富硒SOD绿茶,Selenium-enriched compound SOD green tea
1)Selenium-enriched compound SOD green tea富硒SOD绿茶

1.Research in Vivo on the Anti-oxidation Effect of Green Tea Rich in Selenium and SOD富硒SOD绿茶抗氧化效应的动物实验研究
2.Effect of green tea rich with selenium and SOD on antioxidant capacity in aged rats富硒SOD绿茶对老龄大鼠机体抗氧化能力的影响
3.Effect of Selenium on Yield and Quality of Tea and Antoxidant Activity and Anti-Hepatocarcinoma Function of Selenium-Enriched Green Tea;硒对绿茶产量和品质的影响及其富硒绿茶的抗氧化和抗肝癌作用
4.Optimization of extracting ethanol-soluble active substance from natural se-enriched green tea天然富硒绿茶醇溶性活性物质提取条件优化
5.Studies on the Mechanism of Antioxidant and Antitumour Activities of Functional Compositions from Selenium-Enriched Green Tea;富硒绿茶功能成分的抗氧化和抗肿瘤作用及其机理研究
6.Research on Preparation and Activity of Antioxidant and Antitumor of Ethanolic Extracts of Se-Enriched Tea;富硒绿茶醇提物的制备及其抗氧化和抗肿瘤活性研究
7.Determination of Trace Selenium in Se-rich Tea by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry恩施富硒茶叶中微量硒的原子荧光法测定
8.Determination of Selenium of Enriched Tea in Ziyang by UV Spectrophotometry紫外分光光度法测定紫阳富硒茶中的硒
9.Hypoglycemic Effect of Selenium-enriched Compound SOD Green Tea in Diabetic Rats富硒超氧化物歧化酶绿茶对改善糖尿病模型大鼠糖代谢的实验研究
10.Research of Se-enriched Tea and Tea Drinking Habits on Health富硒茶叶与饮茶习惯对健康的影响研究
11.Application Effects of Increase Production Reagent with Selenium-Abundant on Green Rice富硒增产剂在绿色稻米上的应用效果
12.Amino acid, especially Cys and Met of tea protein was increased with increasing selenium content of tea.富硒茶粗蛋白质中胱氨酸、甲硫氨酸的含量随茶叶含硒量提高而增加。
13.Our company welcomes inquires from home and abroad, and can meet the requirement for processing with customer's materials, manufacturing for specific brand, and accepting other special orders.公司依托资源优势,建立了名优茶原料生产基地,开发了富硒茶和有机生态茶。
14.The therapeutic effects of selenium enriched ampelopsis grossedentata on hepatic injury induced by CCl_4 among mice恩施富硒藤茶水提液对四氯化碳致急性肝损伤小鼠的保护作用
15.The Selenium Speciation Analysis in the Selenium-rich Rice and Selenized Yeast;富硒大米及富硒酵母中的硒形态分析
16.The Competitiveness of Enshi Rich-Se Green Food Industrial Cluster Based on GEM Model基于GEM模型的恩施富硒绿色食品产业集群竞争力研究
17.Influence of Selenium Enrichment on the Nutrient Contents of Germinating Mung Bean富硒处理对萌发绿豆中几种营养成分变化的影响
18.Effects of Rare Earth on the Accumulation of Selenium in Soybean Sprouts;稀土对富硒豆芽富硒能力影响的研究

1.Study on Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction and Antioxidant Activity of Se-enriched Green Tea Functional Components;富硒绿茶功能成分的超声波提取技术及其抗氧化活性研究
3)SOD-Se-enriched wolfberrySOD富硒枸杞
1.Protective group, in addition to inhale the oil fume, synchronously given SOD-Se-enriched wolfberry fruit cytoplasma.目的通过大鼠吸入染毒烹调胡麻油烟探讨SOD富硒枸杞对烹调胡麻油烟致大鼠肝损伤的保护作用。
4)bioenrichment selenium tea富硒茶
1.This article tells the raw material's making method for bioenrichment selenium tea, with the production methods of bioenrichment selenium bagged black tea,green tea and iced tea.阐述了富硒茶原料的制作方法,以及将其进一步深加工成富硒袋泡红茶、富硒袋泡花旗参绿茶和富硒袋泡冰茶的具体方法。
5)Se enriched tea富硒茶
1.Objective: To study the selenium(Se) chemical forms in Se enriched tea by fertilizing sodiums selenite in soil and tea naturally high in Se and compare their antioxidant function.目的 : 研究和比较天然和人工富硒茶叶中硒的化学形态 ,生物有效性和抗氧化功能。
2.The extracting rate of selenium, chemical form and property of selenium of Se enriched tea were studied with tea from low and natural high selenium content soil tea garden produced by traditional and new tea processing technology.研究了高硒土壤茶园、低硒土壤茶园、传统制茶工艺、制茶新工艺生产的富硒茶硒的浸出率、化学性质。
3.Drinking Se enriched tea is also a way to intake Se.茶叶是我国最受欢迎的饮品,而且茶叶中的硒含量比一般食品要高,可以通过富硒茶的形式补充人体的硒营养。
6)Se-enriched tea富硒茶
1.[Method] The new method of flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS) for determining Se content in Se-enriched tea in Ziyang area of Ankang city was established.[方法]建立火焰原子吸收法测定安康紫阳富硒茶中微量硒含量的新方法。
