Billroth-Ⅱ式胃大部切除术,Billroth-Ⅱtype subtotal gastrectomy
1)Billroth-Ⅱtype subtotal gastrectomyBillroth-Ⅱ式胃大部切除术
1.Objective:The aim of this study was to observe the therapeutical effect of Billroth-Ⅱtype subtotal gastrectomy on typeⅡdiabetes.目的:通过观察Billroth-Ⅱ式胃大部切除术对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血糖和代谢等相关指标的干预作用,为Billroth-Ⅱ式胃大部切除术治疗糖尿病提供初步临床依据。

1.Therapeutical Effect of Billroth Ⅱ Type Gastrectomy on Type Ⅱ DiabetesBillroth-Ⅱ式胃大部切除术对Ⅱ型糖尿病治疗作用的临床对照研究
2.Contrast analysis of digestive tract reconstruction with type Roux-en-Y and type Billroth胃切除后Roux-en-Y与Billroth重建术式比较
3.Different Effects of Three Anastomoses in Gastric Carcinoma Patients with Diabetes胃大部切除不同重建术式对糖尿病影响初探
4.Study of Operative Types for Prevention of Alkaline Reflux Gastritis after Subtotal Gastrectomy(Report of 42 Cases)预防胃大部切除术后碱性返流性胃炎术式探讨(附42例报道)
5.Surgical excision of part or all of the stomach.胃切除术胃全部或部分切除的手术
6.Clinical Analysis of Postsurgical Gastroparesis Syndrome after Subtotal Gastrectimy胃大部切除术后残胃胃瘫综合征临床分析
7.Risk factors of infection after subtotal distal gastrectomy surgery胃大部切除术后感染的危险因素分析
8.Analysis of risk factors for infection after subtotal distal gastrectomy胃大部切除术后感染危险因素的分析
9.Experience in Diagnosis and Treatment of Tension-free Gastric Disease after Subtotal Gastectomy胃大部切除术后残胃无张力症的诊治体会
10.1 Case of Subtotal Gastrectomy of Gastric Cancer Complicated with Chronic Diarrhea胃癌胃大部切除术后并发慢性腹泻一例
11.Psychological Interventions for Patients Suffering from Postsurgical Gastroparesis Syndrome胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征患者的心理干预
12.Alimentary Canal Reconstruction by Improving Jejunal Loop ⅡType after Total Gastrectomy in 34 Patients全胃切除后袢式空肠改良Ⅱ式消化道重建术34例分析
13.Surgical Operation Skill and Tactics of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Patient of Subtotal Gastrectomy胃大部切除术后患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术的手术技巧及策略
14.Clinical analysis of gastroparesis syndrome after subtotal gastrectomy for gastroduodenal ulcer胃十二指肠溃疡胃大部切除术后胃瘫综合征的临床分析
15.Cognition on Postoperative Diet of Partial Gastrectomy in Nurses and Patients护士及胃大部切除术后患者对术后饮食的认知
17.The Effect of Subtotal Gastrectomy on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Non-Obese Patients胃大部切除术对非肥胖2型糖尿病的治疗作用
18.The value of clinical about subtotal gastrectomy surgery with stapling机械吻合在胃大部切除手术的临床应用

Postgastectomy and Billroth Ⅱ gastrojejunostomy胃大部切除毕Ⅱ式吻合术
3)Bi Ⅱ-gastrectomy毕Ⅱ-式胃切除术
1.Nursing of patients with gastroplegia after gastrectomy;胃大部切除术后胃瘫病人的护理
2.Objective To analyse the characteristics of cholelithiasis after radical gastrectomy and the possible causes.方法随访胃癌根治术术后长期存活(5~10年)和胃大部切除术后病例,观察比较术后胆结石的发病情况。
3.Objective To study the clinical characteristics and treatment of functional stomach evacuating disturbance(FSED) after subtotal gastrectomy.目的探讨胃大部切除术后功能性胃排空障碍的临床特点及治疗方法。
5)subtotal gastrectomy胃大部切除术
1.Clinical analysis of 76 cases of gastric stump cancer after subtotal gastrectomy;76例胃大部切除术后残胃癌临床分析
2.Surgical treatment for esophageal carcinoma after subtotal gastrectomy;胃大部切除术后食管癌的外科治疗
3.Analysis of diagnosis and treatment of 25 cases with functional delayed gastric emptying after subtotal gastrectomy;胃大部切除术后胃排空障碍25例诊治分析
6)subtotal gastrectomy胃大部分切除术
1.Objective To study the change of the serum gastrin(GAS)and plasma motilin(MTL)levels as well as the gastric motility in gastric cancer patients after subtotal gastrectomy.目的研究胃大部分切除术后胃癌患者血清胃泌素(GAS)、血浆胃动素(MTL)和胃动力的变化情况。
