatitis tested by B-ultrasound.评价B超检查胆囊壁改变在病毒性肝炎中的临床价值。
6)Gallbladder wall thickening胆囊壁增厚
1.Clinical analysis of gallbladder wall thickening in patients with liver cirrhosis肝硬化患者合并胆囊壁增厚的临床分析
2.When we find gallbladder wall thickening as a result of ultrasonography, we shouldn t limit our diagnosis to gallbladder diseases alone.通过对胆囊壁增厚的四种原因作探讨 ,其中单纯胆囊病变引起的占到了 6 8% ,全身性疾病引起的胆囊壁改变占到13% ,肝脏病变引起的胆囊壁改变占 15 % ,其他原因引起的胆囊壁增厚占 4 %。
3.While gallbladder wall thickening (GBWT) is also one of the most frequent gallbladder alteration accompanied with the hepatic cirrhosis.在临床上经过观察发现随着肝脏病情的进展,门静脉压力的增高,胆囊壁的增厚程度也随之发生相应的变化,因此进一步研究、认识肝硬化胆囊壁增厚的发生机制,对于预测门静脉高压程度、肝硬化失代偿期肝功能受损程度等方面有重要的临床指导意义。

《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》  《国际民用航空组织和世界旅游组织工作协议》有关旅游的国际协议之一。由国际民用航空组织秘书长和世界旅游组织秘书长经协商制定。此协议一共7条。根据此协议,双方秘书处本着互利的原则交流民用航空和旅游方面的信息和资料;双方可以派代表以观察员的身分参加对方的会议;在公开会议上,观察员有权获得会议文件和发言;双方可以在人才、资料、设备等方面互相支持。世界旅游组织秘书长和国际民用航空组织理事会主席可以通过协商修改协议的条款。此协议自1978年9月1日起生效。