住院原因,The reasons for hospitalization
1)The reasons for hospitalization住院原因
1.Methods The reasons for hospitalization of the type 2 diabetes patients were analyzed base on their chief complains and main significant diagnosis, using data form a retrospective study from the First affiliated hospital of Ningxia University during the year of August 2002-2003(group A) and August 2007-2008(group B).目的了解2型糖尿病患者的特点,明确患者的住院原因及变化趋势,提高对2型糖尿病的认识。

1.Peritonitis is still a cause of dropout and hospitalization in PD patients.腹膜炎仍然是导致腹膜透析患者住院和退出的住院原因之一。
2.The cause of hospitalization in 140 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients140例持续性非卧床腹膜透析患者住院原因分析
3.Any other reason he needs to be hospitalized?"还有其它的需要住院的原因吗?
4.The Analysis of Death Causes in 1053 Diabetic In-patients Cases;1053例住院糖尿病患者死亡原因分析
5.Causes and complications of prematurity in hospitalized premature infants住院早产儿的早产原因及并发症分析
6.A survey and analysis on causes of falldown of 68 cases of mental illness inpatient68例住院精神病人跌倒原因调查分析
7.The Reason and Solution of the In-patients with the Tendency of Suicide;住院病人中有自杀倾向者的原因及对策
8.Cause and countermeasure of the dispute between nurse and patient in pediatrics inpatient department;儿科住院部护患纠纷的主要原因及对策
9.Analysis and nu rsing to old mental Patients' cause of death住院老年精神病患者死亡原因分析及护理
10.Reasons for difficulties in returning home of psychotic inpatients with long-term hospitalization长期住院精神病人回归家庭困难的原因分析
11.Cause Analysis and Protective Measures of Tumbling in the Elderly Hospitalized Patients老年住院患者跌倒原因分析与防护措施
12.Analysis of 1 342 Cases of Hospitalized Neonatal Disease and Death Constitution1342例住院新生儿疾病构成及死亡原因分析
13.Clinical analysis of the tumble causes in aged in-patients and their nursing procedure intervention住院老年人跌倒原因分析与应用护理程序干预
14.Objective Admissive causes,chronic complications and treatment of the hospitalized elderly diabetic patients were investigated.目的调查235例住院老年糖尿病人的入院原因、慢性并发症及治疗。
15.Disease Spectrum and Death Causes of Resident Patients in a Children's Hospital in Anhui Province安徽省某儿童医院住院儿童疾病谱及死亡原因分析
16.Underlying Causes of Death of the In-patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Peking Union Medical College Hospital北京协和医院住院2型糖尿病患者的主要死亡原因分析
17.Objective:The aim of our study was to analyse the death cause and related factors of death in hospital of patients after cardiac valve replacement(CVR).目的 :分析患者心脏瓣膜转换术后住院期死亡的原因和相关因素。
18.ObjectiveTo analyze the death causes of acute myocardium infarction( AMI) and nursing measures.【中英文摘要】目的探讨急性心肌梗死住院患者死亡原因及护理对策。

Factors of hospitalization住院因素
3)Admission cause入院原因
4)reasons of living the hospital出院原因
1.Objective To know the changes of the rate of farmers not being hospitalized,the reasons of not being hospitalized and the reasons of living the hospital after the implementation of the new-type rural cooperative medical system.目的掌握新型农村合作医疗实施前后农民未住院率,未住院原因和出院原因的变化,分析农民因经济困难所致的未住院率及出院原因在新农合实施后的改变,为正确认识和科学调整新型农村合作医疗的实施方案提供依据。
5)Reasons of Leaving Hospital离院原因
1.Parental Rearing Styles and Personality Characteristics of Young Boys and Girls Inpatients with Internet Addiction Disorders;住院网络成瘾青少年的父母养育方式与人格特征
2.Analysis of Depressive Status on Inpatients with Chronic Schizoprenia;住院慢性精神分裂症病人中的抑郁症状分析
3.Objective: To discuss the reforger of hospital s service flow for inpatients by investigating and analyzing the awareness rate, cure rate and control rate of inpatients with chronic diseases.目的 :调查分析住院慢性病患者的知晓率、治疗率、控制率 ,对医院服务流程再造进行探讨。
