闪电椎体评估,Flash Vertebral Assessment
1)Flash Vertebral Assessment闪电椎体评估
2)evaluation system评估体系
1.Study on evaluation system of scientific research level in colleges;高校科研水平评估体系的设计研究
2.Establish the evaluation system of fire fighting and rescuing force to improve the city s capability of calamity defending;构筑灭火救灾力量评估体系 提高城市抗御灾害的整体能力
3.Sustainable development of landscape architecture evaluation system;绿色建筑评估体系的可持续发展

1.Conditions Required for Current Market Appraisal System市场化评估体系的条件
2.Research on Evaluation System & Criteria of College PE Course;高等院校体育课程评估体系和评估标准的研究
3.Build the Evaluation System of TechnoIogy in China Based on Learning Assessment Experienoe of Technology from Developed Countries;借鉴国外科技评估经验 完善我国科技评估体系
4.Research on Risk Evaluation System and Construction Risk Evaluation of Underwater Tunnel水底隧道风险评估体系及施工风险评估研究
5.Thinking of the Evaluation Index of Graduate Student Tutors in the Quality Evaluation System对研究生质量评估体系中导师评估指标的思考
6.The Research on Evaluation System about the Teaching Quality of PE Theory Course;体育理论课教学质量的评估体系研究
7.Methodology Study of Wetland Ecosystem’s Evaluation System;湿地生态系统评估体系的方法学探讨
8.Research on the Combination of Quality Management and Level Evaluation of Colleges;高职院校质量体系与水平评估体系一体化探讨
9.Stora Enso's EMAS approach斯道拉恩索环境管理评估体系
10.The Study of Requirement and Establishing Estimate System for PACS;PACS用户需求分析及评估体系构建研究
11.Safety Evaluation Index System and Model for RFID SystemRFID系统安全评估指标体系及评估模型
12.Development of evaluation index systems and methods for distribution networks配电网评估指标体系建立与评估方法
13.Evaluate the performance of your quality system.评估质量体系的绩效。
14.On the Indicator System of Local Government Performance and the Evaluating Method;地方政府绩效评估指标体系及评估方法研究
15.Study on Index System and Assessment Method for the Core Competence of the Corporation;企业核心竞争力评估指标体系构建及评估模型
16.Research on the Index for Evaluation System of CoPS Innovation;复杂产品系统创新评估指标体系研究
17.Study On Security Assessment Index Of Secret Information System涉密信息系统安全评估指标体系研究
18.Assessment of the system ILASIII based on the digital library system基于数字图书馆体系的ILAS系统评估

evaluation system评估体系
1.Study on evaluation system of scientific research level in colleges;高校科研水平评估体系的设计研究
2.Establish the evaluation system of fire fighting and rescuing force to improve the city s capability of calamity defending;构筑灭火救灾力量评估体系 提高城市抗御灾害的整体能力
3.Sustainable development of landscape architecture evaluation system;绿色建筑评估体系的可持续发展
3)assessment system评估体系
1.Comparison of assessment system of ecological residential quarter in mainland and Hongkong;内地与香港生态住宅小区评估体系比较研究
2.Construction and reflection of assessment system of multimedia computer-assisted language learning;网络多媒体外语教学评估体系的建设与思考
3.Applying study on enterprise safety assessment system based on risk evaluation techniques;基于风险评价技术的企业安全评估体系应用研究
4)population evaluation群体评估
5)evaluating system评估体系
1.Discussion on protecting quality evaluating system of building historical cultural famous city;建立历史文化名城保护质量评估体系探析
2.Taking Jiangsu province as an example,this paper tries to establish a evaluating system of planning urban and rural development as a whole in a quantitative way.本文以江苏省为研究案例,通过对历史阶段演变和现状指标的分析,运用定量化的手段,尝试建立地区城乡统筹实现程度的评估体系。
3.This article builds the evaluating system for libraries effect upon society based on readers marking and experts evaluation.采用读者打分和定权法并结合专家定权法来建立图书馆社会效益的评估体系,既可以反映图书馆的显性社会收益,又可以反映其隐性社会收益。
6)valuation system评估体系
1.The article ouerlays from the knowledge whether overall,whether the system structure is perfect or not,the category organization whethner science,basic catagory whether stability,the category name whether norm,the customer interface whether amity Cte,six elaborated that the network information classification tool of the valuation system.文章从知识覆盖是否全面、体系结构是否完善、类目组织是否科学、基本类目是否稳定、类目名称是否规范、用户界面是否友好等6个方面阐述了网络信息分类工具的评估体系。
2.We also discuss how to establish a suit of valuation system and bring forward how to keep away or reduce technology risk efficiently.本文首先分析了技术风险的概念和特点及其发生的内在机制和各种模式 ,并通过探讨如何建立一套有效的技术风险评估体系 ,提出了技术风险的应对措施 ,以有效防范或减少技术风险。

地价评估趋势评估法地价评估趋势评估法 【地价评估趋势评估法】土地价格在一定的时间内由于受诸多因素影响,呈周期性的波动,但总趋势是上升的,因此,利用一定的数学模型,就可以求算出地价,一般要通过回归分析,找出土地价格与时间变量之间的函数关系,画出地价发展变化趋势图形,然后建立数学模型,进而推算出地价。若以Y代表历年地价,X代表时间,丫代表地价,其关系式为:y‘=a+bx(a、b为常数)。采用这一方法,需以长年积累起来的地价变动资料作为分析依据。地价的时间序列最好在ro年以上。因为时间序列愈长,愈能排除偶然因素和短期因素对趋势值的异常干扰。另外,用地价长期趋势图可比较两个地段地价_L涨的强弱程度,如果长期趋线越陡,则表明该地段地价升值性越强;反之,则表明该地价的升值性越弱。